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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
28 Apr 2015 - 18:45 to 19:55
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
3. Minutes
The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meeting of the City Council held on 3 March 2015.
Public Items
7. Questions by Members of the Public
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.1, the Town Clerk and Chief Executive to report that no questions have been submitted on notice by members of the public.
8. Presentation of Petitions and Deputations
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10.11, the Town Clerk and Chief Executive to report that no petitions or deputations have been submitted by members of the public.
9. Questions from Members of the Council
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 11.2, the Town Clerk and Chief Executive to report the receipt of the following question submitted on notice by Councillor Mrs Bowman:

"Would the Chairman of Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel confirm that there will be "An additional £1000 for each Councillor to support small scale community projects in their Wards" as stated in his report to Council on the 3rd March 2015."
10. Executive
(a)  Minutes

The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on 2 March and 7 April 2015, and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holders on those Minutes.
(b) Portfolio Holder Reports
The Council will be asked to receive reports from the following Portfolio Holders:
(i) Pdf Leader's Portfolio (134Kb)
and ask questions of the Leader and Portfolio Holders on those Reports.
(Copy Reports herewith)
11. Overview and Scrutiny
The Council will be asked to receive the Minutes from the following meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels and to ask questions of the Chairmen; and receive reports from the Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels:
(a)  Minutes of the meetings held on 26 February and 9 April 2015
(b)  Chairman's Report
(a)  Minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2015
(b)  Chairman's Report
(a)  Minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2015
(b)  Chairman's Report

(Copy Reports herewith)
To consider the Annual Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels for 2014/15 as required under Article 6 of the Council's Constitution.
(Copy Report OS.10/15 and Minute Extracts herewith/to follow)
13. Regulatory Panel
To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Regulatory Panel held on 25 February 2015.
14. Development Control Committee
To receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Development Control Committee held on 18 and 20 February; and 25 March 2015.
15. Appeals Panel
To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Appeals Panel held on 24 February 2015.
16. Notice of Motion
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 12, the Town Clerk and Chief Executive to report that no motions have been submitted on notice by Members of the Council.
To consider a report of the Monitoring Officer recommending amendments to the Council's Constitution in relation to the deadline for the submission of Motions and Questions; the ability of the Monitoring Officer to make minor amendments; and, compliance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.
(Copy Report GD.25/15 herewith)
To consider a report of the Monitoring Officer recommending an amendment to the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules as regards the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
(Copy Report GD.22/15 herewith)
To consider the Annual Report of the Audit Committee.
(Copy Report RD.03/15 herewith / Minute Extract to follow)
Pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 15(i), the Director of Governance to report on the operation of Call In and Urgency Procedures over the past year.
(Copy Report GD.21/15 herewith)
21. Communications
To receive and consider communications and to deal with such other business as may be brought forward by the Mayor as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Procedure Rule 2.1(xiv) to pass such resolution or resolutions thereon as may be considered expedient or desirable.
Exempt Items
- NIL -
The Mayor has agreed to host a reception for Members of the City Council and their spouses/partners at the conclusion of the meeting to mark the end of the Municipal Year, when a finger buffet and drinks will be served on the Reception Area

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Also present:   Town Clerk and Chief Executive
                        Director of Governance