Proposal: Change of Use of Land To Residential For Single Family Gypsy & Traveller Group Comprising 1no. Static Caravan, 1no. Touring Caravan, 1no. Dayroom,1no. Storage Shed, Formation Of Area Of Hard Standing & Erection Of Boundary Wall & Installation Of Septic Tank (Part Retrospective)
The Head of Development Management submitted the report on the application Slides were displayed on screen showing: location plan; existing and proposed site plans, day room, store, wall and septic tank details; and, photographs of the site, an explanation of which was provided for the benefit of Members.
The Head of Development Management recommended that:
1) Authority to Issue be given to the Corporate Director of Economic Development to approve the application, subject to imposition of relevant conditions as detailed in the report and the issue of nutrient neutrality being resolved.
2) In the event of the issue of nutrient neutrality not being resolved, delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director of Economic Development to refuse the application.
A Member asked for clarification of the location of the access point within the allocated site.
The Head of Development Management explained that due to the concerns in relation to the configuration of the highway adjacent to the allocation site, the access for the allocated land would be provided over the land adjacent to the site.
In response to a question from a Member regarding the approval of permissions granted subject to the resolution of the issue of nutrient neutrality, the Head of Development Management give an overview of the approaches that were being developed both locally and nationally to the matter.
A Member moved the Officer's recommendation which was seconded and, following voting it was:
RESOLVED - 1) That Authority to Issue be given to the Corporate Director of Economic Development to approve the application, subject to imposition of relevant conditions as detailed in the report and the issue of nutrient neutrality being resolved.
2) That, in the event of the issue of nutrient neutrality not being resolved, delegated authority will be given to the Corporate Director of Economic Development to refuse the application.
Proposal: Removal of Condition 12 (Connection of New Footpath) Of Previously Approved Permission 20/0868 (Erection of 2no. Dwellings) (Revised Application) The Planning Officer submitted the report on the application, and advised that following the publication of the report, the Highway Authority had responded to the consultation on the application confirming that it did not object to the proposal. Slides were displayed on screen showing: location site plan; and, photographs of the site, an explanation of which was provided for the benefit of Members.
The Planning Officer recommended that the application be approved subject to the imposition of conditions detailed in the report.
The Committee then gave consideration to the application.
In response to Members' questions Officers confirmed:
- during the application process to develop the adjacent housing, the then applicant had deemed that the service infrastructure installed under the verge prohibited the creation of a footpath as the necessary drainage measures were not able to be provided; - the physical inability to provide the footpath as conditioning in approved permission 20/0868 along with the likelihood of development on the other side of the road which would incorporate a footpath had led to the recommendation to approve the current application; - an application for development at the Harker Industrial Estate development had been submitted and included the provision of a footpath that would extend all the way to the A7. The matter was being considered by the Highway Authority.
RESOLVED – The application was approved with conditions.
Conservative – Mrs Bowman, Christian, Collier, Mrs Finlayson, Meller, Morton (Chair), Md Ellis-Williams (sub), McKerrell (sub), Mrs Mitchell (sub)
Labour – Alcroft, Mrs Glendinning, Southward, Wills, Birks (sub), Brown (sub), Whalen (sub)
Independent - Tinnion (Vice Chair) Independent and Liberal Democrat - Bomford, Allison (sub)
Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to: