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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
18 Feb 2008 - 11:00 to 11:55
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda for Executive 18 02 08 (124Kb)
  2. Doc Executive Minutes 18.02.08 (82Kb)
  3. Pdf CE.07.08 - Delivering Carlisle Renaissance (636Kb)
  4. Doc Consultation Draft - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle City Region (600Kb)
  5. Pdf CORP.86.07 - Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring Report - April to December 2007 (81Kb)
  6. Pdf CORP.87.07 - Capital Budget Overview and Monitoring Report - April to December 2007 (80Kb)
  7. Doc CORP.88.07 - Treasury Transactions 2007-08 (423Kb)
  8. Doc CORP.89.07 - Draft Pension Fund Valuation (398Kb)
  9. Doc CS.06.08 - Response to Cumbria Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (392Kb)
  10. DS.06.08 - Potential Disposal of Carlisle City Council Land for Affordable Housing Development
  11. Pdf DS.15.08 - Confirmation of Release of LLPG Capital Grant (1198Kb)
  12. Doc DS.19.08 - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle City Region (362Kb)
  13. Doc DS.20.08 - Carlisle Renaissance Economic Strategy and Year 1 Interim Programme (377Kb)
  14. Pdf LDS.15.08 - Review of Polling Arrangements (2956Kb)
  15. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.14.08 - Theatre.Performaing Arts Centre - Lonsdale Building (95Kb)
  16. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.16.08 - Homelessness Families Hostel Replacement (83Kb)
  17. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.14.08 - Carlisle Local Asset Vehicle Feasibility Study (98Kb)
  18. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.16.08 - Corporate Complaints Policy (91Kb)
  19. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.354.07 - Affordable Housing (54Kb)
  20. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.12.08 - Cumbria Strategic Partnership Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (118Kb)
  21. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.14.08 - Carlisle Renaissance - Growing Carlisle - an Economic Strategy for the Ca (118Kb)
  22. Doc Minutes of the Carlisle Area Transport Advisory Group - 14.01.08 (40Kb)
  23. Doc Minutes of the CLASB meeting 07 12 07 (47Kb)
  24. Pdf Minutes of the Cumbria Strategic Waste Partnership meeting 12 12 07 (30Kb)
  25. Doc Minutes of the Joint Management Team meeting 17.01.08 (25Kb)
  26. Doc Minutes of the Joint Management Team Meeting 20 12 07 (40Kb)
  27. Doc Minutes of the Special Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee 04 02 08 (66Kb)
  28. Pdf PPP.15.08 - Corporate Performance Monitoring Report - 3rd Report to December 2007 (139Kb)
  29. Pdf PPP.19.08 - Corporate Complaints Policy (65Kb)
  30. Pdf Schedule of Decisions Taken by Officers (16Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


1. Cllr O Luckley: Chairman of the Community Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
2. Cllr B Earp: Chairman of the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
3. Cllr M Boaden: Observer.
4. Cllr D Wilson: Observer.