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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
23 Nov 2009 - 13:00 to 14:25
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Executive 23.11.09.doc (0Kb)
  2. Doc Minutes (114Kb)
  3. Pdf CE.24.09 - Leading Cumbria Together in Partnership.pdf (0Kb)
  4. Pdf CORP.45.09 - Capital Budget Overview and Monitoring Report - April to September 2009.pdf (0Kb)
  5. Pdf CORP.46.09 - Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring Report - April to September 2009.pdf (0Kb)
  6. Doc CORP.47.09 - Treasury Management 2099-10 and 2010-11.doc (0Kb)
  7. Pdf CORP.48.09 - Provisional Capital Programme 2010-11 to 2014-15 (1035Kb)
  8. Pdf CORP.49.09 - Revenue Base Estimates and Updated MTFP Projections - 2010-11 to 2014-15.pdf (0Kb)
  9. Pdf CORP.50.09 - Budget 2010-11 to 2014-15 - Summary of New Revenue Spending Pressures.pdf (0Kb)
  10. Pdf CORP.51.09 - Budget 2010-11 to 2014-15 - Summary of Saving Proposals.pdf (0Kb)
  11. Doc CS.43.09 - Community Support Project Group.doc (0Kb)
  12. Pdf CS.51.09 - Air Quality - Updating and Screening Assessment Report.pdf (0Kb)
  13. Doc CS.52.09 - Review of Charges 2010-11 - Community Services.doc (0Kb)
  14. CS.53.09 - Community Support Saving Proposals
  15. Doc DS.95.09 - Carlisle Roman Gateway Project.doc (0Kb)
  16. Doc DS.96.09 - Charges Review Report 2010-11 - Development Services.doc (0Kb)
  17. Pdf LDS.83.09 - Review of Charges 2010 - 2011 - Licensing.pdf (0Kb)
  18. Doc LDS.85.09 - Charges Review Report 2010-11 - Legal and Democratic Services.doc (0Kb)
  19. Doc Minute Excerpt COSP.29.09 - Tullie House Future Governance.doc (0Kb)
  20. Doc Minute Excerpt COSP.32.09 - Update on Housing Strategy Action Plan.doc (0Kb)
  21. Doc Minute Excerpt COSP.34.09 -Community Support Project Group.doc (0Kb)
  22. Doc Minute Excerpt EEOSP.31.09 - ref from Exec City Centre Conservation Area.doc (0Kb)
  23. Doc Minute Excerpt EEOSP.31.09 - ref from Exec LABGI.doc (0Kb)
  24. Doc Minute Excerpt EEOSP.34.09 - Movement Strategy including Car Parking Strategy.doc (0Kb)
  25. Doc Minute Excerpt ROSP.40.09 - Budget Scrutiny.doc (0Kb)
  26. Doc Minute Excerpt ROSP.42.09 - Lease Car Task & Finish Group.doc (0Kb)
  27. Doc Minutes - Cumbria Local Authorities Strategic Board 11 09 09.doc (0Kb)
  28. Doc Minutes - Cumbria Strategic Waste Partnership 14 10 09.doc (0Kb)
  29. Doc Minutes - Joint Districts Meeting 11 09 09.doc (0Kb)
  30. Doc Minutes - Joint Management Team 01 10 09.doc (0Kb)
  31. Doc Minutes - Joint Management Team 15 10 09.doc (0Kb)
  32. Pdf Officer Decision Report - Executive.pdf (0Kb)
  33. Pdf OS.22.09 - Budget Scrutiny.pdf (0Kb)
  34. Pdf PPP.53.09 - Corporate Performance Monitoring Report, 2nd Quarter Report to September 2009.pdf (0Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


1. Cllr T Allison: Chairman of Resources Overview & Scrutiny Panel.
2. Cllr N Clarke: Chairman of Community Overview & Scrutiny Panel.
3. Cllr C Rutherford: Chairman of Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Panel.
4. Cllr E Mallinson: Chairman of Budget Scrutiny Task & Finish Group/Members' Working Group - Community Support Review.
5. Cllr P Farmer: Member of the Members' Working Group - Community Support Review.
6. Cllr J Riddle: Member of the Members' Working Group - Community Support Review.