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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
City Council
4 Mar 2008 - 18:45 to 22:05
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda for Council 04 03 08 (145Kb)
  2. Doc Revised Agenda for Council 04 03 08 (152Kb)
  3. Doc Minutes of the City Council Meeting 04 03 08 (166Kb)
  4. Pdf CE.10.08 - Delivering Carlisle Renaissance (673Kb)
  5. Doc Community Engagement Portfolio Holder Report - Cllr Knapton (24Kb)
  6. Doc Consultation Draft - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle City Region (602Kb)
  7. Doc CORP.66.07 - Counter Fraud Strategy (155Kb)
  8. Doc Corp.78.07-Amendment to Financial Procedure Rules (32Kb)
  9. Pdf CORP.87.07- Capital Budget Overview & Monitoring Report (66Kb)
  10. Doc CORP.91.07 - Council Tax 08-09 (215Kb)
  11. Pdf DS.25.08 - Potential Disposal of Carlisle City Council Land for Affordable Housing Development (2614Kb)
  12. DS.33.08 - PRIVATE - Potential Disposal of Carlisle City Council Land for Affordable Housing Develop
  13. Doc DS.35.08-Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle City Region (34Kb)
  14. Doc Economic and Development Portfolio Holder Report - Cllr Bowman (30Kb)
  15. Doc Environment and Infrastructure Portfolio Holder Report - Cllr Bloxham (28Kb)
  16. Doc Finance and Performance Management Portfolio Holder Report - Cllr J Mallinson (44Kb)
  17. Doc Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder Report - Cllr Prest (24Kb)
  18. Doc LDS.19.08 - Overview & Scrutiny Procedure Rules Call In and Urgency (41Kb)
  19. Pdf LDS.20.08 - The Future Role of the Standards Committee (50Kb)
  20. LDS.21.08 - PRIVATE - Composition of the Standards Committee
  21. Pdf LDS.22.08 - Review of Polling Arrangements (5341Kb)
  22. Doc Learning and Development Portfolio Holder Report - Cllr P Farmer (25Kb)
  23. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.40.08 - Theatre.Performing Arts Centre - Lonsdale Building (110Kb)
  24. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.14.08 - Theatre.Performing Arts Centre - Lonsdale Building (80Kb)
  25. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.31.08 - Economic Strategy Growing Carlisle (90Kb)
  26. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.147.07 - Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy (75Kb)
  27. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.28.08 - Delivering Carlisle Renaissance (112Kb)
  28. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.29.08 - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle City Region (109Kb)
  29. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.30.08 - Corporate Complaints Policy (110Kb)
  30. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.37.08 - Potential Disposal of Carlisle City Council Land for Affordable Housing De (111Kb)
  31. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.43.08 - Capital Budget - Monitoring Report - April to December 2007 (110Kb)
  32. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.46.08 - Review of Polling Arrangements (112Kb)
  33. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.14.08 - Carlisle Renaissance - Growing Carlisle - an Economic Strategy for the Ca (118Kb)
  34. Doc Minute Excerpt ST.04.08 - The Future Role of the Standards Committee (40Kb)
  35. Doc Minute Excerpt ST.06.08 - Compostion of the Standards Committee (40Kb)
  36. Pdf PPP.20.08 - Corporate Complaints and Feedback Policy (72Kb)
  37. Pdf PPP.21.08 - Use of the City Crest as a Logo for the Council (58Kb)
  38. Doc Promoting Carlisle Portfolio Holder Report - Cllr Mitchelson (37Kb)
  39. Doc Report of the Chair of Community O&S Committee - Cllr Mrs Luckley (26Kb)
  40. Pdf Report of the Chair of Corporate Resources O&S Committee - Cllr Earp (320Kb)
  41. Doc Report of the Chair of Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny - Cllr Mrs Rutherford (20Kb)
  42. Pdf Report of the Chair of the Management O&S Committee - Cllr Earp (50Kb)
  43. Pdf CS.09.08 Petition from the Save Our Lonsdale Group (24Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Professor Councillor Joseph Duncan HendryC.36.08Relating to Carlisle Housing Association in respect of being a Member of the Carlisle Housing Association BoardPersonal 
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Anne MallinsonC.36.08Relating to the Joint Property Review in respect of being a Member of Cumbria County CouncilPersonal 
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Anne MallinsonC.36.08Relating to Carlisle Housing Association in respect of being a Member of the Carlisle Housing Association BoardPersonal 
Councillor Ms Anne QuilterC.36.08Relating to the potential disposal of Carlisle City Council land for affordable housing schemes in respect of her employmentPersonal 
Cllr Ian StockdaleC.36.08Relating to Planning Application 07/1241 in respect of having made a public statement as to his position regarding this developmentPersonal and Prejudicial 
Councillor David Joseph Norman WeedallC.36.08Relating to Planning Application 07/1012 in respect of the employment of a member of his family and the submission of a Planning Application by a member of his family Personal and Prejudicial 


There were no visitors present at this meeting