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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
19 Nov 2007 - 13:00 to 14:38
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Agenda for Executive 19 11 07.doc (130Kb)
  2. Doc EXECUTIVE 19 11 07 (116Kb)
  3. Doc Connected Cumbria Strategic Partnership Board - 28 09 07.doc (194Kb)
  4. Doc CORP.52.07 - Management and Review of Partnerships.doc (528Kb)
  5. Pdf CORP.56.07 - Revenue Budget Overview and Monitoring Report Apr to Sep 07.pdf (115Kb)
  6. Pdf CORP.57.07 Capital Budget Overview Monitoring Report Apr to Sep 07.pdf (119Kb)
  7. Doc CORP.65.07 Concessionary Fares Scheme.doc (383Kb)
  8. Doc CORP.66.07 Counter Fraud Strategy.doc (426Kb)
  9. Pdf CORP.67.07 - Bad Debts.pdf (494Kb)
  10. Doc COS.124.07 - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle Region (78Kb)
  11. Pdf CS.83.07 - Caldew City Centre Flood Alleviation.pdf (663Kb)
  12. Pdf CS.85.07 - Local Air Quality Management - Final Draft Air Quality Action Plan.pdf (3373Kb)
  13. CS.86.07 Synthetic Pitch Development.doc
  14. Pdf CS.87.07 - Review of Carlisle City Council's new arrangements for the collection of household waste (386Kb)
  15. Doc CS.89.07 Transition Towns Initiative.doc (400Kb)
  16. Pdf CS.90.07 - Draft Travel Plan.pdf (244Kb)
  17. Pdf CS.91.07 - Historic Quarter Environemntal Improvements.pdf (1119Kb)
  18. Pdf DS.111.07 - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle City Region. A report on the c (668Kb)
  19. Doc JMT minutes - 27 09 07.doc (33Kb)
  20. Pdf LDS.96.07 - Dates and Times of Meetings.pdf (92Kb)
  21. Pdf LDS.98.07 - Review of Statement of Licensing Policy Licensing Act 2003.pdf (220Kb)
  22. Doc Minute Excerpt - LC.21.07 - Review of Statement of Licensing Policy (34Kb)
  23. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.117.07 - Monitoring Rural Policy.doc (78Kb)
  24. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.120.07 - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle Region.doc (76Kb)
  25. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.109.07 - 3 Year Budget 2008-09 to 2010-11.doc (72Kb)
  26. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.110.07 - Economic Strategy for Carlisle.doc (82Kb)
  27. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.112.07 - Concessionary Fares.doc (74Kb)
  28. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.113.07 - Management and Review of Partnerships.doc (76Kb)
  29. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.124.07 - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle Region (78Kb)
  30. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.95.07 - Three Year Budget 2008-09 to 2010-11 - Budget Process and Timetable.doc (93Kb)
  31. Doc Minute Excerpt EMP.35.07- Pensions - Redundancy and Early Release.doc (26Kb)
  32. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.91.07 - Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy.doc (49Kb)
  33. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.93.07 - Connect 2 - Major Cycle Route Improvements (Currock to Kingmoor).doc (44Kb)
  34. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.95.07 - 2007-08 Concessionary Fares Scheme.doc (46Kb)
  35. Doc Minute Excerpt -IOS.98.07 - Growing Carlisle - An Economic Strategy for the Carlisle Region (57Kb)
  36. Doc Minute Excerpt OSM.26.07 - Dates and Times of Meetings.doc (32Kb)
  37. Pdf Officer decisions.pdf (18Kb)
  38. Pdf Portfolio holder decisions.pdf (12Kb)
  39. Doc PPP.79.07 - Pensions - Redundamcy and Early Release.doc (788Kb)
  40. Pdf PPP.84.07 - Cumbria Sustainable Community Strategy - Consultation Response.pdf (147Kb)
  41. Doc PPP.85.07 - Addendum to Report (26Kb)
  42. Pdf PPP.85.07 - Corporate Performance Monitoring Report 2nd Monitoring Report to September 2007.pdf (237Kb)
  43. PPP.94.07 - Performance Management System.pdf
  44. Private Report CORP.67.07.pdf


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Michael Robert MitchelsonEX.295/07Relating to the Review of the Statement of Licensing Policy in respect of his employmentPersonal and Prejudicial 


1. Cllr Olwyn Luckley: Chair - Community O&S Committee.
2. Cllr Trevor Allison: Observer.
3. Cllr Michael Boaden: Observer.