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Meeting Summary
21 Feb 2022 - 16:02 to 16:20
  • Documents
  • Attendance
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  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of the Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder and the Deputy Chief Executive. 
To agree that the items of business within Part A of the agenda should be dealt with in public and that the items of business within Part B of the agenda should be dealt with in private.

RESOLVED - That the Agenda be agreed as circulated.
Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and any interests, relating to any items on the agenda at this stage.

No declarations of interest were submitted.

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Executive on 19 January 2022.
(Copy Minutes herewith)

RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2022 be agreed.
Public Items

(Key Decision – KD.02/22)

The Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to submit a Heat Decarbonisation Plan looking at how the City Council can improve the energy efficiency of our portfolio.
(Copy Report GD.12/22 herewith)


(Key Decision KD.02/22)

Portfolio     Finance, Governance and Resources

Relevant Scrutiny Panel     Business and Transformation

Subject Matter

The Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder submitted a Heat Decarbonisation Plan for the Council's operational buildings portfolio. (GD.12/22)

The Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder reported that Carlisle City Council developed its Local Environment (Climate Change) Strategy in August 2020 and had subsequently committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions for sites within its operational control.  The Council had taken significant steps to reduce its emissions and wanted to target further reductions through its building stock and heat usage to ensure the UK Government 2050 ambition was met. 

The Council had been successful in securing funding through Phase 2 of the Public Sector Fund to produce a Heat Decarbonisation Plan (HDP).  A HDP was the starting point in looking at how the Council improved energy efficiency in its portfolio.

The Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder moved, and the Leader seconded, the recommendations.

Summary of options rejected  not to approve the Heat Decarbonisation Plan


That the Executive:
1) Approved a Heat Decarbonisation Plan for its operational buildings portfolio
2) Delegated responsibility to accept the grant funding to the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Resources.

Reasons for Decision

The HDP was a small step in the journey to net zero.  It set out opportunities for the Council to reduce its energy consumption and associated emissions.  Approving the HDP offered the opportunity to apply for funding to undertake the recommended improvements and improve the environmental performance of its operation portfolio.

(Key Decision – KD.03/22)

The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a review on how car parking can support retail and footfall in the city centre.
(Copy Report CS.09/22 herewith)


(Key Decision KD.03/22)

Portfolio     Environment and Transport

Relevant Scrutiny Panel     Business and Transformation Scrutiny Panel

Subject Matter

The Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder reported that as part of the budget discussions at the meeting of City Council on Tuesday 01 February 2022, it was announced that options were to be developed to further support the retail and leisure sector through a review of car parking offers designed to increase footfall and dwell-time in the city centre.  The proposals would introduce, for up to one year:

Free parking at weekends and on bank / public holidays
Reduced rate parking Monday to Friday for the first hour

Report CS.09/22 highlighted the potential impact of the proposed offers on income levels for 2022-23 and confirmed the next steps and timescales to take this forward.  

Referring to the consultation responses, the Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder set out the Council's involvement in a variety of walking, cycling and public transport schemes aimed at encouraging people to use alternatives to cars.  In addition the Council supported the Government's policy to decarbonise car transport.

The Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder moved the recommendations.

The Economy,
Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder commented that the proposals supported the recovery of the economy and would encourage visitors back to the city centre.  She seconded the recommendations.

Summary of options rejected  not to carry out a review of car parking


The Executive reviewed the feedback from the consultation and agreed to:

- provide free parking at weekends, bank and public holidays as per the table in section 5.1 of report CS.09/22;
- introduce a reduced fee of £1 for the first hour of parking in city centre Council pay and display car parks
- implement the changes from 1 April 2002 or at a date as soon as possible;
- terminate the offer on 31 March 2023, subject to review.

Reasons for Decision

To consider options to further support the retail and leisure sector through a review of car parking offers designed to increase footfall and dwell-time in the city centre.

(Non Key Decision)

The Notice of Executive Key Decisions, published on 21 January 2022, is submitted for information.
(Copy Notice herewith)

(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio     Cross-Cutting

Relevant Scrutiny Panel

Health and Wellbeing; Economic Growth; Business and Transformation

Subject Matter

The Notice of Executive Key Decisions dated 21 January 2022 was submitted for information.

Summary of options rejected     None


That the Notice of Executive Key Decisions dated 21 January 2022 be received.

