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Meeting Summary
Business & Transformation Scrutiny Panel - up to 15 May 2022
7 Dec 2021 - 16:00 to 17:43
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items

**A pre meeting for Members to prepare for the Panel will take place 45 minutes before the meeting**

The Press and Public are welcome to attend for the
consideration of any items which are public.

Members of the Business & Transformation Scrutiny Panel

Councillor Bainbridge (Chair) , Councillors Alcroft (Vice Chair), Allison,  Mrs Bowman, Mrs Mitchell, Mitchelson, Sunter, Dr Tickner

Councillors Mrs Atkinson, Mrs Birks, Brown, Collier, Ms Ellis-Williams, Mrs Finlayson, Mrs Glendinning, Glover, Lishman, Mrs McKerrell, Meller, Morton, Patrick, Robson, Shepherd, Miss Sherriff, Southward, Mrs Tarbitt, Miss Whalen.

Public Items
To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutions.

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Dr Les Tickner, the Town Clerk and Chief Executive and the Corporate Director of Economic Development.
Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and any interests, relating to any items on the agenda at this stage.

In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct the following declarations of interest were submitted:

Councillor Bainbridge declared an interest in respect of agenda item A.2 (c) - Individual Charges Review - Licensing.  The interest related to him holding a small lottery licence.

Councillor Michelson declared an interest in respect of agenda item A.2 (c) - Individual Charges Review - Licensing.  The interest related to him holding small lottery licences.
To agree that the items of business within Part A of the agenda should be dealt with in public and that the items of business within Part B of the agenda should be dealt with in private.

RESOLVED – It was agreed that the items of business in Part A be dealt with in public and Part B be dealt with in private.

To note that Council, on the 9 November 2021, received and adopted the minutes of the meetings held on 26 August and 7 October 2021.  The Minutes will be signed by the Chair.
Minute Book Volume 48(3)

RESOLVED – It was noted that Council, at its meeting on 9 November 2021, received and adopted the minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 2021. The Chair signed the minutes.

To consider any matter which has been the subject of call-in.

There were no items which had been the subject of call-in.
A.2 Pdf BUDGET 2022/23 (142Kb)


Finance, Governance and Resources


Finance and Resources



Members are reminded that the Budget Book was circulated to all Councillors on 12 November 2021 and are asked to bring it to the meeting.


The Executive Decisions from 22 November 2021 are attached.


(a) Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel and Economic Growth Scrutiny Panel

To receive the views of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel and the Economic Growth Scrutiny Panel on the service implications of the Budget reports.

(Copy Minutes of 25 November and 2 December 2021 to follow)

Revenue Budget Reports:

(b) Budget Update – Revenue Estimates 2022/23 to 2026/27




Alison Taylor, Corporate Director of Finance and Resources

Budget Book Pages 1 - 28


To consider and comment on the summary of the Council’s revised revenue base estimates for 2021/22, together with base estimates for 2022/23 and forecasts up to 2026/27 for illustrative purposes.  Potential new spending pressures and savings are also considered along with new savings proposals and additional income generation. 


(c) Individual Charges Reviews –


To consider and comment upon Individual Charges review reports as follows:

Community Services




Darren Crossley, Deputy Chief Executive

  Budget Book pages 29 - 54


Economic Development




Jane Meek, Corporate Director of Economic Development

  Budget Book Pages 55 - 64


Governance and Regulatory Services




Mark Lambert, Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services

  Budget Book Pages 65 - 96






Mark Lambert, Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services

  Budget Book Pages 97 - 116


(d) Revised Capital programme 2021/22 and Provisional Capital Programme 2022/23 to 2026/27




Alison Taylor, Corporate Director of Finance and Resources

  Budget Book Pages 117 - 128


To consider and comment on the revised capital programme for 2021/22, together with the proposed method of financing and the proposed programme for 2022/23 to 2026/27 the light of new capital proposals identified, and the estimated capital resources available to fund the programme.

(e) Corporate Assets –3 Year Repair and Maintenance Programme 2022/23 – 2024/25




Mark Lambert, Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services

  Budget Book Pages 129 - 134


To consider and comment on the repair and maintenance programme budget proposals for the Council’s Corporate Property assets for the three year period 2022/23 to 2024/25 together with an update on building maintenance.


