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Meeting Summary
Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel - up to 15 May 2022
13 Jan 2022 - 10:00 to 11:48
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items

**A pre meeting for Members to prepare for the Panel will take place 45 minutes before the meeting**

The Press and Public are welcome to attend for the
consideration of any items which are public.

Members of the Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel

Councillor Paton (Chair), Councillors Mrs Finlayson (Vice-Chair), Glover, Mrs McKerrell, Shepherd, Sunter, Mrs Tarbitt, Miss Whalen.


Alcroft, Atkinson, Bainbridge, Birks, Mrs Bowman, Brown, Collier, Ms Ellis-Williams, Mrs Glendinning, Lishman, Meller, Mrs Mitchell, Mitchelson, Morton, Ms Patrick, Robson, Miss Sherriff, Southward, Dr Tickner, and Tinnion.

Public Items
To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutions
Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of the Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder and the Health and Wellbeing Manager.
Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and any interests, relating to any items on the agenda at this stage.
In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct the following declarations of interest were submitted:

Councillor Glover declared an interest in relation to agenda item A.2 - Culture in Carlisle and Links to Mental Health Support.  The interest related to his membership on the Interim Carlisle Culture Board, he was also Chair of the Cumbria LEP Creative and Cultural Sector Panel.

Councillor Miss Whalen declared an interest in relation to agenda item A.0 - Question from member of the public.  Her interest related to the fact she was friends with the member of public.
To agree that the items of business within Part A of the agenda should be dealt with in public and that the items of business within Part B of the agenda should be dealt with in private.
RESOLVED - It was agreed that the items of business in Part A be dealt with in public and items of business in Part B be dealt with in private.
To note that Council, at its meeting of 4 January 2022, received and adopted the minutes of the meetings held on 14 October and 25 November 2021.  The Chair will sign the minutes.
[Copy minutes in Minute Book 48(4)]. 
RESOLVED - It was noted that Council, on 4 January 2022, received and adopted the minutes of the meeting held on 14 October and 25 November 2021. The Chair signed the minutes.

To consider any matter which has been the subject of call-in.


There were no items which had been the subject of call-in.
Portfolio:   Communities, Health and Wellbeing
Directorate:   Community Services
Officer: Darren Crossley, Deputy Chief Executive
Report: CS.01/22 herewith
The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report providing an update on the development and activities of Carlisle Culture, with a particular focus on mental health support. 

Why is this item on the agenda?
Item agreed by Panel as part of its Work Programme.

What is the Panel being asked to do?
Review the report, noting progress made and planned work in 2022. 
The Deputy Chief Executive submitted an update on the development and activities of Carlisle Culture, with a particular focus on mental health support (CS.01/22).

The Deputy Chief Executive gave a brief overview of the background to the cultural forum, Carlisle Culture, and the delivery of a Strategic Framework for Culture and detailed the ten priorities contained in the Framework.

In considering the report Members raised the following comments and questions:

- How would the success of Carlisle Culture be measured and what was the timescale for the achievement of the aims?

The Deputy Chief Executive explained that the Framework was the broad direction of travel.  To be successful, a full programme of work needed to be agreed with timescales and performance indicators along with clear determination of the role of the cultural forum.

- There was a lot of focus on the city centre, how would the offer be brought into action at ward level?

The Deputy Chief Executive acknowledged that cultural work was already taking place in wards especially in community centres.  Although significant progress had been made under priority 7 through Thriving Communities social prescribing project, more work was needed to build relationships with community organisations to include ward offer within the cultural programme.

As a member of the Interim Board, Councillor Glover commented that the cultural and creative offer had been a lifeline for many during the pandemic and there were many exciting things happening within the City.  He felt it would be useful if the Panel and the Executive could share their thoughts on the properties as set out in the report and suggest what should be delivered first.  He highlighted the importance of working with the Arts Council to achieve funding to support the programme.

- Would the Board be able to continue once Carlisle City Council ceased to exist?

The Deputy Chief Executive responded that the culture offer in Carlisle was the focus at this time, work would have to be carried out to look at potential new boundaries.  It was known that the Arts Council preferred to support larger areas where a bigger impact could be made so the changes to the authorities may have a positive impact on the work.  At this point the focus for the Board would be the next 12 to 18 months and the offer that could be delivered in Carlisle.

The Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder stressed that there was an appetite to continue the cultural and creative work due to the positive impact on vulnerable people.  There was a range of joint working taking place which had been vital during the pandemic and would continue to be vital to those in need.

The Leader added that, during the Local Government Reorganisation work,  there had been positive informal discussions regarding the importance of culture and creativity and he was optimistic that the work would be important in the new authority.

The Culture, Heritage and Leisure Portfolio Holder commended the Deputy Chief Executive on the work he had undertaken to make such excellent progress.  He felt that the priority should be for the Culture Board to find its own identity and not rely on local authorities to move forward.

RESOLVED - That the Panel noted report CS.01/22 the progress made and planned work for 2022.
Portfolio:   Communities, Health and Wellbeing
Directorate:   Community Services
Officer: Luke Leathers, Health and Wellbeing Manager
Report:  CS.02/22 herewith
The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report providing an update on the planned programme of capital investment into the Council's Active Spaces stock for 2022/23 and setting out the longer term strategic direction for making improvements beyond the next financial year. 

