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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
City Council
16 Jul 2013 - 18:45 to 21:25
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
3. Minutes
The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meetings of the City Council held on 30 April and 20 May 2013
Public Items
6.(i) Minute's Silence

The Mayor will invite Council to observe a Minute’s Silence in memory of Professor Councillor Joe Hendry, Leader of the City Council 2012-13, and Member of the Council since 2003.

6.(b) Councillor Mrs Geddes
The Council to place on record its sincere appreciation of the services rendered as a Councillor of the City by Councillor Mrs Geddes over a period of twenty years.  The Mayor will present to Councillor Mrs Geddes an Illuminated Address as a token of the Council's appreciation.
7. Questions by Members of the Public
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.1, the Town Clerk and Chief Executive to report that no questions have been submitted on notice by members of the public.
8. Presentation of Petitions and Deputations
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.11, the Town Clerk and Chief Executive to report that no petitions or deputations have been submitted by members of the public.
9. Questions from Members of the Council
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Town Clerk and Chief Executive to report that no questions have been submitted on notice by Members of the City Council.
10. Executive (a) Minutes
The Council will be requested to receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on 7 and 31 May; 7 June and 1 July 2013 and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holders on those Minutes.
10.(b) Portfolio Holder Reports
 The Council will be asked to receive reports from the following Portfolio Holders:
and ask questions of the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holders on those Reports.
(Copy Reports herewith)
11. Overview and Scrutiny
The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes from the following meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels and to ask questions of the Chairmen; and receive reports from the Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels:
(a) Minutes of the meeting held on 30 May and 20 June 2013.
(b) Chairman's Report
(a) Minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2013
(b) Chairman's Report
(a) Minutes of the meetings held on 8 May, 13 June, 20 June and 25 June 2013.
(b) Chairman's Report
(Copy Reports herewith)
12. Regulatory Panel
To receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Regulatory Panel held on 17 April and 29 May 2013.
13. Licensing Committee
To receive the Minutes from the meetings of the Licensing Committee held on 17 April and 29 May 2013.
14. Development Control Committee
To receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Development Control Committee held on 17 and 19 April; and 5 June 2013.
15. Audit Committee
To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 15 April 2013.
16. Employment Panel
To receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Employment Panel held on 10 and 20 May 2013.
17. Standards Committee
To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 26 June 2013.
18. Appeals Panel
To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Appeals Panel held on 16 April 2013.
19. Notice of Motion
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Town Clerk and Chief Executive to report the receipt of the following Motion submitted on notice by Councillor Ellis:

"This Council welcomes the cross party support for Welfare Reform and the spending policies of the current Coalition Government."
20. Proposals from the Executive in relation to the Council's Budget and Policy Framework
Pursuant to Minute EX.48/13, to note the General Fund Revenue Outturn for 2012/13 and consider the Executive’s recommendations as set out below:

Council is asked to;
(i)            approve the carry forward requests totalling £696,400 (£677,400 to be met in 2013/14, and £19,000 in 2014/15), as set out in the report;
(ii)           approve the release of £1,878 balance from the Sheepmount Reserve into the General Fund Reserve, as detailed in paragraph 4.1;
(iii)          approve the release of £29,670 balance from the Job Evaluation Reserve to the General Fund Reserve, as detailed in paragraph 4.2;
(iv)          approve the write-off to the General Fund Reserve of the accrued deficit of £190,000 on the On Street Parking Reserve, outlined in paragraph 4.3;
(v)           approve the transfer of £200,000 into the Transformation Reserve, as detailed in paragraph 4.4;
(vi)          approve the £175,000 to be set aside for the Municipal Mutual Insurance provision, as outlined in paragraph 4.5; and
approve the establishment of the Welfare Reform Reserve and transfer of £200,000 into the reserve, as detailed in paragraph 4.6.
(Copy Report RD.12/13 and Minute Extracts herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.49/13, to note the Capital Outturn for 2012/13 and the revised Capital Programme for 2013/14.  Council is requested to consider the Executive’s recommendations as set out below:

Council is asked to:
(i)            approve the carry forward requests totalling £1,822,500 (£1,822,500 to be met in 2013/14) as set out in the report;
(ii)           approve the requests to carry forward £6,200 for new items of expenditure to be met in 2013/14;
(iii)         approve the removal of the Asset Management Plan expenditure budgets from the Council’s capital programme (£1,546,800 from 2012/13, £6,272,500 from 2013/14, £1,035,800 from 2014/15 and £4,045,500 from 2015/16) to be released back from reserves on approval by Executive when revenue generating opportunities for land and property acquisitions become available;
(iv)         approve the revised Capital Programme for 2013/14 onwards should the carry forwards and Asset Management Plan budget revisions be approved. 
(Copy Report RD.11/13 and Minute Extracts herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.50/13, to consider the recommendation of the Executive that the City Council approve the Treasury Management Outturn for 2012/13 as required under the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management.
(Copy Report RD.13/13 and Minute Extracts herewith)

