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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
21 Nov 2005 - 13:00 to 13:43
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Executive 21 11 05 (115Kb)
  2. Doc Executive Minutes 21 11 05 (84Kb)
  3. Doc CIS.17/05 Information and Communications Technology Policy and Strategy (316Kb)
  4. Doc CLS.16.05 - Charges Review Report 2006.07 Culture Leisure and Sports Services (386Kb)
  5. Doc Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee Minutes 10 11 05 (40Kb)
  6. Doc CTS.31.05 - Charges Review 2006.07 Car Park Charges (1426Kb)
  7. Doc CTS.39B.05 - Decriminalised Parking Enforcement 2006.07 (376Kb)
  8. Doc ECD.20.05 - Charges Review Report 2006.07 Economic & Community Development (416Kb)
  9. Pdf EP.53.05 - Charges Review Report 2006.07 Environmental Services - Licensing (87Kb)
  10. Doc EPS.55.05 - Charges Review Report 2006.07 Environmental Protection Services (855Kb)
  11. Pdf FS.23.05 - Budget Overview & Monitoring Report April to September 2005 (82Kb)
  12. Doc FS.24.05 - Budget 2006.07 to 2008.09 New Priorities for Revenue Spending (424Kb)
  13. Doc FS.26.05 - Budget 2006.07 to 2008.09 Summary of saving proposals and income projections (444Kb)
  14. Doc FS.27.05 - Provisional Capital Programme 2005.06 to 2008.09 (317Kb)
  15. Doc FS.28.05 - Treasury Management 2005.06 and 2006.07 (454Kb)
  16. Pdf LDS.44.05 - Implications of the Childrens Act 2004 (1344Kb)
  17. Doc LDS.50.05 - Evaluation of Periodic Electoral Reviews (458Kb)
  18. Pdf LDS.51.05 - Dates and Times of Meetings for 2006.07 (1363Kb)
  19. Doc Minute Excerpt CROS.108.05 - Mid Term Review of City Vision and Development of a Carlisle LSP (66Kb)
  20. Doc Minute Excerpt EX.212.05 - Willowholme Options Appraisal (35Kb)
  21. Doc Minute Excerpt IOS.94.05 - Three Rivers Strategy Update (36Kb)
  22. Doc Minute Excerpt OSM.47.05 - Overview & Scrutiny Improvement Plan for 2005 to 2007 (50Kb)
  23. Doc Officer Decision Schedule 21 11 05 (22Kb)
  24. Doc PS.16.05 - Improving Services by Sharing Accommodation (374Kb)
  25. Doc SP.21.05 - Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations (Charging Scheme) (382Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


1. Cllr J Prest: Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.
2. Cllr P Farmer: Chair of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee.