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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
21 Jan 2008 - 13:00 to 14:20
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda for Executive 21 01 08 (130Kb)
  2. Doc Executive - urgent item letter (39Kb)
  3. Doc Minutes of the meeting of the Executive 21 01 08 (281Kb)
  4. Doc Budget Proposals 2008.09 tabled on 21 Jan 08.doc (220Kb)
  5. CE.04.08 - Flexible Retirement of a member of staff
  6. Doc CE.05.08 - Use of the City Crest as a Logo for the Council (376Kb)
  7. Doc CE.06.08 - Delivering Carlisle Renaissance (114Kb)
  8. Pdf CE.06.08 APPENDIX - Delivering Carlisle Renaissance.pdf (333Kb)
  9. Doc CORP.66.07 Counter Fraud Strategy - Exec report.doc (482Kb)
  10. Doc CORP.77.07 - Corporate Partnership Policy (802Kb)
  11. CORP.79.07 - Applications for Discretionary Rate Relief
  12. Doc CORP.81.07 - Housing Benefits Admin Local Housing Allowance Safeguard Policy (612Kb)
  13. Doc CORP.82.07 - Provisional Capital Programme 08-09 to 10-11 (198Kb)
  14. Doc CORP.83.07 - Revenue Budget 2008.09 to 2010.077 (626Kb)
  15. Doc CORP.84.07 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy 2008.09 (548Kb)
  16. Doc CORP.85.07 - Bad Debts Public report (376Kb)
  17. CORP.85.07 PRIVATE Bad Debt write offs appendices
  18. Doc CS.01.08 Cumbria Strategic Partnership Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (388Kb)
  19. Pdf CS.03.08 - Arts Council England - NW Funding Proposals (91Kb)
  20. Pdf DS.11.08 - Carlisle Renaissance Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle City Region (1070Kb)
  21. Doc DS.12.08 Closer to Home Covering report (362Kb)
  22. Doc JMT minutes - 22 11 07 (40Kb)
  23. Doc JMT minutes 6 12 07 (42Kb)
  24. Doc Joint Exec and Parish Councils 3.12.07 (56Kb)
  25. Pdf LDS.01.08 - Local Govt and Public Involvement in Health Act (88Kb)
  26. Doc LDS.07.08 - Representatives on Outside Bodies - Mary Hannah (84Kb)
  27. Doc Local Area Agreement - Submission of draft Priorities and Indicators to GONW (360Kb)
  28. Doc Minute Excerpt - COS.13.08 - Introduction to the New Style Local Area Agreement (82Kb)
  29. Doc Minute Excerpt - COS.19.08 - NHS Public Consultation - Closer to Home (80Kb)
  30. Doc Minute Excerpt - COS.20.08 - NHS Foundation Trust Consultation Document (79Kb)
  31. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.05.08 - Budget 2008-09 to 2010-11 (150Kb)
  32. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.147.07 - Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy (76Kb)
  33. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.16.08 - Corporate Complaints and Customer Feedback Policy (92Kb)
  34. Doc Minutes of the Budget Consultation - Trade Union Representatives 16 01 08 (48Kb)
  35. Doc Minutes of the Budget Consultation with Non-Domestic Ratepayers 15 01 08 (30Kb)
  36. Pdf Officer decisions (10Kb)
  37. Pdf Portfolio holder decisions (17Kb)
  38. Pdf PPP.02.08 - Intro to the New Style LAA (1497Kb)
  39. Pdf PPP.09.08 - Corporate Complaints Policy (123Kb)
  40. Doc PPP.11.08 - NHS Foundation Trust Consultation document (106Kb)
  41. Doc Sp Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee 08.01.08 (70Kb)
  42. Doc Sp Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Committee 07 01 08 (84Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor John MallinsonEX.011.08Relating to the item on Housing Benefits Administration - Local Housing Allowance Safeguard PolicyPersonal and Prejudicial 


1. Cllr Mrs O Luckley: Chairman - Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
2. Cllr M Boaden: Observer.
3. Cllr T Allison: Observer.