CMIS Organisation Structure


Appeals Panel 1

This is not a public meeting - Meetings are arranged as and when required

Appeals Panel 2

This is not a public meeting - Meetings are arranged as and when required

Appeals Panel 3

This is not a public meeting - Meetings are arranged as and when required

Audit Committee

Publications which are avaiable for the Audit Committee can be found under Public Documents above

Employment Panel

Meetings are arranged as and when required

Budget Consultation Meetings

Non Domestic Rate Payers and Trade Unions

Joint Management Team

This is not a public meeting

Joint Meeting Parish Reps

This is not a public meeting

Market Management Group

This is not a public meeting

Scrap Metal Dealers Determination Hearing

Meetings are arranged as and when required

Licensing Committee

This committee will commence at the time indicated or on the rising of the Regulatory Panel, whichever is the later

Licensing Sub-Committee 1

Meetings are arranged as and when required

Licensing Sub-Committee 2

Meetings are arranged as and when required

Licensing Sub-Committee 3

Meetings are arranged as and when required

Licensing Sub-Committee 4

Meetings are arranged as and when required

Scrutiny Chairs Group

This is not a public meeting - internal

Standards Committee

Meetings are arranged as and when required