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Meeting Details

This is a Special Meeting
Meeting Summary
1 Feb 2022 - 18:45 to 00:13
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Public Items
6. Questions from Members of the Council
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report that no questions have been submitted on notice by Members of the City Council.
7. Notice of Motion
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report that no motions have been submitted on notice by Members of the Council.
Pursuant to Minute EX.09/22 to consider a report of the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources regarding the Council's Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Strategy for 2022/23.
(Copy Report RD.66/21 herewith and Minute Extracts herewith / to follow)

The meeting to consider the City Council’s 2022/23 General Fund Revenue Budget and its Capital Budget for 2022/23 and the recommendations of the Executive thereon and to pass appropriate resolutions thereon.

Background Reports

A number of reports which have been considered as background reports to the preparation of the Budget have previously been circulated to all Members under cover of a letter from the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services dated 12 November 2021. 


 Members are requested to bring these to the meeting.


A copy of the following background reports were also considered by the meeting of the City Council on 14 September 2021.  Members have previously had copies of these reports as part of the book of Budget Reports.  If, however, you require a further copy please contact the Democratic Services Section prior to the meeting.

Report RD.36/21 – Medium Term Financial Plan 2022/23 – 2026/27
Report RD.37/21 – Capital Investment Strategy 2022/23 – 2026/27
Report GD.58/21 – Asset Management Plan 2022 to 2027

(Copy Minute Extract from the 22 November 2021 Executive meeting in relation to the Budget, together with the Minutes of the special Executive held on 13 December 2021 are enclosed herewith for all Members of the City Council)


The Executive, at their meeting on 20 December 2021, also gave consideration to:

(Copy Report and Minute Extracts herewith)
(Copy Report and Minute Extracts herewith)

In addition, the following documentation was circulated to Members of the Executive with the Agenda for the meeting of the Executive on 19 January 2022 and copies are now enclosed for all Members of the City Council:

(Copy Report herewith and Minute Extract to follow)
(Copy Report herewith and Minute Extract to follow)
(Copy Reports herewith and Minute Extract to follow)
9.(2) Budget Consultation Feedback

Copies of the Minutes of the following Consultation Meetings and feedback from the consultation on the Executive Draft Budget Proposals, have been circulated to Members of the Executive with the Agenda for the meeting of the Executive on 19 January 2022. 

(Copy Minute Extract herewith)

9.(2)(iv) Pdf Consultation Feedback (108Kb)
(Copy public consultation feedback herewith)
Copies of the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 19 January 2022 which relate to the Council's Budget for 2022/23 and which set out the recommendations of the Executive in respect of its budget proposals are submitted.

(Copy Minutes to follow and Executive Budget Proposals 2022/23 herewith)
9.(4) Pdf Procedure (80Kb)
The suggested procedure for dealing with the Executive's recommendations and the City Council's Budget is itemised in a Procedure Note for the convenience of Members.
(Copy Note herewith)
Pursuant to Minute EX.15/22 to consider a report of the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services regarding the establishment of a Cumberland Joint Committee.
(Copy Report GD.07/22 herewith and Minute Extract to follow)

Pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15 (i), the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report on the operation of call-in and urgency procedures.
(Copy Report GD.08/22 herewith)

12. Communications
To receive and consider communications and to deal with such other business as may be brought forward by the Mayor as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Procedure Rule 2.1(xv) to pass such resolution or resolutions thereon as may be considered expedient or desirable.
Exempt Items

- NIL - 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor James Robert BainbridgeC..22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Yewdale Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor Jeffrey Thomas BomfordC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre Funding.Registrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Carlisle and District Citizens’ Advice Bureau Trustee Management Committee
Councillor Lisa BrownC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related to her role as the City Council Trustee on the Denton Holme Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor Lisa BrownC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.3 – Carlisle – A Social Enterprise CityRegistrable InterestThe interest related to her employment as Director of Carlisle Community Help CIC; Organise. Act. Change CIC; and Cumbria Boxed LTD
Councillor Dr Helen DavisonC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre Funding.Registrable InterestThe interest related to her role as the City Council Trustee on the Belah Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor Gareth Michael EllisC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Belah Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor Ms Jo Ellis-WilliamsC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related to her role as the City Council Trustee on the Harraby Community Centre Management Committee.
Councillor Mrs Anne GlendinningC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related her role as a Trustee Member of Botcherby Community Centre Board.
Councillor Colin William GloverC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre Funding.Registrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Currock Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor Neville John LishmanC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Morton Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor John MallinsonC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre Funding.Registrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Longtown Community Centre Management Committee.
Councillor Keith MellerC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related to his role on Brampton Community Centre.
Councillor David Douglass MortonC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Belah Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor Lucy PatrickC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre Funding. Registrable InterestThe interest related to her role as the City Council Trustee on the Currock Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor David ShepherdC.22/22The interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Carlisle and District Citizens’ Advice Bureau Trustee Management CommitteeRegistrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Carlisle and District Citizens’ Advice Bureau Trustee Management Committee
Councillor Miss Lee Barbara SherriffC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre Funding.Registrable InterestThe interest related to her role as the City Council Trustee on the Harraby Community Centre Management Committee and the Petteril Bank Community Centre Management Committee.
Councillor Christopher John SouthwardC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre Funding.Registrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Denton Holme Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor Dr Les TicknerC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related to his role at Trustee of the Yewdale Community Association and Treasurer of Carlisle Community Help
Councillor Miss Jeanette Maria WhalenC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre FundingRegistrable InterestThe interest related to her role as the City Council Trustee on the Yewdale Community Centre Management Committee
Councillor Christopher WillsC.22/22Labour Group Proposed Amendment No.1 – Community Centre Funding.Registrable InterestThe interest related to his role as the City Council Trustee on the Currock Community Centre Management Committee


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