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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel - up to 20 July 2017
25 Nov 2014 - 10:00 to 11:45
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To approve and sign the Minutes of the meetings held on 8 September 2014 and 11 September 2014
(Copy Minutes in Minute Book Volume 41[3])

To note the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 October 2014
(Copy Minutes herewith)
Public Items
To consider a report providing an overview of matters related to the work of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel, together with the latest version of the Work Programme and details of Key Decisions items related to this Panel as set out in the Notice of Executive Key Decisions
(Copy Report OS.27/14 herewith)
(Culture, Leisure and Young People Portfolio)

The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report that introduces the Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust's Businees Plan for the period 2015-2018.
(Copy Report SD.21/14 herewith)
(Communities and Housing Portfolio Holder)

The Policy and Communications Manager to submit performance monitoring reports relevant to the remit of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
(Copy Report PC.18/14 herewith)
A.5 BUDGET 2015/16
(Culture, Health, Leisure and Young People Portfolio; Finance, Resources and Governance Portfolio; Communities and Housing Portfolio)

Members are reminded that the Budget Reports were circulated to all Overview and Scrutiny Members on 31 October 2014. 
Members are asked to bring the relevant budget reports to the meeting.
The Executive Decisions from 10 November 2014 will be tabled at the meeting.
Revenue Budget Reports
(a)    Budget Update - Revenue Estimates 2015/16 - 2019/20        Pages 1-21
To consider new revenue spending pressures and reduced income projections which fall within the areaa of responsibility of this Panel:

Event - p. 6 & 7                                          
Event - Sponsorship Income - p. 6 & 7
DFG Fee Income - p. 6 & 7

To consider new savings proposals and additional income generation which fall within the area of responsibility of this Panel:

Proposals for Transformation Savings - Appendix D - p.18
(b)    Summary of Charges Review - Pages 22-118
To consider and comment on the review of charges in respect of the following areas which fall within the area of responsibility of this Panel:

Chief Executive's Team and Deputy Chief Executive's Team
Old Fire Station    p. 25-28
Summary of Income    p. 28

Local Environment
Allotments    p. 57-58
Sports Pitches    p. 62
Play Area Inspection Fees    p. 63
Bereavement Services    p. 64 & 80-84
Environmental Health    p. 65-67 & 73-75
Summary of Income    p. 71

Economic Development
Housing    p. 91-96
Summary of Income    p. 97
(c)    Revised Capital Programme 2014/15 and provisional Capital Programme 2015/16 to 2019/20 - Pages 119-128
To consider the Director of Resources report RD.39/14 and in particular comment on the capital spending which falls within the area of responsibility of this Panel:

Disabled Facilities Grant    p. 122, 123 & 124
Harraby School & Community Campus    p. 122 & 123
Leisure Facilities    p. 122 & 123
Revised Capital programme 2014/15    p. 127

Exempt Items


Members of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Conservative – Ellis, Mrs Prest (Vice Chairman), Mrs Vasey, Bainbridge (sub), Mrs McKerrell(sub), Mrs Mallinson (sub)

Labour – Burns (Chairman), Harid, McDevitt, Mrs Stevenson, Caig (sub), Scarborough (sub), Sherriff (sub)
Liberal Democrat – Gee, Allison (sub)

     Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers,
      etc to Committee Clerk: 
Sheila Norton - 817557


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Councillor Mrs Judith Irene Prest Councillor Mrs Ann Vipond McKerrell
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
Councillor M Abdul Harid  

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Also in attendance at the above meeting were:

Councillor Mrs Bradley - Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder
Councillor Ms Quilter - Culture, Leisure and Young People Portfolio Holder
Councillor Mrs Riddle - Communities Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder
Councillor J Mallinson - Observer

Roger Cook - Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust Board
Paul Croft - Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust Board
Hilary Wade - Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust Board


Deputy Chief Executive
Director of Economic Development
Director of Resources
Contracts and Community Services Manager
Policy and Performance Officer

___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting.