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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
15 Feb 2010 - 13:00 to 13:55
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Executive 15.02.10.doc (0Kb)
  2. Doc Executive Minutes 15 February 2010 (105Kb)
  3. Doc AMENDED - CE.05.10 - Pay and Workforce Strategy Career Development Support Package.doc (0Kb)
  4. Pdf Carlisle - Annual Audit Letter 2008-09 - FINAL.pdf (0Kb)
  5. Pdf Carlisle - Use of Resources report 2008-09 - FINAL.pdf (0Kb)
  6. CE.07.10 - Community Support Savings Proposal
  7. Pdf CS.06.10 - Air Quality - Updating and Screening Assessment Report.pdf (0Kb)
  8. Doc DS.06.10 - Real Help for Business Now.doc (0Kb)
  9. Pdf GD.12.10 - Review of Polling Arrangements.pdf (0Kb)
  10. Doc Minute Excerpt AUC.08.10 - Annual Audit Letter.doc (0Kb)
  11. Doc Minute Excerpt AUC.09.10 - Use of Resources Report 2008-09.doc (0Kb)
  12. Doc Minute Excerpt AUC.14.10 - Future of Internal Audit Services.doc (0Kb)
  13. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.06.10 (a) - Community Support Review.doc (0Kb)
  14. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.06.10 (d) Tullie House Future Governance.doc (0Kb)
  15. Doc Minute Excerpt EEOSP 43 09 - Air Quality - Updating and Screening Assessment Report 2009 (2).doc (0Kb)
  16. Doc Minute Excerpt EX 240 09 - Air Quality - Updating and Screening Assessment Report.doc (0Kb)
  17. Doc Minutes Joint Management Team 07 01 10.doc (0Kb)
  18. Doc Minutes of Joint Management Team 10 12 09.doc (0Kb)
  19. Pdf Officer Decision Report - Executive.pdf (0Kb)
  20. Doc PPP.06.10 - Corporate Performance Monitoring Report Third Quarter Report (April - December 2009).doc (0Kb)
  21. Doc PPP.07.10 - 2010-11 Performance Framework.doc (0Kb)
  22. Doc RD.69.09 - Future of Internal Audit Services (264Kb)
  23. Pdf RD.73.09 - Capital Budget Overview and Monitoring Report - April to December 2009.pdf (0Kb)
  24. Pdf RD.74.09 - Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring Report - April to December 2009.pdf (0Kb)
  25. RD.74.09 (Part B) - Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring Report - April to December 2009 (Confiden
  26. Doc RD.75.09 - Treasury Transactions 2009-10.doc (0Kb)
  27. Doc RD.76.09 - Transformation Update on Capitalisation Direction.doc (0Kb)
  28. Doc RD.77.09 - Bad Debt Write-Offs for NNDR, Council Tax and Debtors (Including Penalty Charge Notices). (0Kb)
  29. RD.77.09 - Bad Debt Write-Offs, Council Tax and Debtors (Including Penalty Charge Notices)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


There were no visitors present at this meeting