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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
8 Nov 2022 - 18:45 to 20:57
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
3. Minutes
The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meeting of the City Council held on 11 October 2022.
The Mayor moved the receipt and adoption of the minutes of the meeting of the City Council held on 11 October 2022.

RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting of the City Council held on 11 October 2022 be received; and were signed by the Mayor. 
Public Items
7. Questions by Members of the Public
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.1, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report that no questions have been submitted on notice by members of the public.  
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.1, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services reported that no questions had been submitted on notice by members of the public.
8. Presentation of Petitions and Deputations
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.11, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report that no petitions or deputations have been submitted by members of the public. 
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.11, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services reported that no petitions or deputations had been submitted by members of the public.
9. Questions from Members of the Council
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report that no questions have been submitted on notice by Members of the City Council.
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services reported that no questions had been submitted on notice by Members of the Council.
10. Minutes of the Executive
The Council will be requested to receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive held 3 October and 24 October 2022 and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holder on those Minutes.

Councillor Mallinson (J) moved, and Councillor Ellis seconded that the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on 3 October and 24 October 2022 be received and adopted.

RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on 3 October and 24 October 2022 be received and adopted.
11. Executive - Portfolio Holder Reports
The Council will be asked to receive reports from the following Portfolio Holders and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holders on those reports:
Copies of reports from the following Portfolio Holders had been circulated prior to the meeting:
(Copy Report herewith)
In moving his report the Culture, Heritage and Leisure Portfolio Holder also congratulated the events team and the volunteers involved in the Fireshow and City of Lights.  He responded to questions regarding: the air pollution and carbon effect of the Fireshow, the City of Lights concessionary / free tickets; the Sands Centre and the planned Christmas Market.

RESOLVED - 1) That the report of the Culture, Heritage and Leisure Portfolio Holder be received.

2) That the Culture, Heritage and Leisure Portfolio Holder provide:
     Councillor Bomford with further information regarding air pollution monitoring during the
     Fireshow and measures that were taken to offset any pollution;
     Councillor Dr Tickner with details of the fees and charges for the Sands Centre leisure
     facilities along with the provisions in place for people to attend without membership;
     Councillor Brown with a breakdown of the local firms involved in the Christmas Market;
     Councillor Miss Whalen with details of ticket distribution for the City of Lights.
(Copy Report herewith)
The Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder moved her report highlighting the multi partner Food Carlisle Summit which was being held in the Civic Centre on 9 November 2022 and responded to questions regarding: the work of the Civil Enforcement Officers; Cost of Living Crisis; racial abuse and inequality and disabled facility adaptations.

RESOLVED - That the report of the Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder be received.

2) That the Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder provide Councillor Dr Davison with the most recent figures for disabled facility adaptations along with comparative data.
11.(iii) Pdf Environment and Transport (165Kb)
(Copy Report herewith)
The Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder moved his report and responded to questions regarding: recycling data, air quality and river bank maintenance.

RESOLVED - 1) That the report of the Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder be received.

2) That the Environment and Transport Portfolio Holder provide Councillor Alcroft with the recycling process data that was held by Cumbria County Council.
(Copy Report herewith)
In moving her report the Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder reported that an Expression of Interest had been submitted to the Investment Zone Initiative and further updates would be provided in due course.  The Portfolio Holder informed Council that the St Cuthbert's Garden Village Team had been shortlisted for an award and she wished them well.  The Portfolio Holder responded to questions regarding: the Market Square Project, City Centre Performance, rough sleeper count and St Cuthbert's Garden Village.

RESOLVED - That the report of the Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder be received.
(Copy Report herewith)
The Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder moved his report.

RESOLVED - That the report of the Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder be received.
11.(vi) Pdf Leader (138Kb)
(Copy Report herewith)
The Leader moved his report informing the Council that a legacy project was being prepared to celebrate the key achievements of the Council, the event would include tours of the Civic Centre and an exhibition at the Tourist Information Centre.  The Leader responded to questions regarding the Local Government Reorganisation.

RESOLVED - That the report of the Leader be received.
12. Minutes

The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meetings as detailed within Minute Book Volume 49(3) and ask questions of the Leader, Portfolio Holders and Committee Chairs.

