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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
19 Dec 2005 - 13:00 to 14:25
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Executive 19 12 05 (122Kb)
  2. Doc Executive Minutes 19 12 05 (288Kb)
  3. Doc Addendum to General Fund Revenue Budget Summary Report - Concessionary Fares (22Kb)
  4. Doc CE.32.05 - Mid Term Review of Carlisle City Council & Proposals for the Development of the Carlisle (402Kb)
  5. Doc CLS.19.05 - Tullie House Development Plan (386Kb)
  6. Doc CLS.20.05 - Chances Park (373Kb)
  7. Doc CTS.40.05 Replacement Mobile Telephone Contract (379Kb)
  8. Doc Cumbria Strategic Waste Partnership Briefing Note 30 11 05 (23Kb)
  9. Pdf ECD.21.05 - Greystone Community Centre (969Kb)
  10. Pdf ECD.24.05 - Cumbria Vision Draft Strategic Plan (1298Kb)
  11. Doc ECD.25.05 - World Heritage Site Inscription for the Lake District (368Kb)
  12. Doc Executive's Draft Budget Proposals 2006.07 (206Kb)
  13. Doc FS.33.05 Provisional Capital Programme 2005.06 to 2008.09 (183Kb)
  14. Doc FS.34.05 General Fund Revenue Budget Summary 2005.06 to 2008.09 (246Kb)
  15. Doc FS.35.05 Revenue Support Grant Settlement 2006.07 (403Kb)
  16. Doc FS.36.05 Budget 2006.07-2008.09 Additional Saving Proposals (414Kb)
  17. Doc FS.37.05 Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy 2006.07 (220Kb)
  18. Doc Individual Portfolio Holder Decision Schedule 19 12 05 (20Kb)
  19. Doc Joint Meeting Executive and Carlisle Local Committee Minutes 20 10 05 (30Kb)
  20. Doc LDS.55.05 - Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003 (380Kb)
  21. Doc Market Management Group Minutes 17 11 05 (26Kb)
  22. Doc Minute Excerpt COS.145.05 - Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (64Kb)
  23. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.122.05 - Mid Term Review of the City Vision Partnership & Local Stratgic Partner (39Kb)
  24. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.127.05 - Revenues and Benefits Best Value Review (36Kb)
  25. Doc Officer Decision Schedule 19 12 05 (22Kb)
  26. P.47.05 - GIS Data Capture Tender Award of Contract
  27. Doc RB.10.05 Collection Fund 2006.07 Precept Payment Dates (90Kb)
  28. Doc RB.11.05 Best Value Review of Revenues and Benefits (364Kb)
  29. RB.12.05 - Discretionary Rate Relief Applications
  30. RB.13.05 - Bad Debt Write Offs for NNDR Council Tax and Debtors
  31. Pdf RB.13.05 - Bad Debt Write Offs for NNDR, Council Tax & Debtors (532Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Raynor Desmond Bloxham Concessionary Travel - Could benefit from any schemePersonal 
Cllr Edward Firth Concessionary Travel - Could benefit from any schemePersonal 
Councillor Mrs Jacquelyne Geddes Concessionary Travel - Husband could benefit from any schemePersonal 
Cllr James Knapton Concessionary Travel - Could benefit from any schemePersonal 
Councillor Michael Robert Mitchelson Cumbria Vision Draft Strategic Plan - Was a City Council representative on Cumbria VisionPersonal 


1. Cllr M Boaden: Chair of Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
2. Cllr P Farmer: Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
3. Cllr C Weber: Observer.