**Briefing meeting for Members will be at 9.15 am in
the Victory Hall, Dalston**
Riverside Carlisle
Pursuant to Procedure Rule 10, the Director of Governance to report the receipt of the following questions to the Chairman which have been submitted on notice by Mr Barker, Secretary of the Carlisle and Rural Tenants’ Federation.
“1. The serious social housing shortage in the rural areas of Carlisle was highlighted at the Panel meeting on February 14 2013 when Riverside representatives were asked how the shortage of affordable accommodation is being tackled bearing in mind that one in three city residents are from the rural area. Members of the Panel were informed that there are no current or planned rural developments by Riverside. How will Members of the Panel ensure that this shortage of affordable social housing is given due consideration by Riverside Carlisle when they are developing their capital schemes?
2. Members of the Panel were informed how Riverside Carlisle are supporting their tenants during the Welfare Reform changes. Are Members of the Panel assured that that all Riverside tenants will receive equal support and assistance regardless of their locality or membership of tenants association and how do the Panel intend to further scrutinise this issue?”
(Communities and Housing) The Director of Community Engagement to submit a report concerning the Parish Charter and its Formal Agreements, which set out the arrangements for how Parishes and the City Council will work together. The matter was considered by the Executive on 11 March 2013. (Copy Report CD.21/13 and Minute Excerpt herewith)
To consider a report providing an overview of matters related to the work of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel, together with the latest version of the Work Programme and details of the Key Decisions items relevant to this Panel as set out in the Notice of Executive Key Decisions. (Copy Report OS.07/13 herewith)
Enquiries, requests for reports, background papers, etc to Committee Clerk: Rachel Rooney – 817039
Notes to Members: Briefing meeting will be held at 9.15am at Victory Hall, Dalston
ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Mrs Riddle – Communities and Housing Portfolio Holder Mr R Auld – Chairman of Carlisle Parish Councils Association Ms C Rankin – Carlisle Parish Councils Association Mr J Barker - Secretary of the Carlisle and Rural Tenants’ Federation Mr S Carter – Yewdale Community Centre Manager Ms C Hannah – Denton Holme Community Centre Manager Councillor T Allison, Dalston Ward Councillor – Observer Councillor B Craig, Dalston Ward Councillor - Observer
OFFICERS: Director of Community Engagement DFG Coordinator – Cumbria Wellbeing Manager Scrutiny Officer