For ease of reference the Minutes are:


Meeting Date


People Panel

25 August and 6 October 2022

Place Panel

1 September 2022

Regulatory Panel

14 September and 19 October 2022

Licensing Committee

19 October 2022

Development Control Committee

14 September and 16 September 2022

Audit Committee

28 September 2022

The Mayor moved and Councillor Glover seconded receipt and adoption of the minutes of the meetings as detailed within Minute Book Volume 49(3):

Committee Meeting Date
People Panel 25 August and 6 October 2022
Place Panel 1 September 2022
Regulatory Panel  14 September and 19 October 2022
Licensing Committee 19 October 2022
Development Control Committee  14 September and 16 September 2022
Audit Committee 28 September 2022

RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meetings as detailed [Volume 49(3)] above be received and adopted.
13. Scrutiny

The Council will be asked to receive reports from the following:

Copies of reports from the following Scrutiny Panel Chairs had been circulated prior to the meeting:
13.(i) Pdf People Panel (148Kb)
(Copy Report herewith)
Councillor Glover moved his Chair's Report and responded to questions regarding the Environment Agency's Community Engagement Group which the People Panel had  referred to the Place Panel.

RESOLVED - That the Report of the Chair be received.
13.(ii) Pdf Place Panel (123Kb)
(Copy Report herewith)
Councillor Bainbridge moved his Chair's Report and confirmed that the Environment Agency had given the Place Panel assurances that they would increase their community engagement but had not confirmed the establishment of the Community Engagement Group.

RESOLVED - That the Report of the Chair be received.
13.(iii) Pdf Resources Panel (134Kb)
(Copy Report herewith)
Councillor Finlayson moved her Chair's Report and responded to questions regarding the lack of meetings and the remit of the Resources Panel.

RESOLVED - That the Report of the Chair be received.
14. Notice of Motion

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report that that the following motion has been submitted on notice by Councillor Bainbridge:

Local Government Reform (LGR)

“This Council agrees to write to the Leader of Cumberland Council; the Chief Executive Designate for Cumberland Council, Andrew Seekings; to each elected member of the Cumberland Council Shadow Authority and to the Chief Executives of all Councils which fall within the footprint of the new Cumberland Council area.

Carlisle City Council is supportive of the moves to a single local authority.  It is however also aware that for many of our existing staff and their families, the process of LRG can be an unsettling time.  Employees deserve to be respectfully and fairly treated within this important transfer process.

The elected members of Carlisle City Council are greatly concerned by the present situation.  Openness and accountability are presently lacking from this process, resulting in many potential employees becoming unsettled by:-
•         the lack of information. 
•         a lack of the accountability within the management of this 
•         the criteria used for decision making as to which positions are
          ‘in-scope’ (i.e., ring-fenced) leaving several potentially suitable              and able candidates ‘out of scope’ and restricted from applying 
          for posts that they may be qualified for.

•         The over-reliance on current salary banding as contributing 
           factor in the transfer process criteria.

With just 5 months left until Cumberland Council begins, many employees within the existing Councils do not have a clear and informed direction of travel into the new authority.  We are concerned by the apparent disengagement of shadow elected members from the scrutiny of this process.   Presently, they have only met three times, with their next (and final scheduled meeting before vesting day) over three and a half months away.  We feel they are not fully aware of the concerns regarding this process and are consequently failing to discharge their duties fully.

It is important that the new Council is staffed by the most appropriate officers, recruited in a fair and open process.  If recruitment and transfer are allowed to fail, experienced potential staff will lose faith in the process.  Without the optimal staffing appointments, the new council will struggle to improve services for the good of all residents.”

Having declared an interest Councillors Betton and Robson left the meeting for the consideration of this item.

Councillor Patrick declared an interest as she was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services reported the receipt of the following motion submitted on notice by Councillor Bainbridge:

Local Government Reform (LGR)

“This Council agrees to write to the Leader of Cumberland Council; the Chief Executive Designate for Cumberland Council, Andrew Seekings; to each elected member of the Cumberland Council Shadow Authority and to the Chief Executives of all Councils which fall within the footprint of the new Cumberland Council area.

Carlisle City Council is supportive of the moves to a single local authority.  It is however also aware that for many of our existing staff and their families, the process of LRG can be an unsettling time.  Employees deserve to be respectfully and fairly treated within this important transfer process.

The elected members of Carlisle City Council are greatly concerned by the present situation.  Openness and accountability are presently lacking from this process, resulting in many potential employees becoming unsettled by:-

•         the lack of information.  
•         a lack of the accountability within the management of this process.
•         the criteria used for decision making as to which positions are ‘in-scope’ (i.e., ring-fenced) leaving several potentially suitable and able candidates ‘out of scope’ and restricted from applying for posts that they may be qualified for.
•         The over-reliance on current salary banding as contributing factor in the transfer process criteria.

With just 5 months left until Cumberland Council begins, many employees within the existing Councils do not have a clear and informed direction of travel into the new authority.  We are concerned by the apparent disengagement of shadow elected members from the scrutiny of this process.   Presently, they have only met three times, with their next (and final scheduled meeting before vesting day) over three and a half months away.  We feel they are not fully aware of the concerns regarding this process and are consequently failing to discharge their duties fully.

It is important that the new Council is staffed by the most appropriate officers, recruited in a fair and open process.  If recruitment and transfer are allowed to fail, experienced potential staff will lose faith in the process.  Without the optimal staffing appointments, the new council will struggle to improve services for the good of all residents.”

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 14.7 Councillor Bainbridge requested the meeting's consent to alter the motion which he had submitted on notice as follows:

“This Council agrees to write to the Leader of Cumberland Council; the Chief Executive Designate for Cumberland Council, Andrew Seekings; to each elected member of the Cumberland Council Shadow Authority and to the Chief Executives of all Councils which fall within the footprint of the new Cumberland Council area.

Carlisle City Council is supportive of the moves to a single local authority.  It is however also aware that for many of our existing staff and their families, the process of LRG can be an unsettling time.  Employees deserve to be respectfully and fairly treated within this important transfer process.

The elected members of Carlisle City Council are greatly concerned by the present situation.  Openness and accountability are presently lacking from this process, resulting in many potential employees becoming unsettled by:-
•         the lack of information. 
•         a lack of the accountability within the management of this process.
•         the criteria used for decision making as to which positions are ‘in-scope’ (i.e., ring-fenced) leaving several potentially suitable and able candidates ‘out of scope’ and restricted from applying for posts that they may be qualified for.
•         The over-reliance on current salary banding as contributing factor in the transfer process criteria.

With just 5 months left until Cumberland Council begins, many employees within the existing Councils do not have a clear and informed direction of travel into the new authority.  We are concerned by the apparent disengagement
disconnection of shadow elected members from the scrutiny of this process.   Presently, they have only met three times, with their next (and final scheduled meeting before vesting day) over three and a half months away.  We feel they are not being fully made aware of the concerns regarding this process and are consequently failing unable to discharge their duties fully.

It is important that the new Council is staffed by the most appropriate officers, recruited in a fair and open process.  If recruitment and transfer are allowed to fail, experienced potential staff will lose faith in the process.  Without the optimal staffing appointments, the new council will struggle to improve services for the good of all residents.”

Copies of the amended motion were tabled.

The meeting adjourned at 20:03 to consider the amendment to the motion and reconvened at 20:14.

Following a vote and without discussion the meeting agreed to alter the motion.

The substantive motion as set out below was moved by Councillor Bainbridge and seconded by Councillor Ellis.

“This Council agrees to write to the Leader of Cumberland Council; the Chief Executive Designate for Cumberland Council, Andrew Seekings; to each elected member of the Cumberland Council Shadow Authority and to the Chief Executives of all Councils which fall within the footprint of the new Cumberland Council area.

Carlisle City Council is supportive of the moves to a single local authority.  It is however also aware that for many of our existing staff and their fa
milies, the process of LRG can be an unsettling time.  Employees deserve to be respectfully and fairly treated within this important transfer process.

The elected members of Carlisle City Council are greatly concerned by the present situation.  Openness and accountability are presently lacking from this process, resulting in many potential employees becoming unsettled by:-
•         the lack of information. 
•         a lack of the accountability within the management of this process.
•         the criteria used for decision making as to which positions are ‘in-scope’ (i.e., ring-fenced) leaving several potentially suitable and able candidates ‘out of scope’ and restricted from applying for posts that they may be qualified for.
•         The over-reliance on current salary banding as contributing factor in the transfer process criteria.

With just 5 months left until Cumberland Council begins, many employees within the existing Councils do not have a clear and informed direction of travel into the new authority.  We are concerned by the apparent 
disconnection of shadow elected members from the scrutiny of this process.   Presently, they have only met three times, with their next (and final scheduled meeting before vesting day) over three and a half months away.  We feel they are not being fully made aware of the concerns regarding this process and are consequently unable to discharge their duties fully.

It is important that the new Council is staffed by the most appropriate officers, recruited in a fair and open process.  If recruitment and transfer are allowed to fail, experienced potential staff will lose faith in the process.  Without the optimal staffing appointments, the new council will struggle to improve services for the good of all residents."

