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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Development Control Committee
8 Mar 2013 - 10:00 to 15:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
Minutes of Previous Meetings
To approve and sign the Minutes of the meetings held on 12 December 2012, 14 December 2012, 23 January 2013 and 25 January 2013. To note the Minutes of the site visits held on 6 March 2013

** N.B. - In view of the volume of business to be transacted, proceedings will continue into the afternoon.  Members may therefore wish to consider making their own arrangements for lunch.  **
Exempt Items

Additional Meeting Documents

  1. Pdf Agenda for Development Control Committee 08 03 13 (50Kb)
  2. Planning Committee Supplementary Schedule - Amended - Exempt Item
    • Information relating to any individual;
  3. Pdf Minutes - Development Control Committee - Schedule of Decisions - 08 03 13 (469Kb)
  4. Pdf Minutes - Development Control Committee - 08 03 13 (221Kb)
  5. Rights to Speak Notes
    • Information relating to any individual;


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Councillor Mrs Judith Irene Prest Councillor Cyril Stanley Bowman
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Raynor Desmond BloxhamDC.23/13Application 12/0710 - land to the rear of Scotby Green SteadingRegistrableHis wife was a member of an organisation chaired by an objector
Councillor Donald Stewart CapeDC.23/13Applications 12/0953 - Irthing Centre, Brampton and 12/0970 - land to the rear of Park House, Parkett Hill, Scotby, CarlisleOtherThe Green Design Director was a member of the same sports club
Councillor Barry Ogilvie EarpDC.23/13Applications 12/0710 - land to the rear of Scotby Green Steading, Scotby, 12/0790 - land at Broomfallen Road, Scotby, 12/0856 - land adjacent to Beech Cottage, Cumwhinton and 12/0970 - land to the rear of Park House, Parkett Hill, ScotbyRegistrableThree of the developers and many objectors were known to him
Councillor Hugh Francis McDevittDC.23/13Application 12/0953 - Irthing Centre, BramptonOtherHe was a member of Cumbria County Council
Councillor Mrs Doreen Heather ParsonsDC.23/13Application 12/0710 - land to the rear of Scotby Green Steading, ScotbyRegistrableShe was a member of an organisation chaired by an objector
Councillor Mrs Jessica RiddleDC.23/13Application 12/0710 - land to the rear of Scotby Green Steading, ScotbyRegistrableShe was a member of an organisation chaired by an objector
Councillor Mrs Jessica RiddleDC.23/13Application 12/0953 - Irthing Centre, BramptonOtherShe was a Portfolio Holder and was aware of the plans
Councillor Mrs Ann WarwickDC.23/13Application 12/0856 - land adjacent Beech Cottage, CumwhintonOtherMr Brian Child was a neighbour
Councillor William WhalenDC.23/13Application 12/0790 - land at Broomfallen Road, ScotbyOtherThe grandfather of one of the objectors was known to him
Councillor William WhalenDC.23/13Application 12/0953 - Irthing Centre, BramptonOtherHe was a member of Cumbria County Council


Also in attendance at the above meeting were:

Councillor Bainbridge - Ward Councillor - Applications 12/0835, 12/0836 and 12/0843
Councillor Betton - Ward Councillor - Applications 12/1040 and 12/01041
Councillor Collier - Observer

Director of Economic Development
Director of Governance
Planning Manager
Planning Officers (RJM, SD, SE, ST)
Principal Planning Officer

___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting.