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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
18 Dec 2008 - 13:00 to 14:25
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda for Executive 18 12 08 (134Kb)
  2. Doc Executive Budget Proposals 2009/10 (884Kb)
  3. Doc Minutes of Executive 18 12 08 (386Kb)
  4. CE.31.08 - Commissioning of Work on Behalf of the of the Cumbria Improvement and Efficiency Partners
  5. Pdf CE.32.08 Collaboration, Shared Management Arrangements and Shared Services with Allerdale Borough Co (492Kb)
  6. Doc CORP.68.08 - Revenue Estimates Summary of Overall Budgetary Position 09-10 to 11-12 (580Kb)
  7. Doc CORP.69.08 - Provisional Capital Programme 2009 10 to 2013 14 (200Kb)
  8. Doc CORP.70.08 Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision (531Kb)
  9. Doc CORP.71.08 - Bad Debt Write Offs (384Kb)
  10. CORP.71.08 - Bad Debt Write Offs Part B appendices
  11. Doc CORP.72.08 - Recession Planning (424Kb)
  12. Doc CS.100 08 - Building Maintenance Efficiency Review (132Kb)
  13. CS.101.08 - Building Maintenance Efficiency Review
  14. Doc CS.94.08 - Charges Review Report 2009-10 - Community Services (376Kb)
  15. Doc CS.97.08 - Introduction of Charges for Collection of Bulky Waste (2513Kb)
  16. Doc CS.98.08 Raising the Game, Roman Gateway, Tullie House (116Kb)
  17. Doc CS.99.08 - East Cumbria Countryside Project, Residual Services (115Kb)
  18. Pdf DS.150.08 - Highways Adoption - Brunthill Road, Kingstown (474Kb)
  19. Doc DS.151.08 - Disabled Facilities Grants, Process, Funding, Lobbying of Government and Virement (392Kb)
  20. DS.154.08 - Ghyll Bank Part B
  21. Doc LDS.70.08 - Charges Review Report 2009-10 - Legal & Democratic Services (437Kb)
  22. LDS.72.08 - Development of the Caldew Riverside
  23. Doc LDS.74.08 - Dates and Times of Meetings for 2009.10 (376Kb)
  24. Pdf LDS.80.08 - Carlisle Renaissance Board Action Plan 2009-2012 (122Kb)
  25. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.124.08 - Migrant Workers Task and Finish Group (86Kb)
  26. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.125.08 - Play Strategy (85Kb)
  27. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.105.08 - Bulky Household Waste Collection (116Kb)
  28. Doc Minutes of Special Corporate Resources O&S Committee 08 12 08 (82Kb)
  29. Doc Minutes of the Carlisle Area Transport Advisory Group 13 10 08 (34Kb)
  30. Doc OS.16.08 - Bulky Household Waste Collection (400Kb)
  31. Pdf Schedule of Officers Decisions (17Kb)
  32. Doc Special Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee 17.11.08 (72Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Barry Ogilvie EarpEX.313/08Relating to East Cumbria Countryside Project in respect of being Chair of the East Cumbria Countryside ProjectPersonal 


1. Cllr J Bainbridge: Chairman of Infrastructure Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
2. Cllr P Farmer: Chairman of Community Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
3. Cllr R Knapton: Chairman of Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
4. Cllr M Boaden: Observer.