Certain officers of the Council have delegated authority under the Council's constitution to make certain decisions which are recorded here to ensure openess and transparency in the Council's decision making.  Some decisions are made by officers as part of their day to day roles and are published on other parts of the Council's website, they can be viewed using the links below:

Decisions delegated to the Corporate Director of Economic Development:
Planning decisions -  http://publicaccess.carlisle.gov.uk/online-applications/
Tree Preservation Orders - http://www.carlisle.gov.uk/Residents/Planning-Building-Control/Heritage-Trees-and-Conservation/

Decisions delegated to the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Servicess
Animal related licences - http://www.carlisle.gov.uk/Business/Licences-and-Permits/animal-establishments/Animal-welfare

To view an officer decision please click on the title of the decision below, the relevant document will then appear on the right hand side of the page under Documents.

Officer Decisions

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