Why is this item on the agenda?
Item agreed by Panel as part of its Work Programme. 

What is the Panel being asked to do?
Review the update and make appropriate recommendations.  

The Deputy Chief Executive submitted an update on the planned programme of capital investment into the Council's active spaces stock for 2022/23 along with the longer-term strategic direction for making improvements beyond 2022/23 (CS.04/22).

The Deputy Chief Executive reported on the facilities available within the City, the funding for the improvements and maintenance and the strategic approach taken to maximise the funding that was available.

In considering the report Members raised the following comment and questions:

- A Member commented that it was difficult for small districts and villages to receive Section 106 monies.

- The Panel thanked the Green Spaces team for their excellent work in keeping the green spaces operational in such difficult circumstances when residents really relied on them.

- The green spaces within Carlisle had proved invaluable during the pandemic.  Was it possible to update and refresh the interpretation boards and information that was placed around the green spaces to enhance the education offer and the leisure experience.

The Deputy Chief Executive agreed to engage with local groups and discuss an audit of the interpretation boards with officers to undertake an audit of the condition of the information available in green spaces.

RESOLVED - That the Active Spaces - Update on Plan (CS.02/22) was noted.

Portfolio: Communities, Health and Wellbeing
Directorate:   Community Services
Officer: Jeannie Pasley, Healthy City Team Manager
Report: CS.03/22 herewith
The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report outlining the approach to Social Prescribing, activity already taking place in Carlisle and how the Council may support future development. 

Why is this item on the agenda?
Item agreed by Panel as part of its Work Programme. 

What is the Panel being asked to do?
Consider the content of the report and advise how the authority can best support the development of Social Prescribing in the district. 

The Deputy Chief Executive presented a report regarding Social Prescribing (CS.03/22).

The Deputy Chief Executive reported that Social Prescribing was an approach being developed by the NHS and its partners to help address health and wellbeing issues across England.  The report provided brief details of the approach, what was already happening in Carlisle and how the City Council could support future development, working with partners and stakeholders across the District.

In considering the report Members raised the following comments and questions:

- How would the hard to reach groups be engaged in the work, especially those that struggled with social situations or were isolated.

The Deputy Chief Executive responded that it was difficult to engage everyone who would benefit from Social Prescribing.  Social Prescribing was an holistic approach to people's health and wellbeing through collaborative working with partners including the NHS and GPs.  It did rely on people engaging in the offer however a wide range of agencies were involved in referring to Social Prescribing as well as the ability to self refer.  He suggested that some work be carried out in preparing an advocacy pack for Members and local communities which provided information in a quick clear way.

- How would the Local Government Reorganisation impact the role of local authorities in Social Prescribing?

The Deputy Chief Executive reported that the initial focus for the Reorganisation was the safe and legal perspective.  To continue the Social Prescribing in the new authority there would need to be some joined up partnership work across the new area.  There may be opportunities in the new authority to attract funding and make resources go further across a wider footprint.

- How was Social Prescribing promoted?

The Deputy Chief Executive explained that the promotion of Social Prescribing was a difficult matter.  There was a limited amount of services and resources available to meet needs.  Consideration needed to be given to how the programme could be expanded.

- The Chair highlighted the current issues regarding the availability of NHS dentists and asked if this was a matter that could be addressed through the Healthy Cities?

The Deputy Chief Executive reminded the Panel that the City Council had no power in terms of access to dentists however the Healthy Cities Forum could use their advocacy to get a response to the issue.

The Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder explained that  the matter had already been raised and would be added to a future Healthy Cities agenda for discussion.  The Portfolio Holder commended officers, in particular the Healthy City Team Manager, for their involvement in the success of Social Prescribing in the area.

RESOLVED - The Panel noted the contents of the Social Prescribing report (CS.03/22).

Portfolio:    Cross Cutting
Directorate:   Cross Cutting
Officer:  Rowan Jones, Overview and Scrutiny Officer
Report: OS.03/22 herewith
To consider a report providing an overview of matters related to the work of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel.  

Why is this item on the agenda?
The Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel operates within a Work Programme which is set for the 2021/22 municipal year.  The Programme is reviewed at every meeting to ensure that it can be adjusted to reflect the wishes of the Panel and take into account items relevant to this Panel in the latest Notice of Executive Key Decisions.

What is the Panel being asked to do?
- Note the items (within Panel remit) on the most recent Notice of Executive Key Decisions;
- Discuss the Work Programme and prioritise as necessary.  
The Overview and Scrutiny Officer submitted report OS.03/22 providing an overview of matters relating to the work of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel. 

In response to a question the Overview and Scrutiny Officer confirmed that the Victorian Baths Feasibility Study would be included on the Panel's agenda on 17 February and it would not be scrutinised by the Economic Growth Scrutiny Panel.

RESOLVED - That the Overview Report incorporating the Work Programme and Key Decision items relevant to the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel be noted (OS.03/22).
Exempt Items


Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to:


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Also Present:     Councillor J Mallinson, Leader
                            Councillor Ellis, Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder
                            Councillor Mrs Mallinson, Communities, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder
                            Councillor Higgs, Culture, Heritage and Leisure Portfolio Holder

Officers:     Deputy Chief Executive 
                    Overview and Scrutiny Officer