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Insurance Premium Renewal 2021/2022
Subject and Decision Taken

The Council has a five year LTA for the provision of its insurance cover; however during the period of insurance the premiums payable are reviewed and agreed on an annual basis. Premiums for 2021/22 have been agreed following discussions with Marsh, the Council’s Brokers and Zurich Municipal

Following these discussions, the annual premiums for 2021/22 have been agreed at a total cost of £824,407.80. This is based upon a detailed review of insurable items and also includes IPT at the appropriate rate (12%). 

The decision to agree the premiums is delegated to the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources

The annual cost of the Council’s insurance for 2021/22 will be met from within base budgets earmarked for this purpose and other revenue budgets.

Reason for Decision
To ensure that adequate insurance is in place for all of the Council’s assets and to protect against future liabilities.
Details of alternative options considered
Officer Job Title
Corporate Director of Finance and Resources
Portfolio Area
Finance, Governance and Resources
Key Decision
Date Decision Taken
Sat 1 May 2021
Reports and Background Papers
Interests Declared
Date Published
2 July 2021

Additional Information

Key Decision Ref
Deadline for call-in
Implementation date if not called in
Exempt from call-in
Call in notified and date notified
Approved for implementation on

Decision Criteria

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Overview and Scrutiny

Business & Transformation Scrutiny Panel - up to 15 May 2022

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 4 of 4.
02/07/2021 16:21:13Rachel PlantBusiness Item Created 
02/07/2021 16:21:25 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (OD.63/21)
02/07/2021 16:21:25Rachel PlantStatus ChangedImplemented [7]
02/07/2021 16:21:49Rachel PlantOS Committee AddedBusiness & Transformation Scrutiny Panel


No history found.