**A pre meeting for Members to prepare for the Panel will take place 45 minutes before the meeting**
The Press and Public are welcome to attend for the consideration of any items which are public.
Councillor Glover (Chair), Councillors Finlayson, Mrs McKerrell, Mrs Mitchell (Vice Chair), Pickstone, Shepherd, Miss Whalen, Wills
Alcroft, Allison, Atkinson, Bainbridge, Birks, Bomford, Brown, Collier, Ms Ellis-Williams, Mrs Glendinning, Lishman, Mitchelson, Morton, Ms Patrick, Robson, Miss Sherriff, Southward, Sunter, and Dr Tickner.
To consider any matter which has been the subject of call-in.
The Head of Policy and Communications submitted updates from Carlisle Refugee Action Group and Cumbria County Council on their work in supporting refugees and asylum seekers in Carlisle and Cumbria. The Chair welcomed Ms Gill from Carlisle Refugee Action Group (CRAG) and Ms Blake from Cumbria County Council to the meeting.
Ms Gill and Ms Blake gave a presentation covering: the history of refugee settlement and asylum seeker dispersal in Cumbria; the different schemes and support available to different groups of migrants including the 'Homes for Ukraine' initiative; and the variety and scope of the activities undertaken by CRAG. Slides were displayed on screen showing a number of projects and activities delivered by CRAG.
An overview and update of the work of the Carlisle Welfare Reform Board was received the Panel (GD.58/22).The Chair welcomed the Mr Byrne, Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to the meeting. Mr Byrne gave a verbal presentation covering: the background to the Welfare Reform Board; the partners involved in the Welfare Reform Board; the changes to benefits and the implementation of Universal Credit (UC); how the Welfare Reform Board fed into government policy and practice; and, the types of support the DWP provided to benefits claimants. In considering the report and presentation, Members raised the following questions and comments: - A Member congratulated Mr Byrne on the work of the Welfare Reform Board (WRB) and the DWP, she considered the focus on getting people into work helped to make society fairer. Mr Byrne thanked the Member, he noted that job centre staff worked in a difficult environment. Some individuals had a sense of fear or resistance about attending the Job Centre, however, the role of the staff was to look at each individual's circumstances with view to providing the appropriate support to make being in work financially beneficial. - Did drug culture and black market finance, for example loan sharks, interfere with efforts to get individuals into work? Mr Byrne responded that such issues did affect and prevent people from being in work, the DWP worked with partners such as the Citizen's Advice Bureau and Unity drug and alcohol services to help address such matters for individuals. Such support was dependent on individuals notifying the Job Centre that they had such issues which some were reluctant to do. The Chair noted the impact of debt on individual's mental health. - Was the number of people classed as 'economically inactive' static or had it risen following the Covid 19 pandemic and was there a profile for individuals in that category? Mr Byrne advised that the Local Enterprise Partnership was seeking to develop a profile and that the Cumbria Intelligence Observatory was assessing why those individuals were no longer economically active. The pandemic had increased the numbers, with poor physical or mental health often being a cause of people ceasing to be economically active as was childcare concerns, however, further research was needed to understand the full extent of the issue. - Was there a database of volunteering opportunities? Mr Byrne confirmed that there was. He advised that there were currently 160 work experience opportunities in the district a significant portion of which were in the third sector which was a large employer in the district. Work experience was particularly valuable for young people as it provided both experience and a reference for those who participate. Mr Byrne described a number of individual cases where following participation in work experience placements, employment had been secured. Mr Byrne indicated he would welcome a recommendation to promote Job Centre Services and encouragement to other employers to take advantage of its recruitment support tools. The Chair responded that it may be useful to also take the matter up with the Local Enterprise Partnership. - Would the Welfare Reform Board look to integrate with the new Cumberland Council? Mr Byrne responded that the DWP would welcome a wider remit. Given the variety of issue across the different areas of Cumberland it was be useful to retain focus on individual areas. The DWP had recently developed a place based strategy for Carlisle. The Chair asked who would be responsible for deciding whether the WRB were to continue? Mr Byrne advised that the Council would decide whether the Board would continue. The Chair thanked Mr Byrne for his presentation. RESOLVED - That the Panel ask Officers to consider the future model for the Welfare Reform Board in light of Local Government Reorganisation.
Background: The Head of Policy and Communications to submit a report which updates the Panel on emergency planning, winter readiness and related work in the LGR programme. Why is this item on the agenda? Item agreed by the Chairs and Deputy Chief Executive at their work planning meeting in May 2022. What is the Panel being asked to do? Note and comment on the report.
The Head of Policy and Communications provided an update on Emergency Planning, winter readiness and the related work in the LGR Programme. (PC.25/22). In considering the report Members raised the following questions and comments: - The Carlisle Community Resilience Forum had stepped down, what process was in place for community response? The Head of Policy and Communications responded that the Cumbria Council for Voluntary Service had funded a Community Resilience Worker who had worked with a range of groups to develop proposals to consolidate and strengthen community resilience in Carlisle. The post was now look at how to sustain groups to be able to respond in the case of a crisis event. It was understood that a report on the matter was being developed which may be shared with the Panel upon its completion. - The Environment Agency had some time ago signalled its intention to create a community engagement group, the Agency was due to deliver a presentation to the Place Panel on 13 October, were the Panel able to consider the matter? The Head of Policy and Communications noted that the Environment Agency did wish to address the matter in its presentation to the Place Panel on 13 October 2022. RESOLVED - That report PC.25/22 be received. RESOLVED - That report PC.25/22 be received.
Funding information
Signposting, information and support
It is recommended that the Chair of the People Scrutiny Panel will write to CALC. The letter should make CALC Members aware that designated officer support is available to provide advice and signposting.
3.That promotional material be developed that can be disseminated through partner forums, rural networks and community noticeboards to highlight the information, support and signposting that the city council offers.
i) Offering designated officer support to groups that require information, signposting or publicity for opportunities they provide.
ii) Supporting third-sector partners, such as community centres and parish halls, to open as ‘Public Living Rooms’.
iii) Consider the development of a Warm Space Directory, designed and promoted to be accessible to target audiences.
iv) Supporting CALC to co-ordinate and promote existing opportunities, and to share good practice across rural Parish Councils. 3) That the Portfolio Holder be asked to CALC to make its members aware that designated officer support is available to provide advice and signposting. 4) That promotional material be developed that can be disseminated through partner forums, rural networks and community noticeboards to highlight the information, support and signposting that the city council offers.
Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to: democraticservices@carlisle.gov.uk
Also Present: Councillor Ellis - Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder Councillor Christian - Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder Councillor Mrs Mallinson - Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder
Officers: Deputy Chief Executive Head of Policy and Communications Homeless Services Manager Policy and Scrutiny Officer Ms Blake, Cumbria County Council Ms Gill, Cumbria Refugee Action Group Mr Byrne, Department of Work and Pensions