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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel
22 Nov 2012 - 10:00 to 13:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
Minutes of Previous Meetings

To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 6 September 2012 and 11 October 2012.
[Copy Minutes in Minute Book 39(3)]

Public Items

(Culture, Health, Leisure and Young People Portfolio)
To Director of Community Engagement to submit a report on the Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust Business Plan 2013/14 - 2015/16.

(Copy Report CD.57/12 herewith)

Members of the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel have been invtied to attend the meeting to take part in the scrutiny of the Tullie House item.

To consider a report providing an overview of matters related to the work of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel, together with the latest version of the Work Programme and details of the Key Decisions items relevant to this Panel as set out in the Notice of Executive Key Decisions.
(Copy Report OS.31/12 herewith)

(Communities and Housing Portfolio)
To consider the report from the Executive to the recommendations of the Community Centre Task and Finish Group.
(Copy Report CD.54/12 and Minute Excerpt herewith)

(Culture, Health, Leisure and Young People Portfolio,
Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio,
Communities and Housing Portfolio)

Members are reminded that the Budget reports were circulated to all Overview and Scrutiny Members of 9 November 2012, Members are asked to bring the relevant budget reports to the meeting.  The Executive Decisions from 19 November 2012 will be tabled at the meeting.
To consider the Director of Resources report RD.44/12 and comment on the following new revenue spending pressures and reduced income projections which fall within the area of responsibility of this Panel:

Localisation of Council Tax Support                             Page 99
New Homes Bonus - 2011/12 Allocation        Pages 99 & 101
Homelesness                                                     Pages 99 & 101
The Director of Resources report RD.45/12 to be submitted as background information.

Council Tax Discounts Review                                    Page 107
Housing Benefit Admin Grant                        Pages 107 & 108
New Homes Bonus                                                       Page 109
Homelesness Grant                                                      Page 109
LSCT Relief Grant                                           Pages 109 & 110
A.4(c) Revenue Budget Reports: Summary of Charges Review - Pages 13-96 of the Budget Book

To consider and comment on the Review of Charges in respect of the following areas which fall within the area of responsibility of this Panel:

City Centre                                                                      Page 15
Allotments                                                                        Page 18
Use of Parks and Green Spaces                          Pages 19-20
Sports Pitches                                                                 Page 21
Talkin Tarn                                                               Pages 21-23
Bereavement Services                                                   Page 23
Environmental Health                                              Pages 23-27
Summary on Income                                                       Page 28
Hostel Services                                                       Pages 44-46
DFG Fees                                                                Pages 46-47
To consider the Director of Resources report RD.46/12 and in particular, comment on the capital spending which falls within the area of resposibility of this Panel:

Disabled Facilities Grants                                           Page 117
Methodist Arts Centre                                     Pages 117 & 118
Harraby School and Community Campus    Pages 117 & 118
Leisure Facilities                                             Pages 117 & 118
Revised Capital Programme 2012/13                       Page 123
(Communities and Housing Portfolio)
The Director of Community Engagement to submit a report on the revised Cumbria Choice Allocation Policy.
(Copy Report CD.56/12 herewith)
(Finance, Governance and Resources Portfolio)
The Director of Resources to submit a report on the proposals for the implementation of Council Tax Technical Reforms to discounts and exemption.  The matter was considered by the Executive on 19 November 2012).
(Copy Report RD.84/12 herewith/Minute Excerpt to be tabled)
(Communities and Housing Portfolio)
The Policy and Communications Manager to submit performance monitoring reports relevant to the remit of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
(Copy Report PPP.13/12 herewith)
Exempt Items

Additional Meeting Documents


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Councillor John Richard Collier Councillor Neville John Lishman
Councillor Charles Walter Terence Scarborough Councillor William Whalen
Councillor Mrs Patricia Vasey  
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Miss Lee Barbara SherriffCOSP.75/12Agenda item 4(d) Capital Budget ReportPersonalThe interest related to the fact that she was the City Council’s representative on the Harraby Community Centre Management Committee.


ALSO PRESENT:              Councillor Ms Quilter – Culture, Health, Leisure and Young People Portfolio Holder
                                                Hilary Wade - Director of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery Trust
                                                Roger Cook - Chair of the Tullie House Trust
                                                Councillor Forrester – Representing the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel
                                                Councillor Ellis – Observer
                                               Councillor Bloxham - Observer

OFFICERS:              Director of Community Engagement
                                    Director of Resources
                                    Director of Local Environment
                                    Homelessness Co-ordinator
                                    Housing Development Officer
                                    Community Development Officer
                                    Policy and Performance Officer