Councillors Mrs Parsons, Scarborough and Mrs Warwick will attend this Sub-Committee as members and Councillor Mrs Franklin will attend as substitute.
- NIL -
Conservative: Bowman S, Mrs Parsons (sub) Labour: Scarborough, Mrs Warwick, Mrs franklin (sub), Mrs Stevenson (sub)
Note to Members - Councillors Mrs Parsons Scarborough and Mrs Warwick will attend this Sub-Committee as members and Councillor Mrs Franklin will attend as substitute.
Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers, etc to Lead Committee Clerk: Rachel Rooney – 817039
ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Mrs Franklin was present at the meeting as the substitute Member. Mr N Tarn, Applicant Sergeant Higgin, Cumbria Constabulary
OFFICERS: Director of Governance Licensing Officer Licensing Manager
There were no objections to the three Members of the Licensing Sub Committee. Councillor Mrs Franklin remained in the meeting as an observer only.