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Release of S106 Funds to Capital Programme, 11070 14/0778 – Tarraby View, Carlisle
Subject and Decision Taken

The sum of £82,461.36 was received from Persimmon Homes on 28/09/2018 as part of a Section 106 (developer contribution) agreement for a residential development off Windsor Way, Carlisle, for the improvement of sports pitches in the area.

A separate agreement, formalised on 14/04/2022, permitted the City Council to utilise these funds to improve the existing play area at Windsor Way, upgrading the site to serve residents of the existing Windsor Way development and those at Tarraby View.

An online and paper based public consultation was held between 16/05/2022 and 03/06/2022 to determine the views of residents as to their preferred types of play equipment and surfacing for the site, resulting in 89 responses, all of which were online.

The Healthy City Team used the data collected from the consultation to draw together a specification for new play equipment and surfacing which best meets the needs of the community. This was tendered via an existing framework agreement during June 2022.

Four tenders were received for the project, with the highest scoring being Playdale Playgrounds Ltd.

The following costs are now allocated to this project:

£64,956.69 Playdale Playgrounds Ltd – supply and installation of equipment and surfacing.

£6283.51 Steelway Fensecure Ltd – supply of perimeter fencing.

£2312.00 Block Fencing Contractors Ltd – installation of perimeter fencing.

£8896.00 Evans Agricultural Contractors Ltd – removal and disposal of old equipment/surfacing and preparatory groundworks for new.

Therefore, the sum of £82,448.20 requires releasing to the capital programme for the 2022/23 financial year to allow purchase orders to be placed with suppliers, with works to commence in late October 2022.

Reason for Decision
To proactively use S106 funds prior to the expiration date of their availability, ensuring the highest possible standards of play provision for residents of the local community.
Details of alternative options considered
Do nothing. The S106 funds would remain unused, and the authority would be required to either remove items of play equipment as they become time expired or seek external grant funding to upgrade the facilities.
Officer Job Title
Deputy Chief Executive
Portfolio Area
Finance, Governance and Resources/Communities, Health and Wellbeing
Key Decision
Date Decision Taken
Fri 2 Sep 2022
Reports and Background Papers
Interests Declared
Date Published
7 September 2022

Additional Information

Key Decision Ref
Deadline for call-in
Implementation date if not called in
Exempt from call-in
Call in notified and date notified
Approved for implementation on

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 4 of 4.
07/09/2022 17:10:43Rachel PlantBusiness Item Created 
07/09/2022 17:12:20 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (OD.100/22)
07/09/2022 17:12:20Rachel PlantStatus ChangedImplemented [7]
07/09/2022 17:12:53Rachel PlantOS Committee AddedPlace Panel


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