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Uncovering Roman Carlisle - Community Archaeology Project at Carlisle Cricket Club Grounds.
Subject and Decision Taken

Update to OD.71/21

Updated text and value of the services being supplied by Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery (in italics).

  • Agree that Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery (TH) as project partner set out in a Collaboration/Grant Funding Agreement, is appointed to provide community engagement services (including staff costs materials and equipment) for the sum of £30,700 allowing the Contract Procedure Rules (CPR 10 (c) to be applied for the following reasons: TH is the only museum based in Carlisle with a significant track record in local community engagement and engagement with local schools; TH has an in depth knowledge of the field of Roman archaeology in Carlisle and can use this to provide focused community engagement activities; TH is providing a high level of match -in kind services to the project; and there is no other provider that can provide this service.
Reason for Decision
To allow the Uncovering Roman Carlisle Project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to proceed.
Details of alternative options considered
Officer Job Title
Corporate Director of Economic Development
Portfolio Area
Economy, Enterprise and Housing, and Culture Heritage and Leisure
Key Decision
Date Decision Taken
Mon 12 Jul 2021
Reports and Background Papers

LDN to Accept the National Lottery Heritage Fund Grant award for £99,900.

Interests Declared
Date Published
27 July 2021

Additional Information

Key Decision Ref
Deadline for call-in
Implementation date if not called in
Exempt from call-in
Call in notified and date notified
Approved for implementation on

Decision Criteria

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Overview and Scrutiny

Economic Growth Scrutiny Panel - up to 15 May 2022
Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel - up to 15 May 2022

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 5 of 5.
27/07/2021 09:46:53Jacqui IssattBusiness Item Created 
27/07/2021 09:47:11 General Details EditedReference Number Generated (OD.74/21)
27/07/2021 09:47:12Jacqui IssattStatus ChangedImplemented [7]
27/07/2021 09:47:42Jacqui IssattOS Committee AddedEconomic Growth Scrutiny Panel
27/07/2021 09:47:42Jacqui IssattOS Committee AddedHealth & Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel


No history found.