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Meeting Summary
20 Jul 2021 - 18:45 to 22:23
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
3. Minutes
The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meeting of the City Council held on 27 April; 24 May and 15 June 2021.
Public Items
7. Questions by Members of the Public

 Any views or opinions expressed in the question set out in this Agenda paper are those of the person submitting the question and do not necessarily reflect the position, views or opinions of the Council.


 Children’s Play Area on new Estates


 Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.1, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following questions submitted on notice by a member of the public:


 Question 1:


 “Persimmon Homes are the Parent Company of the House Builder Charles Church who have been responsible for the development of the Cloverfields and Fairybeck Gardens Housing complexes at Cummersdale Road end on Dalston Road, Carlisle.  Cloverfields, built first, comprises more than 100 private dwellings yet when completed there was no facility on the site for children to play.  Apparently this item was for consideration upon the completion of the 2nd phase of Build at Fairybeck Gardens.  That phase now being complete, there remains no Play Area for Children in an area covered by some 200 family homes, yet according to an email I received over 2 years ago from the Managing Director of Persimmon Homes, handed money over to and at the request of Carlisle City Council for the future erection of such a facility.


As there is still no play areas on either of these sites, the nearest is a small park in Cummersdale.  In order to get to this play park from these Estates, children have to cross over a very busy Dalston Road and then walk up another busy narrow access roadway with limited, narrow pavements. Given these dangers, parents are having to either accompany their children to this park or transport them to larger, better facilities in other parts of the city thereby increasing the already congested, heavy traffic flow.


Given that we constantly hear from Government Ministers that “children are the future” and that there are big N.H.S. concerns about obesity, physical and mental health well being of the young, when will Carlisle City Council do the right thing and provide a suitable Play Area for the children of these two Estates with the monies they have already received from Persimmon and if they have no intention of doing such, what are they intending to do with those monies that they themselves requested from Persimmon in lieu of such facility?"

Question 2:

"Specklewood, is a new housing complex at the southern fringe of the city, it was erected at the same time as Cloverfield and by the same Housing Development Company (Persimmon).  It has been provided with a ‘Children’s Play Area’ when there are already several similar facilities within that vicinity (Pennine View, Waterman’s Walk and London Road).


Considering the physical, psychological, educational and social developmental advantages we are told there are in children’s play, the desire for play outside in fresh air, in a child friendly safe environment rather than on the streets with their parked cars as well as moving traffic and all the dangers they create, to be away from their TV’s, Tablets & X Boxes and of course the current National trend to eradicate childhood obesity, can you tell me and the citizens of this city, what criteria are Carlisle City Council adhering to in order to make their decision as to who gets and who does not get a ‘Children’s Play Area’ ?"

8. Presentation of Petitions and Deputations

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.11, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report that no petitions or deputations have been submitted by members of the public. 


9. Questions from Members of the Council

Any views or opinions expressed in the questions set out in this Agenda paper are those of the persons submitting the questions and do not necessarily reflect the position, views or opinions of the Council.

(i) Carlisle Fire Show

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following question submitted on notice by Councillor Bomford:

“Can the Leader or Portfolio Holder tell me if there will be Fireworks or a Bonfire this year and if it will be a future event?

I would like to see this Council take the opportunity to change this type of event in light of the Climate Change Policy and also create a new trend or event that can be enjoyed by everyone.”


(ii) New Council House Provision in Carlisle and its Districts

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following question submitted on notice by Councillor Brown:

“On the 5th of November 2019 a motion was passed and resolved that Carlisle City Councils Executive look into the benefits, social value and business case for new council house provision in Carlisle and its districts and report back its conclusions to Full Council.

Minutes from the Executive on the 16th of December 2019 state:

“The Leader moved that Officers be requested to prepare a paper on the matter for submission to a future meeting of the Executive; which course of action was agreed.


That Officers be requested to report back to a future meeting of the Executive.”

Can the Portfolio holder update us on how this report has progressed over the last 18 months?”

(iii) Hawker Festival

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following question submitted on notice by Councillor Brown:

“The recently held Hawker Festival, in Carlisle City Centre was claimed a success by the Council. What was the exact criteria a local business had to meet in order to be allowed a free stall at the event and how many expressions of interest were received.”

10. Minutes of the Executive
The Council will be requested to receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on 2 June and 5 July 2021 and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holders on those Minutes.
11. Executive - Portfolio Holder Reports
The Council will be asked to receive reports from the following Portfolio Holders:
(vi) Pdf Leader's Portfolio (140Kb)
and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holder on those reports.
(Copy Reports herewith)
12. Minutes

The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meetings as detailed within the Minute Book  Volume 48 (1); and ask questions of the Leader, Portfolio Holders and Committee Chairs.



For ease of reference the Minutes are:

Committee Meeting Date
Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel 8 April and 10 June 2021
Business and Transformation Scrutiny Panel  1 April and 3 June 2021
Economic Growth Scrutiny Panel 12 April and 17 June 2021
Regulatory Panel 28 April and 4 May 2021
Licensing Committee 28 April 2021
Development Control Committee 24 March; 26 March; 28 April; 30 April; 9 June; 9 June; and 11 June 2021
Audit Committee 20 May 2021
Appeals Panel  21 April 2021

13. Scrutiny
The Council will be asked to receive reports from the following:
(Copy Reports herewith)
14. Notice of Motions

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following motion submitted on notice by Councillor Bomford:


(i) Special Event

“I would like to propose that this Council create or have a special event in town at the most suitable time in regard to COVID-19 and lockdown. 

