The meeting will start at 14:15 or on the rising of the Regulatory Panel, whichever is the latest.
To note that Council, at its meeting on 1 March 2022, received and adopted the minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2022. The Chair will sign the minutes. [Copy minutes in Minute Book Vol 48(5)].
The Licensing Manager to provide an update on the Licensing Act 2003. (Copy Report GD.22/22 herewith)
The Licensing Manager to provide an update on the Gambling Act 2005. (Copy Report GD.23/22 herewith)
The Licensing Manager submitted the Gambling Act 2005 Update (GD.23/22) which gave an update on the current position regarding licenses, permits and application made under the Act.
To appoint Members to serve on the four Licensing Sub Committees as per the attached schedule following changes by Council on 1 March 2022. (Copy Schedule herewith)
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Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers etc to:
Officers: Assistant Solicitor Licensing Manager