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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Audit Committee
5 Jul 2011 - 10:00 to 11:43
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Pdf Audit Committee - 05 07 11 (142Kb)
  2. Pdf Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel Minutes 31 03 11 (96Kb)
  3. Pdf Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel Minutes 16 06 11 (77Kb)
  4. Pdf Carlisle - Audit Fee Letter 2011-12 - FINAL (73Kb)
  5. Pdf RD.22.11 - Future of Local Public Audit - Consultation Paper (111Kb)
  6. Pdf RD.22.11 - Appendix - Future of Local Public Audit - Consultation Paper (102Kb)
  7. Pdf RD.21.11 - Statement of Accounts 2010-11 (35Kb)
  8. Pdf Statement of Accounts (607Kb)
  9. Pdf Minute Excerpt ROSP.38.11 - 40.11 - Provisional Outturn Reports 2010.11 (64Kb)
  10. Pdf RD.12.11 - Provisional General Fund Revenue Outturn 2010-11 (222Kb)
  11. Pdf RD12-11 Appendices A1-A6 B C Prov Revenue Budget Outturn 2010-11 Audit Cttee 05 07 11 (2) (112Kb)
  12. Pdf RD.11.11 - Provisional Capital Outturn 2010-11 and Revised Capital Programme 2011-12 (198Kb)
  13. Pdf RD11-11 Appendices Capital Monitoring Audit Cttee 05 07 11 (68Kb)
  14. Pdf RD.13.11- Treasury Management Outturn 2010-11 (78Kb)
  15. Pdf RD.20.11 - Audit Services Progress Report (962Kb)
  16. Pdf RD.19.11 - Audit Services Out-turn Report 2010-11 and Interim Review of the Effectiveness of Audit Services (342Kb)
  17. Pdf RD.23.11 - Annual Governance Statement (136Kb)
  18. Pdf RD.23.11 - Appendix - Draft Annual Governance Statement - Signed (83Kb)
  19. Pdf Minute Excerpt EX.060.11 - Provisional General Fund Revenue Outturn 2010-11 (66Kb)
  20. Pdf Minute Excerpt EX.061.11 - Provisional Capital Outturn 2010-11 and Revised Capital Programme 2011-12 (65Kb)
  21. Pdf Minute Excerpt EX.062.11 - Treasury Management Outturn 2010-11 (63Kb)
  22. Pdf IFRS restatement of 2009/10 accounts (815Kb)
  23. Pdf Audit Committee 05 07 11 (117Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Anne MallinsonA.9Audit Services Outturn Report 2010/11 and Interim Review of the Effectiveness of Audit ServicesPersonalCouncillor Mallinson is also a Member of Cumbria County Council


Also in attendance at the above meeting were:

Mrs Karen Murray - District Auditor
Mr Richard McGahon - Audit Manager

___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting.