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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
1 Feb 2005 - 13:00 to 13:37
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


  1. Doc Executive 01 02 05.doc (110Kb)
  2. Doc Executive Minutes 01.02.05 (268Kb)
  3. Doc Commin 314 Executive 06 12 04.doc (50Kb)
  4. Doc Commin 314 Executive 08 11 04.doc (106Kb)
  5. Doc Commin 314 Executive 15 11 04.doc (58Kb)
  6. Doc Commin 314 Executive 20 12 04.doc (247Kb)
  7. Doc Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee 13.1.05.doc (47Kb)
  8. Doc COS.05.05 - Intergrated Service Delivery on an area basis.doc (34Kb)
  9. Doc COS.16.05 - Sheepmount.doc (32Kb)
  10. Doc CTS.01.05 - Dealing with Abandoned Vehicles.doc (392Kb)
  11. Doc EPS.01.05 - Local Air Quality Management.doc (374Kb)
  12. Doc EPS.56.04 Appendix 1 - Local Air Quality Review and Assessment.doc (37402Kb)
  13. Doc Executive Budget Consultation with Non Domestic Ratepayers 19 01 05.doc (24Kb)
  14. Doc Executive Budget Consultation with Trade Unions 19 01 05.doc (24Kb)
  15. Doc Executive Draft Budget Resolution.doc (208Kb)
  16. Pdf Forward Plan - 1 February to 31 May 2005.pdf (120Kb)
  17. Doc FS.47.04 General Fund Revenue Budget Update 2005.06 to 2007.08.doc (280Kb)
  18. Doc FS.48.04 - Draft Pension Fund Valuation.doc (386Kb)
  19. Doc FS.50.04 - Provisional Capital Programme 2005.06 to 2007.08.doc (188Kb)
  20. Doc FS.50.04 (amended) Provisional Capital Programme 2005.06 to 2007.08.doc (188Kb)
  21. Doc FS.51.04 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2005.06.doc (205Kb)
  22. Doc FS.52.04 HRA Estimate 04-05.doc (377Kb)
  23. Doc FS.53.04 - Investment Strategy 2005.06.doc (166Kb)
  24. Doc FS.54.04 - Emergency Expenditure Arrangements.doc (374Kb)
  25. Doc Housing Strategy.doc (2190Kb)
  26. Doc JMT 09.12.04.doc (26Kb)
  27. Doc JMT 25.11.04.doc (26Kb)
  28. Doc JMT Minutes 11.11.05.doc (24Kb)
  29. Doc Joint Mtg Executive & Parish Councils Minutes.doc (64Kb)
  30. Doc Officer Decision Schedule 01 02 05.doc (27Kb)
  31. Doc Portfolio Holder Decision Schedule 01.02.05.doc (22Kb)
  32. Doc RB.12.04 - Council Tax Discounts for Second Homes.doc (371Kb)
  33. Doc SP.01.05 - Information Management Policy.doc (502Kb)
  34. Doc TC.01.05 - Carlisle Flooding Recovery Plan and Financial Proposals.doc (400Kb)


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


1. Cllr J Guest: Chair of Corporate resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
2. Cllr H Bradley: Observer.
3. Cllr C Weber: Observer.