 Pursuant to Minute EX.40/13 and EX.65/13 to consider a recommendation from the Executive that the City Council approve the Environmental Health Service Food Law Enforcement Plan and the General Plan 2013 to 2014, as appended to Report LE. 20/13.  
(Copy Report LE.20 /13 and Minute Extracts herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.35/13 and EX.53/13 to consider a recommendation from the Executive that the Carlisle and Eden Community Safety Partnership Plan be referred to Council for adoption.
(Copy Report CD.43/13 and Minute Extracts herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.41/13 and EX.66/13 to consider a recommendation from the Executive that Council:

  • Approve the new Policy for Housing Assistance and the use of funds as described in Appendix 2 in accordance with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework. 
  • Note and accept the decision of the Executive to delegated responsibility for the use of funds as outlined at Appendix 2 and the granting of grants and loans to the Director of Community Engagement and Director of Resources.
  • Note and accept the decision of the Executive to delegate decision making on proceeding with future Empty Property schemes to the Portfolio Holder            (Copy Report CD.42/13 and Minute Extracts herewith)
Pursuant to Minute EX.42/13 and EX.67/13 to consider a recommendation from the Executive that the City Council approve the investment counterparty limits as set out in Report RD.08/13.
(Copy Report RD.08/13 and Minute Extracts herewith)
Pursuant to Minute EX.54/13 to consider a recommendation from the Executive that the City Council approve an increase to the capital programme in 2013/14 by £227,000, funded initially from capital receipts but repayable over 4 – 5 years from revenue savings, to fund the new vehicles required to provide an in-house service and place orders for machinery and ancillary equipment with immediate effect (should the service be outsourced in 2015, the vehicles and machinery will be included within the specification for the contract). 
(Copy Report LE.21/13 and Minute Extract herewith)
Pursuant to Minute EX.55/1, EX.64/13 and EX.68/13, to consider a recommendation from the Executive that the City Council approves the Carlisle District Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options for public consultation and the supporting documents.
(Copy Report ED.20/13 and Minute Extracts herewith)
21. Appointment of the Leader of the Council
Following the death of the Leader of the Council, and pursuant to Article 7.03 of the Council’s Constitution, to appoint a Leader of the Council until the Annual Meeting of the Council in 2017 (or for up to the end of his/her term of office as a Member, whichever is the shorter).
To consider a report of the Director of Governance regarding appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies.
(Copy Report GD.35/13 herewith)
To consider a report of the Director of Governance regarding the first twelve months’ operation of the City Council’s Code of Conduct and proposed amendment to the seven principles of public life.
(Copy Report GD.36/13 and Minute Extract herewith)
24. Committee Nominations
 To receive and approve the following nomination for a change to Conservative Group Membership on the Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Panel:

Councillor Mitchelson to replace Councillor Lishman as a substitute Member. 
Pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15 (i), the Director of Governance to report on decisions taken as urgent decisions and dealt with as a matter of urgency without the need for call-in.

It is a requirement under the above Procedure Rule 15 (i) for decisions taken as a matter of urgency to be reported to the next available meeting of the City Council.
(Copy Report GD.34/13 herewith)
26. Communications
To receive and consider communications and to deal with such other business as may be brought forward by the Mayor as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Procedure Rule 2.1(xiv) to pass such resolution or resolutions thereon as may be considered expedient or desirable.
Exempt Items
B.1 Standards Arrangement - Appointment of Independent Person

This report is not for publication by virtue of paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as the report contains exempt information relating to any individual

 To consider recommendations from the Standards Committee concerning the appointment of an Independent Person to advise on Standards.
(Copy Report GD.37/13 and Minute Extracts herewith)

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor James Robert Bainbridge20(iv)Food Law Enforcement Service PlanDisclosable Pecuniary Due to his business interests
Councillor Mrs Heather Margaret Bradley27Standards Arrangements - Appointment of Independent PersonRegistrableCouncillor Bradley sat on the Governing Body of Carlisle College alongside one of the applicants
Councillor Colin William Glover20(vi)Scheme of Housing Assistance (Empty Properties and Disabled Facilities Grants)Disclosable Pecuniary Councillor Glover is the Executor of an estate involved
Councillor M Abdul Harid20(iv)Food Law Enforcement Service PlanDisclosable Pecuniary Due to the fact that he is a self employed restauranteur
Councillor Michael Robert Mitchelson20(iv)Food Law Enforcement Service PlanDisclosable Pecuniary Due to his business interests


Also in attendance at the above meeting were:

Town Clerk and Chief Executive
Director of Governance

___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting.