The Town Clerk and Chief Executive will open the meeting by calling the roll; and at the same time Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and any interests, relating to any item on the agenda at this stage.
To determine whether any of the items of business within Part A of the Agenda should be dealt with when the public and press are excluded from the meeting.
To determine whether any of the items of business within Part B of the Agenda should be dealt with when the public and press are present.
(i) To receive any announcements from the Mayor
(ii) To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council
(iii) To receive any announcements from Members of the Executive
(iv) To receive any announcements from the Town Clerk and Chief Executive
Any views or opinions expressed in the questions set out in this Agenda paper are those of the person submitting the questions and do not necessarily reflect the position, views or opinions of the Council.
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following questions submitted on notice by Councillor Dr Davison:
“ Would the Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio Holder:
(a) Provide an update on the details and progress of the task group he set up to ensure residents are properly engaged with the city council’s response to the permitting process for the incinerator?
(b) Detail the task group’s remit?
(c) List the actions that have been taken to date?
(d) Provide a hard copy of the group’s agreed action plan, given the time constraints of the Environment Agency consultation process?
Given the concerns recently highlighted by residents about the legality of aspects of the county council’s planning process, the makeup of the Task Group now leaves itself open to accusations of conflict of interest, as both the city and county council representatives on it are both members of both authorities. Will the portfolio holder today commit to add a local city councillor to the group who is not also on the county council, to ensure that the voices of our citizens are heard above those of the county and provide residents transparency and trust in the process?”
and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holders on those Reports.
(Copy Reports herewith)
The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meetings as detailed within Minute Book Volume 47(2); and ask questions of the Leader, Portfolio Holders and Committee Chairs.
For ease of reference the Minutes are:
Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following motion submitted on notice by Councillor Nedved:
“Carlisle City Council fully supports the Great British September Clean to be held from 11th to 27th September 2020.
This Council is committed to tackling the blights of litter, fly tipping, graffiti and dog fouling.
Support can be given by organising private clean ups with up to five family or friends.
Litter blights our streets, parks and green spaces costing this Country millions of pounds to clear up every year.
Carlisle City Council expresses its thanks to Officers and Staff from Green Spaces and Area Maintenance Teams for their hard work in keeping Carlisle and District tidy."
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report the receipt of the following motion submitted on notice by Councillor Dr Davison:
“Carlisle City Council 1. Acknowledges the value that its diverse and open green spaces provide as important places for people to get out into to benefit their health and wellbeing, even more so given the challenges and increasing stresses on many in our community as a result of the pandemic.
2. Recognises that those spaces closest to people’s homes are particularly important for their overall sense of wellbeing in terms of how they feel about where they live and their ability to easily get outdoors and into nature.
3. Acknowledges that, given the environmental crisis and biodiversity loss happening alongside the climate crisis, it is more critical than ever before that biodiverse areas within our city are protected from development. 4. Recognises that Deer Park field, directly next to Kingmoor Sidings nature reserve, is one of these precious spaces, much loved and used by local residents young and old, over the years to walk in, walk dogs, get out into a place where they can feel away from it all, pick fruit, watch wildlife, enjoy the varied flora and, as children, play in.
5. Recognises that Deer Park field enhances the offer of the Kingmoor Sidings Nature reserve, both as the route to it but also in offering different habitats from the nature reserve, enjoyed and used by residents and the wildlife to be regularly observed in it 6. Acknowledges that since the last revision of the local plan, adopted in 2016, much has changed in our understanding of the full impact of human activity on our environment and biodiversity and that it is time that we make decisions based on new knowledge and focused on protecting those spaces and habitats which, once lost, will be irreplaceable, along with the species growing and living there.
7. Recognises that the loss of Deer Park to housing development will be a very significant loss to the local and wider community of Carlisle and also to all the wildlife, flora and fauna that currently inhabit it. Given all the above issues the City Council: 1. Commits to expedite the local plan review process and ensure that all green spaces within the city are reconsidered as to their benefit for wellbeing to local residents and providing biodiverse spaces.
2. Will support residents in investigating and getting those which are of real community value designated as a Local Green Space, as allowed under the National Planning Policy Framework.
3. Will add to the local plan process our planners doing a properly publicised whole district call for sites to be considered as Local Green Spaces, alongside work to identify and directly contact green space / friends groups.
4. Commits to prioritise supporting residents in the Deer Park area to have this field protected in this way, should the current planning application be refused, and in the longer term to investigate, and as funds or grants allow acquire the land, to link it to, enhance and develop the offering of Kingmoor Sidings nature reserve to safeguard that historically interesting and biodiverse green space for residents.”
Pursuant to Minute EX.69/20 and EX.88/20, to consider a recommendation from the Executive that the Medium Term Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2025/26 be referred to Council for approval.
(Copy Report RD.25/20 and Minute Extracts herewith)
Pursuant to Minute EX.70/20 and EX.89/20, to consider a recommendation from the Executive that the Capital Investment Strategy 2021/22 to 2025/26 be referred to Council for approval.
(Copy Report RD.26/20 and Minute Extracts herewith)
Pursuant to Minute EX.71/20 and EX.90/20, to consider a recommendation from the Executive that the Asset Management Plan for 2021 to 2026 be referred to Council for adoption.
(Copy Report GD.43/20 and Minute Extracts herewith)
Pursuant to Minute EX.68/20 and EX.73/20, to consider a recommendation from the Executive that Council approves and adopts the updated Cumbria Choice Allocations Policy.
(Copy Report GD.39/20 and Minute Extracts herewith)
Pursuant to Minute EX.99/20, to consider recommendations from the Executive concerning the financial implications on the Council's budgets and the Medium Term Financial Plan, as a result of the Council completing both the Grant Determination Agreement and the Collaboration Agreement, in relation to the Carlisle Southern Link Road on 31 July 2020.
(Copy Report RD.27/20 and Minute Extract herewith)
Pursuant to Minute EX.100/20, to consider recommendations from the Executive relative to a proposed scheme of delegation for the decision making powers contained within the Business and Planning Act 2020.
(Copy Report GD.41/20 and Minute Extract herewith)
To consider the Annual Report of the Audit Committee.
(Copy Report RD.28/20 and Minute Extract herewith)
Pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15(i), the Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services to report on the operation of call-in and urgency procedures.
(Copy Report GD.42/20 herewith)
- NIL -
Also in attendance at the above meeting were:
Town Clerk and Chief Executive
Corporate Director of Governance and Regulatory Services