Reasons for Decision     Not applicable

(Non Key Decision)

A Schedule detailing decisions taken by the Leader / Portfolio Holders under delegated powers is attached for information.
(Copy Schedule herewith)

Background Papers – as detailed within the Schedule

(Non Key Decision)
Portfolio     Cross-cutting
Relevant Scrutiny Panel

Health and Wellbeing; Economic Growth; Business and Transformation

Subject Matter
Details of decisions taken by the Leader and Portfolio Holders under delegated powers were submitted.

Summary of options rejected     none

That the decisions, attached as Appendix A, be noted.
Reasons for Decision      Not applicable

(Non Key Decision)

A Schedule detailing decisions taken by Officers under delegated powers is attached for information.
(Copy Schedule herewith)

Background Papers – as detailed within the Schedule

(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio     Cross-cutting

Relevant Scrutiny Panel

Health and Wellbeing; Economic Growth; Business and Transformation

Subject Matter

Details of decisions taken by Officers under delegated powers were submitted.

Summary of options rejected     None


That the decisions, attached as Appendix B, be noted.

Reasons for Decision      Not applicable

(Non Key Decision)

The Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Management Team held on 20 December 2021 are submitted for information.
(Copy Minutes to follow)

(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio     Cross-cutting

Relevant Scrutiny Panel

Health and Wellbeing; Economic Growth; Business and Transformation

Subject Matter

The Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Management Team held on 19 January 2022 were submitted for information.

Summary of options rejected    


That the Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Management Team held on 19 January 2022, attached as Appendix C, be received.

Reasons for Decision Not applicable

(Non Key Decision)

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to submit a report providing an overview of the Council’s overall budgetary position for the period April to December 2021 for revenue schemes only and provides details of the impact of COVID-19 on the revenue budget.
(Copy Report RD.70/21 herewith)


Portfolio       Finance, Governance and Resources

Relevant Scrutiny Panel     Business and Transformation

Subject Matter

The Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder submitted the Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring Report for the period April to December 2021 (RD.70/21), which set out an overview of the overall budgetary position for revenue schemes only and provided details of the impact of Covid 19 on the revenue budget.  The report also included details of balance sheet management issues, bad debts written off in the period and progress against the budget sayings. 

The Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder concluded by moving the recommendations.  The Leader seconded the recommendations.

Summary of options rejected                none


That Executive:

  1. Noted the budgetary performance position of the Council to December 2021;
  2. Noted the action taken by the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to write-off bad debts as detailed in paragraph 7;
  3. Noted the release of reserves as set out in the table at paragraph 2.2, and noted the virements approved as detailed in Appendix A of report RD.70/21.

Reasons for Decision

To show that the Executive had been informed of the Council's actual financial position compared with the budgeted position, and to bring to their attention any areas of concern

(Non Key Decision)

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to submit a report providing an overview of the budgetary position of the City Council’s capital programme for the period April to December 2021.
(Copy Report RD.71/21 herewith)


(Non Key Decision)

**(In accordance with Paragraph 15(i) of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, The Mayor had agreed that call-in procedures should not be applied to this item)


Portfolio       Finance, Governance and Resources

Relevant Scrutiny Panel     Business and Transformation

Subject Matter

The Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder submitted report RD.71/21 providing an overview of the budgetary position of the City Council's capital programme for the period April to December 2021.

The Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder moved, and the Leader seconded, the recommendations.

Summary of options rejected                none

That the Executive:

  1. Noted and had commented on the budgetary position and performance aspects of the capital programme for the period April to December 2021;
  2. Noted adjustments to the 2021/22 capital programme as detailed in paragraph 2.1 of report RD.71/21;
  3. Made recommendations to Council to approve reprofiling of £4,295,300 as detailed in para 3.9 and Appendix A from 2021/22 into 2022/23.

Reasons for Decision

To inform the Executive of the Council's actual financial position opposite its Capital Programme

(Non Key Decision)

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to submit the regular quarterly report on Treasury Transactions, including the requirements of the Prudential Code.

(Copy Report RD.72/21 herewith)


(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio       Finance, Governance and Resources

Relevant Scrutiny Panel      Business and Transformation 

bject Matter

The Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder submitted report RD.72/21 providing the regular quarterly report on Treasury Transactions, including the requirements of the Prudential Code.

The Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder moved, and the Leader seconded, the recommendation.