I ask for this special event to allow the people of Carlisle an opportunity to grieve as one and celebrate the lives of those lost during the last year and a bit. 

I would like this Council to create a Members Advisory Group, to help steer the event planning. 

I feel that this event will help create solidarity and allow closure for those that have lost loved ones - friends or family members but were unable to attend any form of funeral or even a family gathering.

 I would like to see, if possible an area within the event that would allow people to place photographs or a small item that reminds them of their loved one, that we may be able to collect together as a keepsake to remind us all of what was lost during COVID-19. It would be nice to be able to store these and maybe even show them as a part of Carlisle history within the likes of Tullie house.

The Members Advisory Group would scope the funding and to see if its viable to do. But I would like to see it funded by project funding with the chance of applying for further grants and partnerships.

Thank you for considering this proposal.”

(ii) Carlisle's Turkish Baths

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following motion submitted on notice by Councillor Ms Ellis-Williams:

"This council is proud of Carlisle's people and places both past and present and believes that every effort should be made to preserve, enhance and promote the city's living heritage, in particular the Victorian and Edwardian Baths on James Street.

Council notes that:
1. Carlisle's Turkish Baths are one of only 11 original Turkish Baths still in operation in the UK
2. That the original 1884 Public Baths building is to remain after demolition of the 1970s pool & reception, and houses two fully functioning pools, a gym and changing facilities
3. Carlisle's Turkish Baths provide the only publicly available steam, sauna & relaxation facilities in the city, and that the continued provision of these facilities will play an important role in the wellbeing and mental health of local residents as we emerge from the COVID pandemic.

This Council pledges that:
- Through the scrutiny process, it will examine and assess the findings of the Mott Macdonald feasibility study into the Victoria and Edwardian Baths.
- It will retain the building for the health and well-being purposes as it was originally intended and look at future potential and sustainability of the development." 

(iii) RVA Surveyors

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following motion submitted on notice by Councillor Bainbridge:

"This Council notes the recent publicity surrounding the actions of RVA Surveyors with concern.  The Council firmly believes that Small Business Rates Relief (SBRR) provided by Government, should in its entirety be received solely by the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) for whom it is intended.   In support of efforts to close this practice, the Council agrees to:-


  1. Write to The Insolvency Service outlining our concern that practices by RVA Surveyors potentially prevent some SME’s in Carlisle from receiving their full entitlement of Small Business Rates Relief and that the Insolvency Service should use their powers to close down this practice. The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will also be copied into the correspondence.
  2. Given that RVA Surveyors obtain much of their information from Freedom of Information (FOI’s) requests to Local Authorities, Carlisle City Council will write to the Information Commissioner to request clarification as to whether FOI’s from RVA Surveyors can be denied given their behaviour.
  3. Carlisle City Council will seek to include a sufficient warning on our webpage relating to SBRR over this practice, highlighting that the process can be undertaken for free without the need for agents requiring an annual commission or fee. (
(iv) Planning
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following motion submitted on notice by Councillor Mrs Glendinning:

"That this Council believes planning works best when developers and the local community work together to shape local areas and deliver necessary new homes; therefore this Council calls on the Government to protect the right of communities to object to individual planning applications."
15. Proposals from the Executive in relation to the Council's Budget and Policy Framework

Pursuant to Minute EX.46/21 and EX.49/21, to consider recommendations from the Executive concerning the Provisional General Fund Revenue Outturn 2020/21(including Council Tax and Business Rates Outturn 2020/21) as set out in Report RD.15/21.
(Copy Report RD.15/21 and Minute Extracts herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.47/21, to consider recommendations from the Executive concerning the Provisional Capital Outturn 2020/21 and revised Capital Programme 2021/22 as set out in Report RD.16/21.
(Copy Report RD.16/21 and Minute Extract herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.48/21, to consider the recommendation of the Executive that the City Council approve the Treasury Management Outturn for 2020/21 as required under both the Financial Procedure Rules and the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management.
(Copy Report RD.07/21 and Minute Extract herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.58/21, to consider the recommendation of the Executive to approve additional funding to the Council’s Capital Programme for the FHS Programme Delivery and additional revenue to fund the Programme Management Office.
(Copy Report ED.22/21 and Minute Extract herewith)

Pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15 (i) and Access to Information Procedure Rule 17.3, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report on the operation of call-in and urgency procedures over the past year.
(Copy Report GD.41/21 herewith)
17. Communications
To receive and consider communications and to deal with such other business as may be brought forward by the Mayor as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Procedure Rule 2.1(xv) to pass such resolution or resolutions thereon as may be considered expedient or desirable.
Exempt Items

- NIL - 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Michael Robert Mitchelson14(iii)Notice of Motions – RVA SurveyorsRegistrable InterestThe interest related to his ownership of a small business.



PRESENT:    Deputy Chief Executive

                      Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services