(f) Treasury Management Quarter 2 2021/22 and Forecasts for 2022/23 to 2026/27




Alison Taylor, Corporate Director of Finance and Resources

  Budget Book Pages 135 - 148


To receive the regular quarterly report on Treasury Transactions and the City Council’s Treasury Management estimates for 2022/23 with projections to 2026/27.


(g) Local Taxation 2022/23 – 2026/27




Alison Taylor, Corporate Director of Finance and Resources

  Budget Book Pages 149 - 158


To receive the considerations as part of the budget process that need to be made in relation to aspects of funding received by the Council from Local Taxation.


Why are these items on the agenda?

Annual scrutiny as part of the Budget process


What is the Panel being asked to do?

Scrutinise the reports and provide feedback to the Executive.

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources submitted the annual budget reports, noting that the Panel’s consideration marked the beginning of the process for setting and approving the Council’s Budget. 


Finance, Governance and Resources


Finance and Resources


Alison Taylor, Corporate Director of Finance and Resources


RD.50/21 and Minute Excerpt herewith


The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to submit a report providing an overview of the Council’s overall budgetary position for the period April to September 2021 for revenue schemes only.  The matter was considered by the Executive on 22 November 2021.


Why is this item on the agenda?

Budget monitoring report.


What is the Panel being asked to do?

To scrutinise the overall budgetary position for the period April to September 2021.

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources submitted the Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring Report (RD.50/21) for the period April to September 2021. Outlined within the report were the overall budget position for revenue schemes only and details of the impact of Covid 19 on the revenue budget. The report also included details of balance sheet management issues. Bad debts written off and progress against the budget savings.
Set out at paragraph 2 was the summarised budgetary position as at September 2021; the main variances were as summarised at paragraph 2.4. The table at paragraph 2.9 showed the position as at September 2021 of savings achieved against the transformation savings targets to date.
The Council's financial position, which was affected by a number of external factors which had a financial impact during the course of the year and ultimately at the year end, would continue to be closely monitored and reported more fully in a future monitoring report. It would be important to maintain a prudent approach so as to ensure a sustainable budget position for future years to avoid any significant variance at the year end.

Information on the main variances in the Directorates' Budgets; the forecast outturn position for 2021/22; and impact of COVID-19 was provided.

The matter had been considered by the Executive at their meeting on 22 November 2021 (EX.142/21 referred) and resolved:

"That the Executive:
1. Noted the budgetary performance position of the Council to September 2021;
2. Noted the action by the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to write off bad debts as detailed in paragraph 6 of Report RD.50/21;
3. Noted the release of reserves as set out in the table at paragraph 2.2, and noted the virements approved as detailed in Appendix A to the report.

In considering the report Members raised the following comments and questions:

- The report included a number of budget underspends, what was the reason for these and were there any services that the Council was no longer carrying out?

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources clarified that a lot of the underspends were additional income being achieved, the Council had not stopped providing any services as far as she was aware.

- Regarding the distribution of Covid 19 grants, what had been the Council's role in the work?

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources explained that the Council's only role was to distribute the grants in accordance with strict government guidelines.  Any associated costs had been recompensed through new burden funding.

- How often were the Lanes projections reviewed and was the Council responsible for part of the business rates on empty units?

The Head of Property Services informed the Panel that the projections were reviewed quarterly.  The Council paid its share of business rates through the rent reconciliation process.

RESOLVED - That the Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring report April to September 2021 (RD.50/21) be received.


Finance, Governance and Resources


Finance and Resources


Alison Taylor, Corporate Director of Finance and Resources


RD.51/21 and Minute Excerpt herewith


The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to submit a report providing an overview of the budgetary position of the City Council’s capital programme for the period April to September 2021.  The matter was considered by the Executive on 22 November 2021.


Why is this item on the agenda?

Budget monitoring report

What is the Panel being asked to do?
To scrutinise the overall budgetary position for the period April to September 2021.