Summary of options rejected                none



That Report RD.72/21 be received, and the Prudential Indicators noted as at the end of December 2021.

Reasons for Decision

To ensure that the Council’s investments are in line with the appropriate policies, including the Treasury Management Strategy Statement

(Non Key Decision)

The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to submit a report
detailing funding available to the Executive in 2022/23 to respond to proposals considered at the Council Budget meeting on 1 February 2022 where it was agreed that these proposals be funded from existing resources.
(Copy Report RD.75/21 herewith)


(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio       Finance, Governance and Resources

Relevant Scrutiny Panel      Business and Transformation

Subject Matter

The Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder submitted report RD.75/21 which detailed funding available in 2022/23 to respond to proposals considered at the Council Budget meeting on 1 February 2022 where it was agreed that the proposals be funded from existing resources.

Council had debated nine amendments to the budget proposals which were either defeated or withdrawn; however, as part of the debate, the Executive confirmed their commitment to allocate funds for mental health support/Happy Mums Foundation and environmental clean-up and enforcement. These were to be funded from existing resources and as they were individually over £35,000, they must be approved by the Executive in line with the Council’s Scheme of Virement.

Funding had been identified in the 2022/23 base budget which could be vired, when required, from the Old Fire Station budget provision, which was no longer required now that the property and functions were being operated by a third party and subject to a lease agreement. £100,000 could be vired from this budget provision.

The Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder moved the recommendations which were seconded by the Leader.

Summary of options rejected     none


That the Executive approved two separate virements totalling £100,000 as detailed in report RD.75/21 to fund the following, when required:

  1. Additional non-recurring funding of £40,000 to be used to support mental health provision in Carlisle, which would include a £10,000 contribution to the Happy Mums Foundation;
  2. Additional non-recurring funding of £60,000 to support the continuation of the existing environmental clean-up and enforcement scheme.

Reasons for Decision

To fund the commitments provided by the Executive at Council on 1 February 2022.

(Non Key Decision)

The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report
providing the justification for the intention to introduce an experimental traffic regulation order for Rickerby Park Car Parks.
(Copy Report CS.11/22 herewith)


(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio       Environment and Transport

Relevant Scrutiny Panel             Economic Growth

Subject Matter

The Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder submitted a report which set out the justification for the intention to introduce an experimental traffic regulation order for Rickerby Park car Parks (CS.11/21).

Rickerby Park had open access to the park off the highway that runs from Brampton Road to Linstock. This open access from the highway had, unfortunately, meant that in recent years the park had been used for numerous unauthorised encampments on the grassed areas, and repeated overnight parking in the 3 car parks of Rickerby Park by holiday makers and members of the campervan community.

Whilst unauthorised encampments can be moved on by serving a legal notice and the courts, there currently was no way to legally enforce no overnight parking by other groups. Therefore, there was a requirement to create an experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) to allow ‘No overnight Parking’ to be enforced. This would allow the Council to have a consistent approach to all groups wanting to use the park for overnight stays.

the Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder moved the recommendations which were seconded by the Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder.

Summary of options rejected  not to create an experimental traffic regulation order


That the Executive approved the introduction of an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for Rickerby Park car parks.

Reason for Decision

To approve an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order to cover three car parks in Rickerby Park so that 'no overnight parking' can be enforced and support the health and wellbeing of residents who overlook the park.

Exempt Items

(Key Decision – KD.04/22)

The report is not for publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as the report contains exempt information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)

The Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to submit a report requesting the approval of the disposal of the City Council’s property assets to allow the creation of a city centre campus for the University of Cumbria.
(Copy Report GD.11/22 herewith)

Members of the Executive

Councillor J Mallinson (Leader's Portfolio)
Councillor G Ellis (Deputy Leader, and Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder)
Councillor N Christian (Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder)
Councillor S Higgs (Culture, Heritage and Leisure Portfolio Holder)
Councillor Mrs E Mallinson (Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder)
Councillor Mrs Bowman (Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder)

Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to:

Notes to Members:
Decisions made at this meeting, if not subject to call-in, will normally become live on 3 March 2022

Additional Meeting Documents

  2. B.1 Citadels Project - Appendix 4
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Anne Mallinson 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Officers:     Town Clerk and Chief Executive
                    Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services
                    Corporate Director of Finance and Resources
                    Corporate Director of Economic Development