**A pre meeting for Members to prepare for the Panel will take place 45 minutes before the meeting**
The Press and Public are welcome to attend for the consideration of any items which are public.
Councillor Glover (Chair), Councillors Finlayson, Mrs McKerrell, Mrs Mitchell (Vice Chair), Pickstone, Shepherd, Miss Whalen, Wills
Alcroft, Allison, Atkinson, Bainbridge, Birks, Bomford, Brown, Collier, Ms Ellis-Williams, Mrs Glendinning, Lishman, Mitchelson, Morton, Ms Patrick, Robson, Miss Sherriff, Southward, Sunter, and Dr Tickner.
To consider any matter which has been the subject of call-in.
Communities, Health and Wellbeing
Community Services
Luke Leathers, Head of Health and Wellbeing Mark Walshe, Head of Property Services
CS.36/22 herewith
Background: The Deputy Chief Executive to submit an overview of the current Carlisle City Council revenue funding, additional support arrangements and lease arrangements of the Community Centres prior to the transfer of assets and support to the Cumberland Council 1st April 2023. Why is this item on the agenda? This item was requested by the Chair. What is the Panel being asked to do? Review the information relating to the current arrangements and consider any risks and future opportunities for community centres.
Luke Leathers, Head of Health and Wellbeing
CS.37/22 herewith
Background: The Deputy Chief Executive to provide an overview of current and potential future youth engagement in Carlisle District through a presentation from City and County officers. Why is this item on the agenda? The Panel agreed that they would like to receive a report in this issue at their meeting on 9th June 2022. What is the Panel being asked to do? Receive an update on youth engagement work from Carlisle City Council and provide recommendations on the approach to future youth engagement as we transition into Cumberland Council.
Finance, Governance and Resources
Darren Crossley, Deputy Chief Executive
CS.35/22 herewith
Background: The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report on the authority’s quarter 2 sickness absence levels for the period 1 April to 30 September 2022 and other sickness absence information. Why is this item on the agenda? Annual monitoring of sickness absence within the authority. What is the Panel being asked to do? Scrutinise and comment on the information on sickness absence provided in the report.
The Head of Human Resources presented the authority’s sickness absence levels for the period 1 April and 30 September 2022 and other sickness absence information (CS.35/22).
The Head of Human Resources reported that the Improving Attendance Policy had been in place for a year and it had been anticipated that the benefits of the revised policy would start to be realised during this financial year. The report set out the current sickness statistics, with the number of days lost per FTE equating to 4.9 in the first half of 2022/23, compared with 5.9 for the same period in 2021/22. The Head of Human Resources stated that there had been a 17% decrease in overall days lost per employee when compared to the same period in the previous year. 39 employees had been absent long-term (4 working weeks or more), 5 less than the same period of the previous year. There continued to be a clear correlation between long term sickness absence and the overall performance of the council in relation to absence. Overall performance improvement in this area was likely to be achieved through proactive management of long-term sickness absence through regular supportive discussion and early engagement with our occupational health provider, as set out in the Improving Attendance Policy. Over the course of the last quarter the HR Advisers had again been working closely with managers to oversee absences and the number of employees absent continues to steadily decline. This had resulted in a decrease in number of days lost compared to last year’s Quarter 2. Based on current trends it was anticipated that the Council would continue to see a definite and clear improvement in the absence rates for this financial year
Finance and Resources
Alison Taylor, Corporate Director of Finance and Resources
RD.41/22 herewith and Minute Excerpt to follow
Background: The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to submit a report providing an overview of the Council’s overall budgetary position for quarter 2 for revenue schemes only which was considered by the Executive on 21 November 2022. Why is this item on the agenda? Budget monitoring report. What is the Panel being asked to do? To scrutinise the variances contained within this report.
The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources submitted an overview of the Council's General Fund revenue budgetary position for the period April to September 2022 for revenue schemes only. The report also included details of balance sheet management issues and bad debts written off in the period. (RD.41/22). Set out at paragraph 2 was the summarised budgetary position as at September 2022; the main variances were as summarised at paragraph 2.4. The Council's financial position, which was affected by a number of external factors which had a financial impact during the course of the year and ultimately at the year end, would continue to be closely monitored and reported more fully in a future monitoring report. It would be important to maintain a prudent approach so as to ensure a sustainable budget position for future years to avoid any significant variance at the year end.
RD.42/22 herewith and Minute Excerpt to follow
The Corporate Director of Finance and Resources to submit a report providing an overview of the budgetary position of the City Council’s capital programme for quarter 2 which was considered by the Executive on 21 November 2022. Why is this item on the agenda? Budget monitoring report. What is the Panel being asked to do?
To scrutinise the variances contained within this report.
Corporate Support
Steven O’Keeffe, Policy and Communications Manager
PC.27/22 herewith
Background: The Policy and Communications Manager to submit a report on the Quarter 2 2022/23 performance against the Council’s current Service Standards and a summary of the Carlisle Plan. Performance against the Panel’s 2022/23 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are also included. Why is this item on the agenda? Annual monitoring of performance. What is the Panel being asked to do? Scrutinise the performance of the City Council with a view to seeking continuous improvement in how the Council delivers its priorities.
Cross Cutting
Rowan Jones, Policy and Scrutiny Officer
OS.24/22 herewith
Background: To consider a report providing an overview of matters related to the work of the People Panel. Why is this item on the agenda? The People Panel operates within a Work Programme which is set for the 2022/23 municipal year. The Programme is reviewed at every meeting so that it can be adjusted to reflect the wishes of the Panel and take into account items relevant to this Panel in the latest Notice of Executive Key Decisions. What is the Panel being asked to do?
- Note the items within Panel remit on the most recent Notice of Key Executive Decisions and comment on. - Note the current work programme, work planning activity and comment on the programme, in particular on items for the next Panel meeting.
- NIL -
Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to: democraticservices@carlisle.gov.uk
Also Present: Councillor J Mallinson - Leader Councillor Ellis - Governance, Finance and Resources Portfolio Holder Councillor Mrs Mallinson - Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder Officers: Corporate Director of Finance and Resources Health and Wellbeing Manager Head of Property Services Communities and Culture Officer Head of Human Resources Policy and Performance Officer Policy and Scrutiny Officer