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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
17 Dec 2007 - 13:00 to 15:15
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda for Executive 17 12 07 (130Kb)
  2. Pdf Executive - 17 12 07 (460Kb)
  3. Pdf Budget proposals 08-09 - 17 12 07.pdf (168Kb)
  4. Pdf CE.45.07 NWDA Revenue (988Kb)
  5. CE.46.07 NWDA Capital
  6. Doc CE.47.07 - PWS Implementation (374Kb)
  7. Pdf CLASB minutes 05 10 07 (26Kb)
  8. Pdf CORP.54.07 - Corporate Procurement Strategy (354Kb)
  9. Pdf CORP.65.07 Addendum.pdf (418Kb)
  10. Doc CORP.65.07 Concessionary Fares Scheme (383Kb)
  11. Doc CORP.68.07 Revenue Estimates Summary of Overall Budgetary Position 08-09 to 10-11 (588Kb)
  12. Doc CORP.69.07 Provisional Capital Programme (196Kb)
  13. Doc CORP.70.07 - Draft Treasury Management Strategy Statement (574Kb)
  14. Doc CORP.71.07 Addendum.doc (28Kb)
  15. Doc CORP.71.07 Revenue Support Grant Settlement (422Kb)
  16. Pdf CORP.72.07 Renewals Reserve Update (87Kb)
  17. Doc CS.100.07 PARKING ENFORCEMENT (2720Kb)
  18. Pdf CS.101.07 Air Quality Action Plan (3296Kb)
  19. CS.102.07 - Land Transfers - Faugh and Jocks Hill
  20. Doc CS.103.07 Review of New Household Waste Collection Service (391Kb)
  21. Pdf CS.88.07-Theatre-Performing Arts Centre-Lonsdale Building (3182Kb)
  22. Doc CS.99.07 - Savings Options for Community Services (373Kb)
  23. Doc Cumbria Strategic Waste Partnership minutes - 31 10 07 (52Kb)
  24. DS.114.07 Disposal of Land at Wakefield Rd
  25. Pdf DS.117.07 - Dalston Conservation Area Review (648Kb)
  26. Doc DS.118.07 - Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre (382Kb)
  27. Doc DS.119.07 Family Hostel Replacement Project (158Kb)
  28. DS.120.07 - Potential Disposal of Land for Affordable Housing
  29. Doc DS.120.07 - PUBLIC report on Potential Disposal of Land for Affordable Housing.doc (138Kb)
  30. DS.120.07 Appendix to Private Report.doc
  31. Doc DS.121.07 - Carlisle Home Improvement Agency (394Kb)
  32. Doc DS.127.07 - CONFERENCE GROUP SAVINGS (375Kb)
  33. Pdf DS.128.07-Potential Relocation of the Tourist Information Centre (66Kb)
  35. Pdf DS.130.07 - Closer to Home Consultation.pdf (997Kb)
  36. Doc IOS.111.07 - Historic Quarter Environmental Improvements (47Kb)
  37. Doc IOS.112.07 - Caldew - City Centre Flood Alleviation Project (44Kb)
  38. Doc IOS.113.07 - Review of New Arrangements for the Collection of Household Waste in Carlisle (52Kb)
  39. Doc IOS.114.07 - Dalston Conservation Area Review (45Kb)
  40. Doc IOS.116.07 - Local Air Quality Management - Final Draft Air Quality Action Plan (44Kb)
  41. Doc IOS.117.07 - Draft Travel Plan (47Kb)
  42. Doc IOS.119.07 - Transition Towns Initiative (43Kb)
  43. Doc JMT minutes 08 11 07 (40Kb)
  44. Doc JMT minutes 25 10 07 (40Kb)
  45. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.140.07 - Carlisle Housing Association Partnership Agreement (80Kb)
  46. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.142.07 - Closer to Home consultation (78Kb)
  47. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.143.07 - Air Quality Action Plan (82Kb)
  48. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.145.07 - Corporate Procurement Strategy.doc (74Kb)
  49. Pdf Officer decisions (13Kb)
  50. Pdf Portfolio Holder decisions (11Kb)
  51. Doc PPP.90.07 - Corporate Complaints Policy (98Kb)
  52. Doc PPP.90.07 Appendix (188Kb)
  53. Pdf PPP.99.07 - NHS Foundation Trust Consultation Document (269Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Mrs Marilyn Louise BowmanEX357.07Relating to the item regarding transfer of land at Faugh in respect of a member of her family living adjacent to the land identifiedPersonal 


1. Cllr O Luckley: Chair of Community O&S.
2. Cllr B Earp: Chair of Corporate Resources O&S.
3. Cllr J Martlew: Vice Chair of Infrastructure O&S.
4. Cllr T Allison: Observer.
5. Cllr M Boaden: Observer.
6. Cllr C Glover: Observer.