Councillor Bainbridge elaborated on his reasons for the submission of his motion.

Substantial debate ensued, during which various Members expressed support for / opposition to the motion.

The matter was put to the vote and it was:

RESOLVED - That the motion be CARRIED.

Councillors Betton and Robson returned to the meeting.

15. Proposals from the Executive in relation to the Council's Budget and Policy Framework

Pursuant to Minute EX.122/22, to consider recommendations from the Executive concerning the Food Law Enforcement Service Plan 2022/23.
(Copy Report GD.64/22 and Minute Extracts herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.122/22, consideration was given to the Food Law Enforcement Service Plan 2022/23.  Report GD.64/22 and relevant Minute Extract had been circulated.

Councillor Christian moved and Councillor Ellis seconded the recommendation.

RESOLVED - That the key actions of the Food Law Enforcement Service Plan be approved in accordance with the Council's Budget and Policy Framework.

Pursuant to Minute EX.133/22, to consider recommendations from the Executive concerning the UK Shared Prosperity Fund - Year one delivery of Investment Plan
(Copy Report ED.29/22 and Minute Extract herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.133/22, consideration was given to the year one delivery of the Investment Plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  Report ED.29/22 and the relevant Minute Extract had been circulated.

Councillor Mrs Bowman moved and Councillor Mallinson (J) seconded the recommendation.

RESOLVED - That Council
1. Noted the delivery programme for Year 1 of the Carlisle UKSPF programme, as set out in Table 1 of  report ED.29/22;
2. Approved a budget of £52,000 be added to the Council’s Capital Programme, according to the financial profile for 2022-23, as set out in Table 1 of report ED.29/22
3. Approved a budget of £446,138 be added to the Council’s Revenue Budget, according to the financial profile for 2022-23, as set out in Table 1 of report ED.29/22.

Pursuant to Minute EX.139/22, to consider recommendations from the Executive concerning proposals to use Carlisle City Council's available charitable and other bequests monies to support three urgent needs across the communities of Carlisle District: Carlisle Food Bank; Prism Arts; and North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust.
(Copy Report CS.34/22 and Minute Extract herewith)

Pursuant to Minute EX.139/22, consideration was given to proposals to use City Council charitable and other bequests monies to support three urgent needs across the communities of the Carlisle District.  Report CS.34/22 and relevant Minute Extract had been circulated.

Councillor Mrs Mallinson moved and Councillor Christian seconded the recommendation.

RESOLVED - That Council release the funds to be utilised as set out in report CS.34/22.

Pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15 (i), the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report on the operation of call-in and urgency procedures.
(Copy Report GD.65/22 herewith)

Pursuant to Procedure Rule 15(j) of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services reported (GD.65/22) on the Operation of Call-in and Urgency Procedures over the past year.

RESOLVED – That report GD.65/22 be noted.
17. Communications
To receive and consider communications and to deal with such other business as may be brought forward by the Mayor as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Procedure Rule 2.1(xv) to pass such resolution or resolutions thereon as may be considered expedient or desirable.
There were no communications or items of business brought forward by the Mayor as a matter of urgency to be dealt with at the meeting.
Exempt Items

- NIL -

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Trevor AllisonC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestHe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.
Councillor Robert William BettonC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestHe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.
Councillor Lisa BrownC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestShe was Deputy Leader of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland
Councillor Dr Helen DavisonC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestShe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.
Councillor Mrs Anne GlendinningC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestShe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.
Councillor Colin William GloverC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestA family member was employed by Cumbria County Council
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Anne MallinsonC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestA family member was employed by Cumbria County Council
Councillor John MallinsonC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable Interesthe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland and had a family member who was employed by Cumbria County Council
Councillor Mrs Linda MitchellC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestHer husband was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland
Councillor Michael Robert MitchelsonC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestHe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.
Councillor Lucy PatrickC.145/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestShe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland
Councillor Fiona RobsonC.136/22A personal and prejudicial interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionDisclosable Pecuniary InterestShe was employed by Cumbria County Council
Councillor Christopher John SouthwardC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestHe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.
Councillor Dr Les TicknerC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestFamily Members were employed by Cumbria County Council
Councillor Miss Jeanette Maria WhalenC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestShe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.
Councillor Miss Jeanette Maria WhalenC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestShe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.
Councillor Christopher WillsC.136/22An interest in respect of Item 14. Notice of MotionRegistrable InterestHe was a Member of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland.


Officers:     Town Clerk and Chief Executive
                    Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services