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources submitted report RD.51/21 providing an overview of the budgetary position of the City Council's capital programme for the period April to September 2021. Detailed therein were the capital budget overview; the overall budget position for the various Directorates; the monitoring and control of expenditure against budget allocations and the exercise of virement.
As at the end of September, expenditure of £8,382,797 had been incurred on the Council’s core capital programme. When considered against the profiled budget of £8,792,106 that equated to an underspend of £409,309. The unspent balance remaining of the revised annual budget of £29,537,200 was £21,154,403. A review of the 2021/22 capital programme would be undertaken to identify accurate project profiles for the remainder of the financial year, any potential slippage into future years.
In addition, paragraph 3.10 recorded that a number of schemes were included in the capital programme for 2021/22 which required reports to be presented to the Executive for the release of funding before the project could go ahead.
The 2021/22 programme had been kept to a level that took account of the Council’s ability to deliver schemes with regard to capacity and available resources. Work was ongoing to continue to monitor the profiling of budgets, and those were adjusted to reflect progress in current capital schemes. It was likely that there would still be a requirement for some carry forwards at the year end due to further slippage and delays on projects. Budgets now totalling £380,000 were being held in reserves until approved by Executive for release, noting that the Levelling Up bid had not been successful.

The Executive had considered the matter at their meeting on 22 November 2021 (EX.143/21 referred) and resolved:

"That the Executive:
1. Noted and had commented on the budgetary position and performance aspects of the capital programme for the period April to September 2021;
2. Noted adjustments to the 2021/22 capital programme as detailed in paragraph 2.1 of report RD.51/21;
3. Approved the reduction to the 2021/22 capital programme as detailed in paragraph 3.3 and paragraph 3.10."

In considering the report Members raised the following comments and questions:

- A Member asked for the following information regarding the S.106 funding for Affordable Homes:
     - would all of the money be used to bring empty properties back into use;
     - how many houses were being brought back into use;
     - who were payments made to.

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources agreed to ask the Corporate Director of Economic Development to provide the Panel with a written response.
- How would the Towns Deal funding be released and would it be completed before LGR?

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources confirmed that the business case for the projects were being prepared and some funding would be released early in the new year.  The Towns Deal had a two year period to complete the projects.

Referring to the LGR, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services informed the Panel that government would issue a direction relating to expenditure.  When the direction was in force it would state what level of expenditure by the City council would require agreement by the Shadow Authority.  It was expected that the levels would be £1m in capital and £100,000 over a 12 month period for revenue.

RESOLVED - That the Capital Budget Overview and Monitoring Report April to September 2021 be received (RD.51/21).

2) That the Corporate Director of Economic Development provide the Panel with information on the use of S.106 funding (Affordable Homes commuted Sums) to bring empty properties back into use, specifically:
     - would all of the money be used to bring empty properties back into use;
     - how many houses were being brought back into use;
     - who were payments made to.


Finance, Governance and Resources


Community Services


Darren Crossley, Deputy Chief Executive


CS.45/21 herewith


The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report on the authority’s quarter 2 sickness absence levels for the period 1 April to 30 September 2021 and other sickness absence information.


Why is this item on the agenda?

Annual monitoring of sickness absence within the authority.


What is the Panel being asked to do?
Scrutinise and comment on the information on sickness absence provided in the report.



The HR Manager submitted the authority's sickness absence levels for the period 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021 and outlined other sickness absence information (CS.45/21).

The HR Manager reported that the new Improving Attendance Policy took effect on 22 September 2021.  Current sickness statistics were set out in table 2.1 and showed the number of days lost per FTE equated to 5.9 in the fist half of 2021/22.

The report set out the split between long term and short term absences; absences split by directorate; trends and the reasons for sickness absence.

In considering the report Members raised the following comments and questions:

- The Panel asked for an update on the return to work interview figures.

The HR Manager agreed to circulate the figures when the next quarter figures were confirmed.

- Had the new Improving Attendance Policy been implemented, had training been carried out and was there any feedback on the new Policy?

The HR Manager confirmed that the Policy had been implemented and some online training had been made available with further training being organised for the new year.  The HR team were engaging with officers and staff when an absence occurred and were guiding individuals through the Policy as necessary.  The HR Manager felt that the Policy and the proactive approach was working very well and she expected to see a reduction in long term absence figures in the next quarter.  She added that the Organisational Development initiatives also supported a quicker return to work and ensured staff had a range of support available to them.

- A large percentage of the sickness absence figures fell to one Directorate, what work was being undertaken to support individuals?

The Deputy Chief Executive acknowledged the issue and explained that work was being carried out to give supervisors the confidence and support to address the issues in a consistent focused way in tandem with the wellbeing support that was available.

- Was there any statistics on how LGR was impacting staff?

