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Meeting Summary
3 Nov 2020 - 18:45 to 21:48
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
Public Items
1. The Mayor will invite the Chaplain to say prayers.
2. Register of Attendance and Declarations of Interest

The Town Clerk and Chief Executive will open the meeting by calling the roll; and at the same time Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and any interests, relating to any item on the agenda at this stage.


3. Minutes
The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meeting of the City Council held on 8 September 2020.
4. Public and Press

To determine whether any of the items of business within Part A of the Agenda should be dealt with when the public and press are excluded from the meeting.

To determine whether any of the items of business within Part B of the Agenda should be dealt with when the public and press are present.

5. Announcements

(i)   To receive any announcements from the Mayor

(ii)  To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council

(iii) To receive any announcements from Members of the Executive

(iv) To receive any announcements from the Town Clerk and Chief Executive

6. Questions by Members of the Public
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.1, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report that no questions have been submitted on notice by members of the public.  
7. Presentation of Petitions and Deputations
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.11, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report that no petitions or deputations have been submitted by members of the public. 
8. Questions from Members of the Council
Any views or opinions expressed in the questions set out in this Agenda paper are those of the persons submitting the questions and do not necessarily reflect the position, views or opinions of the Council.
(a) 3G Parking

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following question submitted on notice by Councillor Betton:



“The 3G football pitches at Edgehill Road, Harraby, are very well used by all and extremely successful.

The demand for the use of these football pitches at weekends for club football matches has increased so much that the existing car park accommodation on site is now limited, as there are not enough car park spaces to cope with the increase in demand for both spectators and club football players’ car parking.

This results in the over spill of cars parking outside residents’ homes on Edgehill, Allandale, & Silverdale Road, which causes inconvenience to those who live there and have expressed concern.

There are a number of possibilities which can be approached, and engaged in here, to look at possibly solving the problems caused by the excess parking. 

These are:

1. To negotiate the opening up of the vacated and redundant old temporary Newman school car park, Edgehill Road, which is on County Council land.

2. To submit plans to construct an extension of the existing 3G car park.

3. To encourage the use of the old Harraby Community Centre car park.

4. To look at the possibility of 3G customers using the new Pennine Way school and Harraby Community Centre car park.

5. To look at working with County Council parking enforcement and the Police regarding any obstruction or parking contravention on marked highway Lines.

Will the Leader and Portfolio Holder acknowledge there is a problem and commit and agree to:

Write to GLL, the County Council and the Police with the view of working collectively in resolving the excess parking issues through the Police HUB or other alternative routes available and report the results back to next full Council when resolved.”

(b) Durranhill Parking

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following question submitted on notice by Councillor Betton:



“Three years ago land on Rosehill Industrial estate which was owned by Carlisle City Council was sold.


Previously before the land was sold it was used as a car park which provided free car parking for visitors and employees to the Rosehill Industrial Estate area.


Free car parking was offered by the new Owners but was retracted when development of the land was completed.


Residents in Durranhill are concerned about the following:


  1. Introduction of parking charges on the developed land for employees which has resulted in them parking on the streets as they do not want to pay to park.

  2. The knock on effect of this which has caused parking concerns for them outside their houses at Farlam Drive, Hespek Raise, Montgomery Way, Geltsdale Avenue, and other areas including Scotby fly over bridge pavements, grass verges, residents off road parks and other areas for free.


There are also highway safety concerns expressed by Durranhill residents regarding vehicles parking on and obscuring driveways and disabled access, junctions and yellow lines which obscure motorists and pedestrian vision.


These concerns have been reported, expressed and shared with City and County Council, since the sale of the land three years ago and are still ongoing despite meetings and talks which have taken place without any clear resolution reached to solve this problem.


Will the Leader and Portfolio Holder agree to help the affected residents by:


Committing to write to and work with the County Council Highways looking jointly at all options open through the authority channels to resolving the problems described.


Arranging jointly between City and County Council a second meeting with the new landowners to ask again to reconsider opening up and offering free parking again.” 

(c) Riverbanks and Beds

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following question submitted on notice by Councillor Paton:



“Since Storm Desmond a phenomenal amount of money has been spent by this Council and the Environment Agency plus the County Council who have all been working together on the flood defences in the City plus the previous help that has been given to residents which has been greatly appreciated by all.


