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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
21 Apr 2008 - 13:00 to 14:40
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda for Executive 21 04 08 (128Kb)
  2. Doc Minutes of Executive 21 04 08 (102Kb)
  3. Doc CORP.10.08 - Minimum Revenue Provision Strategy 2008.09 (459Kb)
  4. Pdf CORP.11.08 - Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2007.08 (351Kb)
  5. Doc CORP.16.08 - Medium Term Financial Plan Projections Update 2008.09 to 2010.11 (510Kb)
  6. Doc CORP.17.08 - Concessionary Fares scheme (142Kb)
  8. Pdf CS.07.08 - Local Air Quality Management- Detailed Assessment Report (2920Kb)
  9. Pdf CS.17.08 - River Petteril erosion control, near Petteril Bank Road (557Kb)
  10. Doc CS.20.08 - Historic Core - Castle Street Improvements (9188Kb)
  11. Doc CS.21.08 - Local Air Quality Management - Detailed Assessment Report (380Kb)
  12. Doc Draft Community Plan Refresh (62Kb)
  13. Doc DS.45.08 - supplementary Planning Documents (382Kb)
  14. Pdf DS.46.08 - Historic Street Name Plates (41Kb)
  15. Doc DS.48.08 - Urban Design Guide and Public Realm Framework Supplementary Planning Document (110Kb)
  16. Pdf DS.49.08 - Cumbria Tourism Strategy (443Kb)
  17. Pdf DS.51.08 - Replacement of Residential Care Homes (1445Kb)
  18. Doc DS.52.08 - YMCA Foyer - Housing and Services for Young People (114Kb)
  19. Pdf DS.59.08 - Urban Design Guide and Public Realm Framework (106Kb)
  20. Doc JMT Minutes 13.03.08 (26Kb)
  21. Doc JMT Minutes 14.02.08 (24Kb)
  22. Doc JMT Minutes 28.02.08 (27Kb)
  23. Doc Market Management Group Minutes 25.03.08 (32Kb)
  24. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.49.08 - Carlisle Partnership - Healthy Communities and Older People (88Kb)
  25. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.50.08 - Race Equality Scheme (83Kb)
  26. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.51.08 - Carlisle City Council Disability Equality Scheme (82Kb)
  27. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.52.08 - Update on negotiations for a New Styke Local Area Agreement (80Kb)
  28. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.53.08 - Progress and refresh of - A Community Plan for Carlisle 2007 (78Kb)
  29. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.54.08 - Draft Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Plan (82Kb)
  30. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.55.08 - Community Support Service Review (80Kb)
  31. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.58.08 - Local Air Quality Management - Detailed Assessment Report (80Kb)
  32. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.61.08 - Replacement of Residential Care Homes (82Kb)
  33. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.55.08 - Air Quality - Detailed Assessment Report (110Kb)
  34. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.111.07 - Historic Quarter Environmental Improvements (47Kb)
  35. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.24.08 - Progress and refresh of A Community Plan for Carlisle 2007 (114Kb)
  36. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.25.08 - Update on negotiations for new style LAA (114Kb)
  37. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.26.08 - Local Air Quality Management Detailed Assessment Report (114Kb)
  38. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.34.08 - Urban Design Guide and Public Realm Framework SPD (124Kb)
  39. Pdf PPP.41.08 - Race Equality Scheme (881Kb)
  40. Pdf PPP.43.08 - Update on negotiations for new style local area agreement (166Kb)
  41. Pdf PPP.44.08 - Progress and refresh of a community plan for carlisle 2007 (117Kb)
  42. Pdf PPP.45.08 - Carlisle City Council Disability Equality Scheme (330Kb)
  43. Pdf PPP.46.08 - Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Plan (354Kb)
  44. Pdf Schedule of Officer Decisions (369Kb)
  45. Pdf Schedule of Portfolio Holders Decisions (551Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Mrs Marilyn Louise Bowman Concessionary Fares Scheme - Would be eligible for Concessionary FaresPersonal 
Councillor Mrs Marilyn Louise Bowman Transfer of land - Proximity of the piece of land to a house occupied by a member of her familyPersonal 
Cllr Peter Farmer Concessionary Fares Scheme - Would be eligible for Concessionary FaresPersonal 


1. Cllr O Luckley: Chair of Community Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
2. Cllr B Earp: Chair of Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
3. Cllr T Allison: Observer.
4. Cllr M Boaden: Observer.