The Deputy Chief Executive was not able to say if LGR had negatively impacted the wellbeing of staff, however, the Senior Management Team was doing everything possible to engage with staff throughout the process and keep them informed.  He reminded the Panel that pulse surveys had been undertaken during the pandemic and suggested it may prove useful to carry out one on the impact of LGR in the future.

- Had the percentage of stress, depression, mental health, fatigue syndromes related absences increased during the pandemic?

The Deputy Chief Executive agreed to add this information to the next update report.

RESOLVED - 1) That the Sickness Absence Quarter 2 2021/22 report be received (CS.45/21)

2)  That the HR Manager circulate the next quarter return to work figures to the Panel as soon as they were available.


Finance, Governance and Resources


Corporate Support


Gary Oliver, Policy and Performance Officer


PC.40/21 herewith


The Policy and Communications Manager to submit a report on the Quarter 2 2021/22 performance against the Council’s current Service Standards and a summary of the Carlisle Plan 2021-23  actions as defined in the Plan.  Performance against the Panel’s 2021/22 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are also included. 


Why is this item on the agenda?

Annual monitoring of performance.


What is the Panel being asked to do?

Scrutinise the performance of the City Council with a view to seeking continuous improvement in how the Council delivers its priorities.


The Policy and Performance Officer submitted the quarter 2 2021/22 performance against current Service Standards and an update on the delivery of the Carlisle Plan 2021-23 actions as defined in the Plan.  Performance against the Panel's 2021/22 Key Performance Indicators were also included (PC.40/21).

The Policy and Performance Officer drew the Panel's attention to the Summary of Exceptions and the associated reasons.

At the request of the Chair, the Policy and Performance Officer gave an update on the increase in the number of corporate complaints received:
38 complaints had been received in the first two quarters.  17 of them related to actions / decisions that were not within the remit of the Council to change ie planning decisions.  12 complaints had been received in neighbourhood services, primarily missed collections, this had been a result of the HGV driver shortages. 9 complaints had been received by Environmental Services and related to 2 cases with multiple complainants / complaints.  One of the complainants had since received a vexatious complaint warning letter from the Council.

A Member highlighted the number of working days to process new benefit claims and asked if the authority was still supporting the Test and Trace Support payments and if any additional staff had been employed to carry out the additional work.

RESOLVED - 1) That the Quarter 2 Performance Report 2021/22 be received (PC.40/21);

2) That the Policy and Performance Officer provide the Panel with further information on the Test and Trace Support payments and how the additional work was staffed.



Cross Cutting


Cross Cutting


Rowan Jones, Overview and Scrutiny Officer


OS.29/21 herewith


To consider a report providing an overview of matters related to the work of the Business and Transformation Scrutiny Panel.


Why is this item on the agenda?

The Business and Transformation Scrutiny Panel operates within a work plan which has been set for the 2021/22 municipal year.  The Plan will be reviewed at every meeting so that it can be adjusted to reflect the wishes of the Panel and take into account items relevant to this Panel in the latest Notice of Executive Key Decisions.


What is the Panel being asked to do?
Note the items within Panel remit on the most recent Notice of Executive Key Decisions
Note the current work programme

The Overview and Scrutiny Officer presented report OS.29/21 providing an overview of matters relating to the work of the Business and Transformation Scrutiny Panel and the Panel’s Work Programme.

The Overview and Scrutiny Officer provided an update on the outstanding resolutions and reported that a report on the management arrangements at Talkin Tarn had been added to the Work Programme for the February 2022 meeting.

At the request of the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources the Panel agreed to defer the Covid 19 financial implications wrap up report until after 31 March 2022 when the final grants had been distributed.

RESOLVED – 1) That the Overview Report incorporating the Key Decision items relevant to the Business and Transformation Scrutiny Panel be noted (OS.29/21).

2) That the following amendments be made to the Work Programme:
     - Add Talkin Tarn Management Arrangements to the 24 February 2022 
     - Defer the Covid 19 financial implications wrap up report from 6 January 2022 until after 31 March 2022.
Exempt Items

- NIL -

Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to:


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Councillor Dr Les Tickner Councillor Christopher Wills
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Also Present:     Councillor J Mallinson, Leader
                            Councillor Ellis, Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder
                            Councillor Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder

Officers:     Deputy Chief Executive
                    Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services
                    Corporate Director of Finance and Resources
                    Head of Property Services
                    Neighbourhood Services Manager
                    HR Manager
                    Policy and Performance Officer
                    Overview and Scrutiny Officer