However no thought about dredging the rivers has been put in place as this would be greatly beneficial to all those residents who have gone through the misery and upheaval of the previous floods and the climate change is a great factor in this as well.


Will the portfolio holder commit and engage with the Environment Agency to dredge the rivers and clear the banks to give peace of mind to all our residents under the Councils riparian ownership of the riverbanks in relation to their leisure areas our parks and the golf course?.”

(d) Kingmoor Energy From Waste

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following question submitted on notice by Councillor Morton:



“Can the Deputy Leader give us an update to the recommendations and conclusions of the Kingmoor Energy From Waste City Council task group?”

(e) Proposed Energy From Waste Incinerator

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following question submitted on notice by Councillor Dr Davison:



“It is absolutely essential that north Carlisle residents and the wider Carlisle community have confidence in the council's scrutiny of the environmental permit application which was undertaken into the proposed energy from waste incinerator.


The motion passed by this council on 3rd March 2020 agreed that the council would "....make funding available for suitable consultant(s) to review any aspects of the permit application where the environmental health department considers they have insufficient expertise". This was a welcome move as it meant residents would not have to hire consultants themselves to scrutinise the application.


I understand that our environmental health department is commenting on noise and Ricardo was commissioned by the council and has scrutinised the application around air quality and odour issues which is really welcomed.


Has the task group organised for consultants on all areas that residents have expressed concern about such as water pollution, flood risk, fire and other accident risk, pests and the full ecological impact on the Kingmoor Nature Reserves, and if not why not?”


9. Minutes of the Executive

The Council will be requested to receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on 14 and 28 September; and 12 October 2020 and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holders on those Minutes.


10. Executive - Portfolio Holder Reports
The Council will be asked to receive reports from the following Portfolio Holders:
(vi) Pdf Leader's Porfolio (44Kb)

and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holders on those Reports.

(Copy Reports herewith)

11. Minutes

The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meetings as detailed within Minute Book Volume 47(3); and ask questions of the Leader, Portfolio Holders and Committee Chairs.


For ease of reference the Minutes are:


Committee Meeting Date


Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel       


27 August and 17 September 2020

Business and Transformation Scrutiny Panel    3 and 17 September 2020
Economic Growth Scrutiny Panel 20 August and 1 October 2020
Regulatory Panel 9 September and 14 October 2020
Licensing Committee 9 September 2020
Development Control Committee 12 and 14 August; and 9 and 11 September 2020
Audit Committee 24 September 2020

12. Scrutiny
The Council will be asked to receive reports from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Panels:
(Copy Reports herewith)
13. Notice of Motion

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following motion submitted on notice by Councillor Ellis:


"This Council supports a move of its target date for carbon net zero from 2030 to 2037 in line with the zero carbon recommendations of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership."

14. Proposals from the Executive in relation to the Council's Budget and Policy Framework

Pursuant to Minute EX.96/20, to consider a recommendation from the Executive that Council approve non-recurring virements totalling £640,000 to fund the Leisure Contract variation in 2020/21.

(Copy Report RD.38/20 and Minute Extracts herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.18/20 and EX.114/20, to consider recommendations from the Executive concerning the Local Environment (Climate Change) Strategy.

(Copy Report PC.26/20 and Minute Extracts herewith)

15. Committee Nominations

The City Council to approve the undernoted changes in Labour Group membership of the Development Control Committee:


Councillor Alcroft to replace Councillor Brown as a full Member

Councillor to replace Councillor Alcroft as a substitute Member to be advised at the meeting

Pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15(i), the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report on the operation of call-in and urgency procedures.

(Copy Report GD.53/20 herewith)

17. Communications
To receive and consider communications and to deal with such other business as may be brought forward by the Mayor as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Procedure Rule 2.1(xv) to pass such resolution or resolutions thereon as may be considered expedient or desirable.
Exempt Items

- NIL -

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Anne Mallinson9Minutes of the Executive (14 September 2020 - Update of Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy Electrical Safety and Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards)Disclosable Pecuniary InterestCouncillor Mrs Mallinson is a landlady
Councillor John Mallinson9Minutes of the Executive (14 September 2020 - Update of Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy Electrical Safety and Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards)Disclosable Pecuniary InterestCouncillor Mallinson is a landlord


Also in attendance at the above meeting were:

Town Clerk and Chief Executive

Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services