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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
20 Feb 2006 - 13:00 to 14:33
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Executive 20 02 06 (115Kb)
  2. Doc Executive Minutes 20 02 06 (182Kb)
  3. Pdf Carlisle Area Transport Advisory Group Minutes 03.01.06 (974Kb)
  4. Doc CE.02.06 - Re-organisation of the Managment Structure of Carlisle City Council Stage two (374Kb)
  5. CLS.004.06 - Asset Reserve Budget Proposal
  6. Doc CLS.03.06 - Arts Centre.Theatre Feasibility Study (378Kb)
  7. Doc CS.02.06 Cremator Replacement and Associated Works (382Kb)
  8. Pdf CS.04.06 - Cumbria Strategic Waste Partnership (2390Kb)
  9. Doc CS.06.06 Sheepmount Bridge - Protection Works (370Kb)
  10. Doc CS.07.06 DEFRA Waste Performance Efficiency Grant (371Kb)
  11. Pdf CS.08.06 Play Area Policy (4661Kb)
  12. Pdf DS.04.06 - Joint Committee - Supplementary Planning Documents (107Kb)
  13. Pdf DS.05.06 - Planning Policy Statements Consultation PPS3 Housing & PPS25 Develoopment & Flood Risk (2529Kb)
  14. Doc DS.06.06 & CS.03.06 - Corporate assets 5 Year Repair & Maintenance Programme (376Kb)
  15. DS.06B.06 & CS03B.06 - Corporate Assets 5 Year Repair & Maintenance Programme
  16. Pdf FS.44.05 - Budget Overview & Monitoring Report April to December 2005 (2867Kb)
  17. Doc FS.45.05 Treasury Transactions (424Kb)
  18. Doc JMT Minutes 05 01 06 (25Kb)
  19. Doc JMT Minutes 08 12 05 (21Kb)
  20. Doc JMT Minutes 19 01 06 (24Kb)
  21. Doc JMT Minutes 22 12 05 (28Kb)
  22. Pdf LDS.09.06 - Cumbria Safer & Stronger Communties Agreement 2006.07 (1548Kb)
  23. Doc Minute Excerpt COS./06 - Primary Care Trust (PCT) Consultation - Cumbria & Lancashire (35Kb)
  24. Pdf Minute Excerpt IOS.10.06 - Cumbria Strategic Waste Partnership (68Kb)
  25. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.12.06 - Consultation on Planning Policies PPS3 and PPS25 (34Kb)
  26. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.14.06 - Joint Committee for the Preparation & Adoption of Supplementary Planning (33Kb)
  27. Doc Minute Excerpt OSM.05.06 - Carlisle Renaissance (35Kb)
  28. Doc Officer Decision Schedule 20 02 06 (20Kb)
  29. Pdf SP.03.06 - Corporate Performance Monitoring Report 3rd Quarter Oct - Dec 2005 (2734Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Raynor Desmond BloxhamEX.45/06Arts Centre/Theatre Feasibility Study - He is a MethodistPersonal 


1. Cllr M Boaden: Chairman of Community Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
2. Cllr E Mallinson: Chairman of Infrastructure Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
3. Cllr H Bradley: Representative of the Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee.
4. Cllr T Allison: Observer.
5. Cllr J Prest: Observer.