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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
18 Oct 2007 - 10:00 to 12:50
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda for Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee 18 10 07 (134Kb)
  2. Doc Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee 18 10 07 (92Kb)
  3. Pdf CE.39.07 Carlisle Renaissance Quarterly Progress Report (102Kb)
  4. Doc CE.40.07 - Corporate Risk Management (442Kb)
  5. Pdf CORP.40.07 - Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring Report - April to July 2007 (107Kb)
  6. Pdf CORP.41.07 - Capital Budget Overview and Monitoring Report - April to July 2007 (83Kb)
  7. Pdf CORP.42.07 - Procurement Activity Report (76Kb)
  8. CORP.50.07-2007-08 Concessionary Fares Scheme
  9. CORP.50.07-Addendum to Report
  10. Doc CORP.52.07 - Management and Review of Partnerships (528Kb)
  11. Doc CORP.53.07 - Treasury Management 2007-08 and 2008-09 (436Kb)
  12. Doc DS.94.07 - Asset Management Plan - Surplus Assets at Morton (18784Kb)
  13. Pdf DS.98.07 - Appendix - Outline Action Plan for Economic Strategy.pdf (273Kb)
  14. Pdf DS.98.07 - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle Region - Consultation Draft (234Kb)
  15. Doc EX.237.07 - Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring Report (102Kb)
  16. Doc EX.238.07 - Capital Budget Overview and Monitoring Report (101Kb)
  17. Doc EX.247.07 - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle Region (103Kb)
  18. Pdf LDS.89.07 - The Forward Plan - Items Relevant to CROS 18 10 07 (56Kb)
  19. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.233.07 - Three Year Budget 2008-09 to 2010-11 - Budget Process and Timetable (102Kb)
  20. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.245.07 - 2007-08 Concessionary Fares Scheme (103Kb)
  21. Doc Minutes of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee 06 09 07 (89Kb)
  22. Doc Minutes of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee 17 08 07 (42Kb)
  23. Doc Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2007-08 (29Kb)
  24. Doc PPP.81.07 - Progress with Employee Opinion Survey Improvement Plan (162Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Ms Anne QuilterCROS.104/07Relating to Management and Review of Partnerships in respect of her employmentPersonal and Prejudicial 
Councillor Ms Anne QuilterCROS.104/07Relating to Growing Carlisle-An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle Region: Consultation Draft in respect of her employmentPersonal and Prejudicial 
Councillor Ms Anne QuilterCROS.104/07Relating to Carlisle Reniassance-Quarterly Progress Report in respect of her employmentPersonal and Prejudicial 
Cllr Mrs Mary StythCROS.104/07Relating to agenda item 11-Asset Management Plan-Surplus Assets at Morton in respect of her property being adjacent to the land being discussedPersonal and Prejudicial 


1. Mr J Nixon: Joint Chair of the Economic Development and Enterprise Priority Group of the Carlisle Partnership.