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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
20 Mar 2023 - 16:00 to 16:10
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive apologies for absence.
Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Gareth Ellis - Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder, the Deputy Chief Executive, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services and the Corporate Director of Economic Development.
To agree that the items of business within Part A of the agenda should be dealt with in public and that the items of business within Part B of the agenda should be dealt with in private.
RESOLVED - It was agreed that the items in Part A be dealt with in public and the items in Part B be dealt with when the Public and Press are excluded.
Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and any interests, relating to any items on the agenda at this stage.
There were no declarations of interest submitted.
To note that at Council, at its meeting on 28 February 2023, received and adopted the minutes of the meetings held on 4 January 2023 and 20 February 2023.
[Copy minutes in Minute Book Vol 49(5)]

RESOLVED - It was noted that Council had, at its meeting on 28 February 2023, received and adopted the minutes of the meetings held on 4 January 2023 and 20 February 2023.
Public Items

(Key Decision – KD.02/23)

The Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to submit proposed updates to the Council’s policy on emission breaches in the District’s smoke control areas and implementation of a civil penalty structure under the updates to the Clean Air Act 1993 under the Environment Act 2021
(Copy Report GD.10/23 herewith)


(Key Decision KD.02/23)

Portfolio:     Environment and Transport

Relevant Scrutiny Panel:     People Panel

Subject Matter:

The Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder submitted a proposed Smoke Control Area Emission Enforcement Policy following updates to the Clean Air Act 1993, under the Environment Act 2021 (GD.10/23).  The adoption of the Policy fed into the air quality priorities under the Air Quality Action Plan 2021 in fulfilment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management Framework.

The Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder moved the recommendations which were seconded by the Culture, Heritage and Leisure Portfolio Holder.

Summary of options rejected:     Not to approve the Smoke Control Area Emission Enforcement Policy.


That the Executive approved the Smoke Control Area Emission Enforcement Policy including the new proposed Civil Penalty Charging Structure as attached to report GD.10/23.

Reason for Decision:

To comply with both the UK standards and the World Health Organisation guidelines and ensure good air quality for the residents of Carlisle.

(Non Key Decision)

The Notice of Executive Key Decisions, published on 17 February 2023, is submitted for information.
(Copy Notice herewith)


(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio       Cross Cutting

Relevant Scrutiny Panel 

People Panel; Place Panel; Resources Panel 

Subject Matter:

The Notice of Executive Key Decisions dated 17 February 2023 was submitted for information. 

Summary of options rejected     None


That the Notice of Executive Key Decisions dated 17 February 2023 be received. 

Reason for decision         Not applicable

(Non Key Decision)

A Schedule detailing decisions taken by Officers under delegated powers is attached for information.
(Copy Schedule herewith)
Background Papers – as detailed within the Schedule

(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio                  Cross Cutting

Relevant Scrutiny Panel

People Panel; Place Panel; Resources Panel

Subject Matter: 

Details of decisions taken by Officers under delegated powers were submitted. 

Summary of options rejected     None


That the decisions attached as Appendix A, be noted. 

Reason for decision                    Not applicable

(Non Key Decision)

The Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Management Team held on 20 February 2023 are submitted for information.
(Copy Minutes herewith)

(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio       Cross Cutting

Relevant Scrutiny Panel

People Panel; Place Panel; Resources Panel

Subject Matter:

The minutes of the meeting of the Joint Management Team on the 20 February 2023 were submitted for information. 

Summary of options rejected     None


That the minutes of the Joint Management Team, as attached as Appendix B, held on 20 February 2023 be received. 

Reason for decision     Not applicable
(Non Key Decision)

The Corporate Director of Economic Development to submit the emerging Carlisle Rural Strategy. The matter was considered by the Place Panel at its meeting on 2 March 2023. 
(Copy Report ED.06/23 herewith and Minute Excerpt to follow)


(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio     Economy, Enterprise and Housing

Relevant Scrutiny Panel     Place Panel

Subject Matter

The Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder submitted an overview of the emerging Rural Strategy for the Carlisle area.  The Strategy had been developed following the workshop with Members that was held on 3 November 2022, where a number of recommendations were made. The Strategy sets out six aims designed to deliver economic, demographic and environmental sustainability for the Carlisle’s rural communities and businesses.

The Place Panel had considered the matter at their meeting on 2 March 2023 (Minute Excerpt PLP.17/23 referred)

In moving the recommendations the Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder thanked the Place Panel for their input in preparing the Strategy.  The Leader seconded the recommendations.

Summary of options rejected:     None


That the Executive:
1. Noted the contents of the Strategy in terms of the challenges, opportunities, strategic aims and objectives (ED.06/23)
2. Noted the comments from the Place Panel, which considered the draft Strategy on 2 March 2023.
3. Provided feedback on the Strategy to inform its finalisation for onward recommendation to Cumberland Council.

Reason for the Decision

The Strategy sets out a framework, based on analysis of the key issues, challenges and opportunities, to drive inclusive and sustainable rural growth within the Carlisle area. Its production had been evidence-led in order to ensure that it responded to local needs and opportunities, with the use of up-to-date data so that it was pertinent to the current economic climate and challenges.

(Non Key Decision)

The Corporate Director of Economic Development to submit a report outlining the policy and administration process for the Carlisle Enterprise Fund.
(Copy Report ED.10/23 herewith)

(Non Key Decision)

Portfolio     Economy, Enterprise and Housing

Relevant Scrutiny Panel
     Place Panel

Subject Matter

The Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder provided an overview of the Carlisle Enterprise Fund that had approved in principle by the Executive as part of the Year 1 programme for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund  (ED.10/23). The Enterprise Fund formed part of the interventions identified by the Council to deliver against the supporting local business investment priority. The report set out the policy framework and the application and eligibility criteria for the Enterprise Fund and sought delegation for the authorisation of payment of the grants to the Corporate Director of Economic Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder of Economy, Enterprise and Housing.

The Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder moved, and the Leader  seconded the recommendations.

Summary of options rejected     Not to approve the application


That the Executive:

1.  Approved the application and eligibility criteria for the Carlisle Enterprise Fund (Appendices A and B of report ED.10/23);
2. Delegated authority for the authorisation of payment of the grants to the Director / Assistant Director with responsibility for the delivery of the UKSPF programme, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, and the S151 Officer;
3. Delegated authority for the Director / Assistant Director with responsibility for the delivery of the UKSPF programme, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, and the S151 Officer to agree any future amendments to the policy.
Exempt Items

(Key Decision KD.03/23)

The report is not for publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as the report contains exempt information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)

The Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to submit a report regarding the disposal of various Property Assets.
(Copy Report GD.04/23 herewith)

Members of the Executive

Councillor J Mallinson (Leader's Portfolio)
Councillor G Ellis (Deputy Leader, and Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder)
Councillor Mrs Bowman (Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder)
Councillor N Christian (Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder)
Councillor S Higgs (Culture, Heritage and Leisure Portfolio Holder)
Councillor Mrs E Mallinson (Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder)

Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to:

Notes to Members:
All decisions on the agenda will be exempt from call in and will become live when the decisions are published.

Additional Meeting Documents


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Gareth Michael Ellis 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Officers:     Town Clerk and Chief Executive
                    Corporate Director of Finance and Resources
                    Regeneration Manager
                    Head of Legal and Democratic Services                  , Business & Resources Scrutiny, (8),), Nuclear (8)