To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2017 and 1 June 2017
[Copy minutes in Minute Book 43(6) and 1 June 2017 herewith]
To consider a report providing am overview of matters related to the work of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel, together with the latest version of the Work Programme and details of the Key Decision items relevant to this Panel as set out in the Notice of Executive Key Decisions.
A discussion of the Panel's Work programme for the coming year will be undertaken. Senior Officers and relevant Portfolio Holders have been invited to attend.
(Copy Report OS.15/17 herewith)
(Communities, Health and Wellbeing)
The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report seeking consideration of the Carlisle and Eden Community Safety Partnership Plan. This matter was included in the Notice of Executive Key Decisions and will be cosnidered by the Executive at its meeting of 31 July 2017.
Chief Inspector Mackay from Cumbria Constabulary and Mr Evans from Vicitim Support have been invited to attend the meeting.
(Copy Report CS.14/17 herewith)
The Policy and Communications Manager to submit the Annual Equality Report for 2016/17 and the Equality Action Plan 2017/18.
(Copy Report PC.12/17 herewith)
(Copy report GD.41/17 and Minute Excerpt EX.52/17 herewith)
- NIL -
Conservative – Ellis, Layden, Mrs Mallinson, Bainbridge (sub), Bloxham (sub), Mrs Finlayson (sub)
Labour – Burns (Vice - Chairman), McDonald, McNulty, S Sidgwick, Coleman (sub) Harid (sub), Mrs Riddle (sub) Independent - Paton (Chairman), Bomford (sub)
Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers, etc to Committee Clerk: Jacqui Issatt - 817557 or
PRESENT: Superintendent Bibby, Cumbria Constabulary
Chief Inspector Mackay, Vice Chairman of North Cumbria Community Safety Partnership
Mr Evans, Victim Support
Councillor Mrs Bradley, Economy, Enterprise and Housing Portfolio Holder
Councillor Mrs Parsons, Observer
Councillor Mrs Finlayson, Observer
OFFICERS: Deputy Chief Executive
Contracts and Community Services Manager
Policy and Communications Manager
Overview and Scrutiny Officer