To note that Council, at it is meeting of 28 February 2023, received and adopted the minutes of the meetings held on 22 February (site visits) and 24 February 2023. The Chair will sign the minutes. [Copy minutes in Minute Book 46(6)]
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2023 (site visits).
Proposal: Erection of multifunctional food and drink, leisure entertainment venue and associated ancillary uses. The Planning Officer submitted the report on the application which had been subject of a site visit by the Committee on 22 March 2023. Members had also undertaken a visit to The Stack, Seaburn in December 2022 which afforded an opportunity to view and experience a similar venue to the one proposed in Carlisle.
Members’ attention was drawn to paragraph 6.50 of the report. The final sentence should read “in overall terms, the proposal would not result in issues sufficient to warrant a refusal of the application on the basis of crime prevention, safety and the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour”.
Proposal: Retention of existing access; erection of boundary walls together with formation of vehicular access to the rear of the property (Part Retrospective). The Planning Officer submitted the report on the application which had been subject of a site visit by the Committee on 22 March 2023. The formation of the access did not require planning permission as it was not onto a trunk or classified road. Accordingly, in determining the proposal Members were required to assess whether the new boundary walls, which required planning permission, either side of the access would have a detrimental impact upon highway safety or not as well as the visual impact of the boundary treatment within the existing street scene. Slides were displayed on screen showing: location plan, Site (Block) plan, Forward Visibility Splay, Wall and Gate details and photographs of the site, an explanation of which was provided for the benefit of Members. The Planning Officer recommended that the application be approved subject to the imposition of conditions detailed in the report. The Committee then gave consideration to the application. In response to Members' questions Officers confirmed: - The height of the boundary wall was currently 2 – 2.25m. Permitted Development Rights would allow a maximum height of 1m which was not considered sufficient to maintain privacy; - There were no known plans for the access road to be adopted. The Chair noted the Officer’s recommendation was to approve the application subject to the imposition of relevant conditions. He put the matter to the vote whereupon the votes in favour and against the proposal were equal. The Chair gave his casting vote, and it was: RESOLVED - That the application be approved subject to the imposition of relevant conditions as detailed in the Schedule of Decisions attached to these minutes.
Proposal: Erection of hot food restaurant / takeaway with associated drive-thru and parking and car parking. The Planning Officer submitted the report on the application which had been subject of a site visit by the Committee on 22 March 2023. Slides were displayed on screen showing: location plan, the proposed site plan, the proposed GA and Roof plan, the proposed elevations, the proposed drainage layout, and photographs of the site an explanation of which was provided for the benefit of Members. Following the publication of the report, two further representations had been received: one in support of the application and an objection. The objection was an additional submission from an individual who had previously objected to the application and reiterated points in relation to: the site not being sequentially acceptable as there were other preferrable sites in the city centre (site at Hardwicke Circus and Viaduct Estate Road; the legal requirement in the National Planning Policy Framework and case law for the Council to consider more sequentially preferrable sites; it was the objector’s view that the application failed the Sequential Test. In response to the objection, the Planning Officer noted that the site at Hardwicke Circus was within a flood zone and the land at Viaduct Estate Road was not available. As such, the application site was considered to be sequentially acceptable. The issues identified by Cumbria Constabulary were set out and assessed in section 5 of the report. The Planning Officer advised that the Constabulary’s response to the recently constructed drive-thru at London Road had expressed concerns, but no formal objection had been submitted in relation to that proposal subject to the imposition of a condition to limit trading hours similar to that of the premises at Kingstown. Potential for crime, anti-social behaviour and adverse impacts to nearby residential properties had been mitigated through the imposition of planning conditions primarily to control the hours of opening for the drive-through restaurant and restrict access to the car park area. The Planning Officer recommended that the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the report. The Committee then gave consideration to the application. Discussion arose on the matter of the Constabulary’s response to the consultation on the application. A number of Members noted the high level of concern set out in the organisation’s response regarding the potential for increased anti-social behaviour. It was noted that the application site was in close proximity to residential properties which would be impacted by any anti-social behaviour which had previously been an issue at the site. Members’ attention was drawn to paragraph 6.41 of the report which listed the number and types of incidents requiring police service at two other drive-thru outlets in the vicinity of the application site. The report sought to address the concerns raised by the Constabulary within the context of planning issues.
The Planning Officer noted that the configuration of the wider retail park had been altered since the demolition of the former drive-thru which had been associated with anti-social behaviour: the number of vehicular entrance/egress points had been reduced thus the retail park no longer afforded a rat-run between different areas; the chicane within the park meant it was no longer possible to drive from one end of the park to the other; ANPR cameras had been installed which were able to monitor vehicles. Moreover, condition 15 required the submission of details of mechanism to be employed to minimise anti-social behaviour. A Member was satisfied that the altered layout of the retail park and the reduced number of access/egress points were sufficient to mitigate anti-social behaviour. He moved the Officer’s recommendation. Another Member noted that ANPR cameras were installed for the purposes of monitoring the duration of a vehicle’s stay at a site, not anti-social behaviour. Given the potential impact of anti-social behaviour on the living conditions of residents in adjacent properties, he was not satisfied that mechanism provided sufficient deterrent.
The Member further noted that the proposal necessitated the loss of car parking spaces within the retail park which other stores had expressed concerns about. The Highway Authority had not identified the issue in its response, and he questioned whether the matter was within the authority’s jurisdiction. The Member was not satisfied that the matter had been given due consideration and felt it was important that the issue was properly understood as part of the determination of the application. In response to a question from a Member regarding the maximum capacity of vehicles the development was able to hold in the drive-thru area and the potential for there to be an overspill on to the highway, the Planning Officer advised that the relevant data was contained in paragraph 6.34 of the report.
Conservative – Mrs Bowman, Christian, Collier, Mrs Finlayson, Meller, Morton (Chair), Md Ellis-Williams (sub), McKerrell (sub), Mrs Mitchell (sub)
Labour – Alcroft, Mrs Glendinning, Patrick, Southward, Birks (sub), Brown (sub), Whalen (sub)
Independent - Tinnion (Vice Chair) Independent and Liberal Democrat - Bomford, Allison (sub)
Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to: To register a Right to Speak at the Committee contact