**A pre meeting for Members to prepare for the Panel will take place 45 minutes before the meeting**
The Press and Public are welcome to attend for the consideration of any items which are public.
Councillor Bainbridge (Chair), Councillors Allison, Ms Ellis-Williams, Glendinning, Mrs Mitchell, Mitchelson, Sunter, Dr Tickner (Vice Chair)
Substitutes: Councillors Alcroft, Atkinson, Mrs Birks, Brown, Bomford, Collier, Mrs Finlayson, Glover, Lishman, McKerrell, Morton, Patrick, Pickstone, Robson, Shepherd, Miss Sherriff, Southward, Miss Whalen and Wills.
To consider any matter which has been the subject of call-in.
The Chair gave a warm welcome to Ms Lappin, Chief Executive of the Cumbria LEP. Ms Lappin gave a presentation to the Panel updating them on the work of Cumbria LEP in enabling economic growth in Cumbria. The presentation covered challenges presented in enabling growth; an overview of the working age population and workforce jobs growth statistics; economic output and productivity in Cumbria; the economic structure and innovation score for Cumbria and projections for Cumberland Council. Ms Lappin detailed the opportunities for growth and the 'Re-Think' Themes which were the focus of work, she set out the key enablers and reported on the work that would continue regardless of the Local Government reorganisation. Ms Lapping reported that Cumbria had the slowest growth population and there had been a decline in working age people. Detailed work had been carried out to understand the under 50 existing labour market and how those over 50, who no longer worked, could be encouraged back into work. The change to remote working enabled people to live in Cumbria and work elsewhere and this should be encouraged. In considering the presentation Members raised the following comments and questions: - A Member raised issues in the agricultural market, where remote working was not an option, and felt that problems in this area of productivity needed to be addressed. Ms Lappin responded that the Innovating for Success Programme aimed to help businesses grow and improve productivity, there had been some real innovation in the farming sector. The focus on agriculture was important and the Future of Food was a priority, this looked at investment, environmental consideration, product output and diversification. - There had been some staffing challenges for businesses in the area following Brexit and additional pressures due to the rise in energy costs, Cumbria needed to attract major investors. - It had been reported that there was a significant shortage in heat pump technicians, was it possible to introduce courses to help fill the skills gap? Ms Lappin acknowledged the skills shortage and reported that there had been courses on offer which had been cancelled due to the lack of interest. - There was some discussion regarding the statistics presented and Ms Lappin clarified that the statistics reflected everyone in the working age population. She highlighted the excellent work that was undertaken by the Observatory and the work they undertook nationally. The Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder placed on record her thanks for the excellent work that the Observatory undertook, noting how valuable the monthly information which was provided to Members was. - A Member felt strongly that there should be a focus on the retention and attraction of people to the area, this should include good social housing.
Ms Lappin agreed that the retention and attraction of people was vital, she outlined the promotional strategy that aimed to change the perception of the location of Cumbria. The strategy showed Cumbria as the centre of Britain with excellent connections. The Futures Campaign would be relaunched for young people at schools, colleges, and universities and the Your Future campaign also engaged with people to encourage them to the area. Ms Lappin agreed that available and affordable housing really mattered and the CLEP had provided a response to a Government Consultation on the matter. She agreed to share the response with the Panel. - A Member asked if people should return to offices to support the local economy. Ms Lappin acknowledged that working from home had impacted the economy, however, the change to working also provided opportunities for people to live in Cumbria and work elsewhere. Evidence showed that pre pandemic online shopping accounted for 16% of purchases, this figure had reset to 20%. RESOLVED - The Panel considered the presentation and noted the work undertaken by the Cumbria LEP.
The Regeneration Manager submitted an update on the Carlisle Rural Strategy. (ED.06/23)
The Overview and Scrutiny Officer submitted the Draft Place Panel section of the Scrutiny Annual 2022/23 report. (OS.07/23) A Member asked that the information on the Section 106 monies, that had previously been requested, be circulated to Members as a priority before Vesting Day. The Panel noted that this was the last Scrutiny Panel to be held by Carlisle City Council and thanked the Scrutiny and Policy Officer and Democratic Services for their support.
RESOLVED - That the Panel considered the report and commented the attached section of the annual report.
Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to: democraticservices@carlisle.gov.uk
Also Present: Councillor Mrs Bowman, Economy, Enterprise and a Housing Portfolio Holder Ms Lappin, Chief Executive of Cumbria LEP Officers: Corporate Director of Economic Development Head of Regeneration Policy and Scrutiny Officer