To note the minutes of the meeting held on 31 March 2017
(Copy Minutes herewith)
To consider a report of an Investigating Officer into an allegation and determine the recommended action.
(Copy Report GD.40/17 herewith)
- NIL -
Conservative: Mrs Bowman, Mrs Mallinson, Mrs Parsons, Mallinson J (sub), Morton (sub), Nedved (sub)
Labour: Mrs Bradley (Chairman), McDonald, Ms Patrick (Vice Chairman), Stothard, Dr Tickner (sub), Ms Quilter (sub), Wilson (sub).
Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers, etc to Democratic Services Officer:
Rachel Plant 817039 or
ALSO PRESENT: Councillor C Nicholson, Parish Council Representative
Mr K Thomas, Independent Person
OFFICERS: The Monitoring Officer
Principal Lawyer